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Why I can see this problem?

I am Top Rated Freelancer but when I am going to apply for a project I can see that I am not under rising talent.

Not sure why?

Community Member

Hello everybody,


I'd like to provide an update about this issue. Our engineers have released a fix for this issue. Top Rated and Rising Talent freelancers shouldn't be seeing notifications that they don't meet Rising Talent preferences on jobs posted going forward. Please, let us know if you're Top Rated or Rising Talent freelancer but still see those notifications on some of the older jobs. 

We've also forwarded general feedback that was shared on this thread about the preference settings with the team. We'll be looking into making it clearer on the site how these settings work. 

Update: We'll be closing this thread from further replies.

~ Valeria

View solution in original post

105 REPLIES 105
Community Member

hi all,


off lately i am seeing lot of projects with requirement of rising talent badge, i am above it and i am wondering are my proposals getting archived or not visible to client directly as it show i dont meet rising talent requirement?


being a top rated plus freelancer this requirements should be by passed in case of top rated freelancers isnt it?

Hi Rahul,


I'm sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you. I would like to confirm that our team is aware of this problem and is working on resolving it as soon as possible. Thank you.

~ Goran

hi goran

is this a bug? kindly update me its costing me connects and projects as well..can i get a time estimate by when this issue will be resolved please

Hi Rahul,


Our team will reach out to you via ticket as well and will assist you further as soon as possible. Thank you.

~ Goran

hi goran

thanks so much will be waiting for the ticket and assistance from your side



Community Member




The same thing happened with me because I missed a deadline. Did you miss a deadline?


Noo, the thing is that I have not done any job in Upwork yet. Even with that, I got the Rising Talent Badge, and I can still see that in my profile, however, I think I'm the only one who sees that)) 

Hi Yeghishe,


have requested the assistance of our team. One of our agents will reach out and assist you directly via a support ticket.

~ Joanne

An email came, it works properly now! Thanks.


Community Member

I was awarded a rising talent badge but now I'm not ( don't know the reason). I wanna confirm that if I apply for jobs with rising talent requirements (error ! ), then after submitting the proposal, the Client will see error or ineligibility in front of my profile? Is there any chance of achieving a job in this condition even I can do that job easily?

Hi Ahmad,


Since you have received your JSS the Rising Talent badge was removed from your profile. By design, freelancers can't have both on their profiles at the same time.

Regarding the Rising Talent red mark, I would like to confirm that this is a known problem and our team is working on resolving it as soon as possible. If the job is a fit for your skills and experience, feel free to send a proposal. Thank you.

~ Goran
Community Member

I've a top rated profile here on Upwork and I rarely bid for the last couple of months. From yesterday I started to bid again and noticed that the most of the jobs have Rising Talent: Yes as a preferred qualification. So I had to skip to bid for those jobs as I believe my bids would be filtered out though I'm still a top rated.




Now my question, is Upwork preferring a Rising Talent over a Top Rated and somehow market them better to the clients? Thanks.



Hi S M Shahriar,


I would like to confirm that this is a known problem. If you think that the job is a great fit for your skills, feel free to send a proposal. I would also like to confirm that our engineering team is working on resolving this as soon as possible. THank you.

~ Goran
Community Member



Is there something wrong with my Upwork account . I can not bid to many projects because there is a restriction "Rising Talent".

For eg I try to look for "email template" jobs.

On first page are 11 projects in search result but 8 projects have "Rising Talent" Preferred qualification.
So I cannot bid to these projects.

Here is a list of 8 projects with preferred qualification "Rising Talent":
**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Do you also can see "Rising Talent" in all of these projects?

Hi Mariusz,


I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you. I would like to confirm that this is a known problem and our team is working on resolving it as soon as possible. Our team will also reach out to you via ticket and will assist you further. Thank you.

~ Goran

Thanks a lot 

Hi David,


This is a known issue and our engineers are looking into it. I will go ahead and follow up on your concern with our team so that they can get back to you once they have more information. 


Thank you! 

~ Bojan

I hope they communicate with me soon.

Community Member

I have a rising talent badge but when I apply for a job it shows a red highlight in the criteria. Why is it so? I m I not eligible for jobs that required rising talent?

Community Member

Hi, everyone!

Look, almost each project at design (print, magazine, brochure, ebook, layout, etc) has requirement for Rising talent. For a last week I saw it 8 or 9 projects out of 10.

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Upwork trying to pump up Rising talents and drop off the others?

Any explanations?

Vadim Y wrote:

Hi, everyone!

Look, almost each project at design (print, magazine, brochure, ebook, layout, etc) has requirement for Rising talent. For a last week I saw it 8 or 9 projects out of 10.

What a hell?

Upwork trying to pump up Rising talents and drop off the others?

Any explanations?

When a client posts a project, "Include Rising Talent" is checked off by default, unless they go under "Advanced Preferences" and uncheck it. It's even greyed out so that it looks like it can't be unchecked. (There doesn't seem to be any option for including Top Rated freelancers, weirdly enough; I think I read in the forum at least a month ago that there's some kind of a bug, but if so, I wonder why it hasn't been fixed?)


Anyway, since that's the case, it's kind of surprising that any projects exist in which Rising Talent is NOT a preferred qualification. But it's only a preference and not a requirement (and it may not even be a preference, since most clients probably aren't even aware that it's selected), so it doesn't prevent anyone from applying.


Hello, Christine

Thanks for reply.

But, when I'm submitting to the project there is an RED Exclamation sign near "Rising Talent" option.

That means - I'm (TopRated) not liked here 🙂

AND, for **bleep** sure, from the clients side, when he sees me, NOT from the Rising "Star" - he scrolls me out.

That leads to: 9 projects of 10 - I'm not welcomed here and can't take the project to work!

And thats very very bad.


This also might be an answer to my previous question here at community, about problems with projects for TopRated - https://community.upwork.com/t5/Freelancers/Top-rated-badge-bad-thing/m-p/943433#M588019

Hi Vadim,


I can confirm that we currently have a bug where Top Rated talent sees a red question mark and a notification that they don't meet Rising Talent preference on jobs. Our engineers are working to release a fix for that issue as soon as possible. I'm merging your posts about it with a thread we already have in the Community about this bug and we'll be updating it as soon as it's fixed.

I'd like to also note that you can still send proposals to these jobs and this bug does not affect how your proposals show to the client. 

~ Valeria

Hello, Valeria
Your engineers are working... it's a lie. I'd like to say it's**Edited for Community Guidelines** , but chat will close this word.

As I see from this chat, issue you have faced, timed at the end of May.
Today is the end of July. Two months.
That means priority for this issue is lowest. NOT a P0, as it should, or not even P1. Seems like it's P100.
And as I was saying, each client, if he sees that a freelancer doesn't meet the criteria - automatically will be scrolled down and will not get the project.
This also means - that I'm losing money, because of your, upwork, mistake.
How do you suppose to close THIS GAP?

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