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Unresponsive client and feedback


I have had two clients recently who I completed one or two milestones for, they were happy with the work, they paid, and we moved onto the next milestone.


But then they didn't provide me with any of the information/material needed to begin work on this milestone. I messaged via Upwork, emailed directly, messaged via Upwork again, and no response.

The first client hadn't funded the milestone, so I closed the contract after 2 months of no contact.

The second had funded the milestone, and eventually Upwork contacted them and they asked for a refund of the funds in escrow, which I agreed to. But still no contact with me.


People change their minds, that's fine. But now I have 2 finished jobs at the top of my profile that have no feedback left by the client. I've seen a drop in my invitations, and I think this might be the reason. Can I ask Upwork to remove these two from my portfolio section? I'm a Top Rated Plus freelancer. 

Community Member

Peta O wrote:

I have 2 finished jobs at the top of my profile that have no feedback left by the client. I've seen a drop in my invitations, and I think this might be the reason. 

Those two contracts have nothing to do with any drop in invites. The only way to remove them would be to refund the contracts in full and that would be silly. Don't worry about it, you only have 2 of them.

Community Member

Petra R wrote:

Peta O wrote:

I have 2 finished jobs at the top of my profile that have no feedback left by the client. I've seen a drop in my invitations, and I think this might be the reason. 

Those two contracts have nothing to do with any drop in invites. The only way to remove them would be to refund the contracts in full and that would be silly. Don't worry about it, you only have 2 of them.

Or use the Top Rated perk to get rid of one. (Not what I would do, but an option still.)

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Tonya P wrote:

Or use the Top Rated perk to get rid of one. (Not what I would do, but an option still.)

How is "This feeback has been removed" on a contract better than "No feedback"? The perk doesn't remove the contract from the profile, it removes the impact on the JSS (which in this case is zero) and optionally any poor star rating and feedback (which doesn't appy here either),

Community Member

, thanks all.

I'm just a little annoyed that the top two contract on my profile now have no feedback, as if I was didn't fulfil the brief well. Anyway, thank you for your responses, I'll leave them be.


Community Member

Peta O wrote:

.... as if I was didn't fulfil the brief well.

That isn't what it indicates to clients at all 🙂 Don't worry about it. They will soon move down as you complete more contracts.

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