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Mohamad Mumin's avatar
Mohamad Mumin E Community Member

projects left open

I have a lot of clients with left open projects
These clients either disappear suddenly without finishing their projects or after they finish their projects
These clients are keeping the project open, so I'm not getting reviews, and I have doubt that It's affecting my rating
What should I do? shall I close the project myself?

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Mohamad Mumin E wrote:

I have a lot of clients with left open projects
These clients either disappear suddenly without finishing their projects or after they finish their projects
These clients are keeping the project open, so I'm not getting reviews, and I have doubt that It's affecting my rating
What should I do? shall I close the project myself?

Send the clients a message that you just want to touch base and see if there is anything else you can do for them, in which case you'd be glad to help, if not, would they mind closing the contract?


If there is no response after a week or so, start closing  them

Make sure you don't close them all at once.

Close one or two, starting with the oldest, collect a few feedback, close another one or two and so on.


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