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Upwork support service

Hello Freelancers.


The Upwork team suspended my account and accused me of connecting the different accounts. Now, I must say all I've done is submit a proposal one of my job posting and see if I block someone 'someone has blocked you' message appears. 


I didn't even log into that account after that and have not applied to any other jobs.


The Upwork team said they would llike to solve this matter asap, so do I since I didn't actively violate the term.


I responded to them within like 5 minutes, but I still haven't heard from them for about 3 days now.


Do they not working during the weekends?


Thank you.

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Sunghoon,


Rest assured, our team will update your ticket as soon as possible and will assist you further directly there. Thank you. 

~ Goran
Community Member

I've posted yesterday, but I've not had a single response for about three days.


What a terrible support from Upwork after all the money that it takes for the service fees.


If a manager sees this, could please stop say that the Upwork team will solve this matter swiftly since I've waited long enough to complain about the way the Upwork is handling my case.


If possible, could you please just open another case? The Upwork team seems like they've forgotten about the matter. 


Very disappointed.


Anyone know what I should do at this point?

Hi Sunghoon,


I'm sorry for any delays. I followed up with the team that's handling your case. One of our team members will update your ticket to assist you further. 

~ Joanne

Hi all,


I would like to confirm that some posts have been removed from this thread due to violations of our Community Guidelines.

Thank you.

~ Goran
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