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Upwork approved projects

Does a Upwork approved project counted as a sucessfully completed project? How do Upwork approved projects affect success scores and ranking?


Community Member

If you mean a contract that has no client feedback, no, that has no effect on JSS at all. 

Thanks, Martina, for taking my question. Much appreciated!

I should have made my question a little more clearly like this: if one project has not been approved by the client within the time window (14 days???), then, the project will be automatically approved by Upwork and the freelancer gets paid. I mean such projects.

Happy Year 2022!

Getting paid automatically and ending a contract are two completely unrelated events. 

Thanks for pointing out the difference. 

Community Member

Yousheng Z wrote:

Does a Upwork approved project counted as a sucessfully completed project?

Only if clients buy them and mark them as successfully completed.


Yousheng Z wrote:

 How do Upwork approved projects affect success scores and ranking?

The same as any other contract.

Hi Petra:

Thanks for taking my question. 

So, is it a good idea to ask the client to approve the project before the allowed time window (14 days???) instead of letting the project  is automatically approved by Upwork?

Happy 2022 to you!

Sorry, what do you mean?


Do you mean "projects" (Project catalog projects) or do you mean fixed-rate milestones?


The JSS is only affected if clients leave feedback (for better or for worse) - Whether a client approved a milestone or not is irrelevant.

Yes, fixed-rate milestone(s) or one entire project (one milestone).

Thanks for your great, valuable and to-the-point answer!

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