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no respon from clients after accepted proposal stage.

Screenshot 2023-07-04 at 14.57.32.png


get this stage, get invitation to interview, but no one accept at the time, i send a message to client but no response.
anyone ever have this situation too?

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Refqi,


When the client responds to your proposal, it is usually because they would like to interview you and get to know you better to see if your skills and experience are fit for their project.


We are not privy to why they become unresponsive but what you can do is communicate with them and ask whether they're still interested in discussing the project with you. Also, please consider not spamming the client as this would affect their experience and this may not work in your favor.

~ AJ
Community Member

They may have talked to other freelancers and found someone before they interviewed you. Just move on and apply for other jobs.

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