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Why I am unable to accept the offer?

This clients account is on temporary hold. Once the issue is resolved, you can accept their offer. Can this issue resolved or not ?
Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Vivek,


Once your client has resolved their problem the hold will be removed as well and you will be able to accept the offer. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hello Goran,

Thanks for the update. I am new to the upwork and the client is saying he has already paid the money to upwork and it's payment is already verified he has send me screenshot also you can see in the attachment. And it's account is already working so do I need to inform him to check the the account status or payment information or it takes time to accept the offer.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Vivek,


Once your client has resolved their problem the hold will be removed and you will be able to accept the offer. Please keep in mind that I can't share details for another user with you. However, all you need to do is to refer to the message you will receive when you're accepting your offer. Thank you.


~ Goran

Hello Goran,

How long it will take time to resolve the client account? The offer is expiring in 3 days can I accept the money after the offer expires.

Vivek K wrote:
How long it will take time to resolve the client account? 

As long as it takes for the client to resolve their issue. Could be minutes, could be weeks, could be never.


Vivek K wrote:
The offer is expiring in 3 days can I accept the money after the offer expires.

No. The client would have to send a new offer.

Hello Petra,

I have asked the client he is saying that his account is working properly and don't have any problem in their account and as per I have discussed he has already paid to the upwork. So what is the exact issue behind it.


Vivek K wrote:
So what is the exact issue behind it.

Nobody will discuss your client's business with you. It is between your client and Upwork. You should stay out of it and get the client to contact Upwork and sort it out. 

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