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fraud report

someone from upwork cheat out from me $2500. I have report it to sevel department. just let you know also, in case this thing happen to someoneelse again.

Community Member

Elma S wrote:

someone from upwork cheat out from me $2500.


Community Member

He send me the interview notes, claim he is from EPSON AMERICA . We talk on the telegram. he mail me the check, ask me to buy laptop for work. let me send him $7500 . the check is not real.  but before I find out, I had sent hime $2500 . the meesage what he send me is still there on the website, you could looked up.

Elma S wrote:

He send me the interview notes, claim he is from EPSON AMERICA . We talk on the telegram. he mail me the check, ask me to buy laptop for work. let me send him $7500 . the check is not real.  but before I find out, I had sent hime $2500 . the meesage what he send me is still there on the website, you could looked up.


This is one of the oldest scams going. But you violated Upwork's ToS, by first talking to this person without a contract in place and then by agreeing to be "paid" off site. There is nothing Upwork can do except to cancel this person's account. If you are lucky, Upwork might give you a second chance. In the meantime you had better read every help page that Upwork offers and its Terms of Service. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Elma,


I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I've checked and it looks like the job has already been taken down because it was in violation of Upwork TOS and action has been taken on the client account. 


Please check this help article for more information on how to use the flag option found on each job post or message to report any suspicious or inappropriate content. Also, check out this post for more tips on how to avoid questionable jobs.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
Community Member

I don't think It's safety place . please remove my file out of site.

Hi Elma,


As requested, your account has been closed. 

~ Joanne
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