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To all freelancers looking for help

I have always had freelancers come to me for help. In the last year, the river has swelled into an enormous ocean.


You don't need me; Upwork provides an enormous amount of information that few ever use. If, after you have gone through all the information I provide, you still have questions, that is when you ask additional questions in the forum.


If you think you will make big bucks right away, you are mistaken. The majority of freelancers never land a job because they have no skills and aren't interested in educating themselves. Others believe online freelancing is a path to full-time employment. It can be, but highly unlikely on this platform.


Freelancing is not for everyone. It means you are self-employed and must adhere to all regulations and laws governing responsibilities, such as paying taxes. Freelancing means you are on your own. No one has your back, including Upwork. If you don't follow the rules, no one will or can help you.


If you are willing to work hard, follow the rules and prepared to spend a lot of connects and proposals, you can be successful, as many are on Upwork. While so many fail, it is almost always due to lack of skills and treating freelancing like employment  where the employer will make sure you do the job correctly.


If you want to succeed, start with the Terms of Service, then read this from Wes.


Then go here. Then here.  Next, check this site regularly for events such as webinars and other learning opportunities.

After that, go here for safety information, and then here. If you still need help, after you have gone through all the previous steps, you can find additional help here. This thread is dedicated to new freelancers. And here are announcements from Upwork that can help keep you up to date.


It will take some time to go through all the information. I'm not suggesting people should not post in the forum, I am suggesting before you ask questions and want help, you need to help yourself first.



From Prashant P: "And have relevant profile picture of your face.  Not some desks, or Mickey mouse, or full face covering." 

From Susan S: "And patience! Have patience! It takes a while to get started, even after going through all the information available."

From Martina P:  "Only one thing you forgot, namely telling people to use all 15 skills, if you have all 15 skills"

And with advice from Maria T, I will say, 

Refrain from personal messages, please read all the links I have added.



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Community Member

Mam can u please help of how can i go about since I m a student n  I have not much experience can u please help me by giving me some guidance which will help me 

You need to go back to the top pinned post, read it and follow every link. Currently, all you will find is scammers. Your profile must be professional and if it is not, and you are new, you will find scammers but no clients. Learn the rules, the terms of Service, and the Red Flags on Scams.


Freelancers need marketable skills, and there are none in your profile. You mention several things that interest you including designing T-shirts. In your situation, I recommend you take a break from looking for jobs, and take the time to develop a marketable skill. You will not be able to translate with a fluent level of one language.


Freelancing means you are responsible for everything. It requires marketable skills, money to run the business and apply for jobs, time, patience, motivation, and more.


While you are deciding on what you want to pursue, keep in mind what kind of freelancing is needed in the market. Typing jobs are often scams and pay little. In translating, you are up against people who are native or bilingual in two or more languages and have years of experience. Perhaps you should find a T-shirt shop or designer who could further your skills. Be creative and consider all options.

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I commenced freelancing amidst physical paralysis, and within a mere 12-month span, achieved Expert-Vetted status. Among my most prominent attributes is honesty; on numerous occasions, I've transparently informed clients of my lack of experience in certain fields. However, I assure them of my adeptness as a fast learner, committed to delivering tasks with the utmost quality.

Community Member

Hi everyone,

Coming back to Upwork after a long time break(2yeras) .

What I need to do just making my Upwork account better after long break?

And could you please review my profile,please let me know what is missing in my profile and how can I optimize my account .

Thank you in advance ))

The first thing I recommend is to change the background of your photo to a neutral color. It's difficult to see your face, and clients like to see the freelancer. Change the first sentence, which is all clients see in a search. It should tell the client why you are the best choice.


The introduction is too long, and you need to remove the lists and graphics/emojis, and consolidate the information into paragraphs. It's great that you are teaching and sharing with others, but it's not relevant to the client. The clients want to know what you will do for them. If you want to include this information, it needs to go at the bottom, after you tell the client what you will do for them in detail.

Community Member

Hi Everyone!
Please check my profile and review it. If I need any changes, Kindly guide me, Thanks

The first sentence is all clients see in a search. Instead of repeating your skills, use that sentence to tell the client what you offer the other freelancers don't. The first sentence under SEO is better as a first sentence, or something similar. Remove the lists with the graphics/emojis and put the information into writing.


Add to your portfolio with projects. If you don't have work related items, create some of your own to showcase your talent. If you want more ideas, go through the links in the top post.

Community Member

Hey, I'm new to Upwork, and your comments really help me understand way more than what i wanted, big thanks.

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Mostly Scammer!

Community Member

I've been checking out the leading post and implementing its suggestions on my profile, but unfortunately, I'm not seeing any increase in traffic. I'm reaching out to experienced freelancers, requesting them to visit my profile and offer suggestions on how I can enhance it to secure more job opportunities.

Best Regards,
Kamrul Hasan Noor

I'm very glad you have read the post and understand how to use the platform safely. Good for you for working on your profile. It can be improved, which may help you with jobs, and it will help deter scammers. The first line is all the clients see in a search of profiles. While your first sentence is good, it needs to be more of a pitch, telling the client why you are the best choice. You start off with, "As a seasoned bookkeeper..." Take this idea and create a statement about why you are the best choice, and what you will do for the client.


There is far too much in lists. Take the same information and put it into paragraphs. There is some duplication that you should remove. With a few improvements, it will be excellent.


Even with a stellar profile, it can take time and a lot of proposals to fund jobs. Every field is crowded, some more than others. Learn about vetting clients and jobs, because there are a lot of scams on the platform. Success is possible, but be careful along the way.

Community Member

Hello Upwork Community,


My name is Joseph Q., a 3D Artist & Social Media Manager specialized within Web3. As I'm always looking to grow and improve, I'd love your seasoned insights on optimizing my Upwork profile for better client engagement. Additionally, I am interested in expanding my lead generation tactics, both on and off the platform.


Here’s a glimpse into my profile:

  • I bring a unique artistic signature, influenced by my diverse experiences from Ghana to South America, with a focus on Manga, anime, and empowerment themes.
  • In the NFT space since March 2021, I've been minting and marketing digital art while also managing vibrant Web3 communities.
  • With a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering and skills in blockchain, NFT, and cryptocurrency, I'm blending the technical with the creative.
  • My portfolio showcases a range of projects, from bespoke 3D product designs to social media strategy and community engagement within the blockchain realm.

You can view more of my work and professional background here on my Upwork profile https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~016a4ed8a64b63bf49?mp_source=share.


I am currently seeking advice on the following:

  1. Profile Presentation: Are there aspects of my profile that could be refined or better highlighted to attract potential clients?
  2. Lead Generation: What strategies have you found successful for lead generation within Upwork? Are there any techniques you'd recommend for extending reach outside the platform?
  3. Additional Tips: Any general advice or pointers that could help improve my chances of connecting with the right clients?

Your feedback and suggestions will be invaluable to me, and I am open to constructive criticism. Also, if you have any insights into effective lead generation techniques that have worked for you, I would be extremely grateful to learn from your experiences.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and I look forward to your valuable advice!

Warm regards, Joseph Q. (JhennyArt)

Your profile is set to "private." You need to set to "public" to have anyone review it.


Go to your profile (under "Find work") and set to public. I don't recall how long it takes to show the change.




Community Member

Hi there,

I'm actually really struggling to get my first client on Upwork. I've worked on the platform before but for an ex-employer. I decided to start my own profile as a freelancer and I've done extensive research on how to write compelling proposals. I've sent about 15 proposals so far and only 2 have been viewed. I'm sure I will get one hit soon. I just need to time these proposals right. But any advice you may have for me, I'd really appreciate it immensely. 


Having panic attacks for days


It can take dozens to one hundred proposals to find the first job, and of course, everyone's experience will vary.


Use the first sentence to tell the client why you are better than other freelancers. Currently, it is a question, but it would be stronger as a statement. The first sentence is all clients see in a search. You are in a very crowded field, so if you can find something special to offer in addition to copywriting and editing, you will benefit.


Instead of using lists, form the lines into paragraphs. You can leave some, but most of the introduction should be in words. There are a few errors in the content and portfolio. Carefully examine everything to ensure there are no mistakes. Use the resources in the top post for more information.

Community Member

can anyone help me create barcodes?
I need to create barcodes for my clients and it's my first time creating these barcodes and I don't know much about these barcodes. i need to submit the project within 4 hours. time is running.
can anyone help me?


Community Member

There are a lot of questions about connect so this link may be usefull. Consider adding it to the above list:

Community Member

Thank you for the amazing information.

Community Member

Hello everyone,

I've been an active member of Upwork for some time now, diligently sending out proposals. However, I've noticed that despite my efforts, I've only secured a few short-term projects. As a seasoned medical biller, I'm eager to improve my profile visibility and win more orders. I would greatly appreciate any advice or tips you could offer to enhance my profile and attract more clients.


Thank you for your assistance.


Community Member

Thank you Jeanne. 

Community Member

Hey all!

I,m a shopify developer and can do all type of customization. i,m from Pakistan.

i have a problem that i didnt receive any impressions, clicks and invites on my profile. experts please visit my profile to suggest me improvments.

Thanks and regards

Haris Maqsood
Haris Maqsood

In a search, the first line is all the clients can see, so change it to tell the client why you are the best choice in your field. The client can see you work with Shopify, your name, etc. so don't put those in the introduction. Shopify is used far too much. I realize that is your specialty, but you can combine areas to reduce the use. Instead of having a list, form the words into paragraphs. Use the post at the top of the page for more information on creating profiles.

Community Member

"I'm new here and ready to work. Satisfaction guaranteed or no payment. Please help me find a job.

No one can help you find a job, but I can help you be prepared to freelance here. Go back to the top post, read it, and follow every link. Because you don't know how to use the platform, you are at high risk of being scammed.


It is a terrible idea to offer free work. While it might seem a good marketing tactic, you will be giving your work for free to scammers who see your guarantee and take advantage.

Community Member

Great ‌‌👍

Community Member

Please I'm interested and ready to give my all in this 

Community Member


I need help on this topic I opened. If you are reading this can you check it out and let me know in the reply.


I've asked a moderator to help you with this issue.

Community Member


Hi, is there something you need help with?

Community Member


Hi, again Rozenie. Do you need help with an Upwork issue?

Community Member

This was quite helpful, thanks!

Community Member

Thank you Jeanne, for these wonderful guidelines. I have gone through the courses too but please can you check my profile to know if it's well structured.Thank you.    https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~0190e8eec6c849e133


The first sentence is all the clients see in a search. You need to change the first sentence and remove greetings or skills, because they are listed elsewhere on the page. Use the first line to tell the client why you are the best choice for the job. Marketing is a freelancer's task, and everyone has to learn how to promote their hard skills.


Instead of the lists, write the material in paragraphs. Your skills are in categories where there is a huge amount of competition. You will benefit from finding something uniques to offer within those skills to stand out in the big crowd. Think about all the things you can do well, and see if you can find a niche or specialty that sets you apart.


Include more samples in your portfolio. If you don't have work, with the owner's permission, create something new. Especially being new, clients want to see proof of your skills. It's important to have items in the portfolio, but do not give a client free work on the job in the hopes you will be hired. Unscrupulous clients will entice freelancers with the hope of a job if they give them free samples of the job, and some freelancers are given this horrible advice by other freelancers who have no clue what they are doing.


Be selective when applying for jobs, and make sure you use the Red Flags information to avoid scams. Only apply for jobs where you hold all the requirements. Learn about vetting the client and the job. If you work on your profile, it will shine.

Community Member

Please review my profile: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~0114aa10010a577299 and leave some suggestions on how to increase profile views and invitations. Looking forward to your help.

Your profile looks great, Nikhil! The only thing I would mention is the use of special fonts. I don't know about Upwork but Facebook started rejecting ads that contain special fonts. I am pretty sure Upwork and other platforms will follow and their algo may push down your profile for using them. It seems that AI has issues in reading these fonts.

Other than that your profile is outstanding and you should get view but you also need to apply on job by yourself. You cannot depend on views anymoe.

You have a good profile, but it could be better. I am reluctant to suggest too many alterations, because you have had success.


Change the titles to searchable skills. Everything after SEO Expert is not a searchable skill. You want those skills to match what the clients see in a search. Also, still with the client search, you are wasting the top line, which is all the client sees. Instead of greetings or introductions, use it to tell the client why you are the best choice for the job.


I would remove most of the lists with checks, and form the text into paragraphs. It also gives you the opportunity to explain what you can do with those skills.


You have done a lot of work on your profile and with a couple of adjustments, it will be great.

Community Member

I have a query, me and my friend is planning to collab and work together for a project can we both include our identity in same account and do project in collaboration?

If you and your friend are both freelancers, you can collaborate, but you can't be an agency, and then a freelancer again in the same account.


There is no issue with hiring two people for the project. The client will need to establish a contract for both of you.

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