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best withdrawal method

Hi, I'm Muhammad **Edited for Community Guidelines** from Pakistan. I need your help! which payment withdraw method is best and cheap Direct to local bank or Payoneer?

Community Member

Hi Muhammad, I will suggest you for local bank. Maybe it's very savefuly and low cost. I hope you can understand. 

but some freelancer says  Aprox. $70 dollars will be cahrged in "direct to local bank" method.

Community Member

Hey I am from Pakistan (Karachi).
Direct to local bank charges are $0.99 / each transaction (if you withdraw $20 or $200, same per transaction)

I have been using this since the beginning. I used SCB and Meezan.. both worked fine. Usually payment I receive payment in a couple of hours (although it says 4-5 working days)

But the currency exchange rate is poor. As of posting date today (11thJan)
$1 = 161.22 pkr (google)
$1 = 154.17pkr (upwork)

Hope this will answer your question.

I have never used Payoneer, if you or someone else have used it, kindly tell me how much difference there is in exchange rate.

Hi Muhammad, 

Thanks for elaborating it for us. I just need to know that for local bank transfer & particularly in case of Meezan Bank, do we have to notify bank about foreign remittance? What is the procedure to have this setup. 
I just joined today, your feedback will help me set up my account. 


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