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scam on upwork

Hi Another scam on upwork. One person contacts you. Then they set up a "google hangout' meeting but it's a person with a suspicious name that is much different thatn the first person. They say they need to hire 4 freelancers in a hurry. Something is up with this. I do not understand why these job sites do not monitor the sites to see all of the scam jobs out there. It is getting very frustrating.


**Edited for community guidelines** is the person listing the job then a guy name **Edited for community guidelines** does the call on google hangout meet. Very frustrustrating.



Community Member

Hi Sandra,

Why would you join some Google Hangout meeting? Stay on UpWork until the contract is set up and funded. 

And do not use names here. That's an accusation and we (including you) don't know if that's a scam or not. 






Community Member

Hi, Sandra, first off, yes, stay on UpWork until the contract is set up and funded.  Second off, yes it is getting very frustrating as the number of scam posts have been increasing dramatically lately, despite denials from others who may comment here. Third off, Upwork will not do more than they already do to stop the scammers from posting for fear of scaring off legitimate clients. It is up to us freelancers to flag them for Upwork. It is also up to us to post comments about the scams we encounter to make each other more aware of them, which you did. So thanks for that and please keep it up.

Community Member

Sandra E wrote:

Hi Another scam on upwork. One person contacts you. Then they set up a "google hangout' meeting but it's a person with a suspicious name that is much different thatn the first person. They say they need to hire 4 freelancers in a hurry. Something is up with this. I do not understand why these job sites do not monitor the sites to see all of the scam jobs out there. It is getting very frustrating.


George Nguyen is the person listing the job then a guy name Boulaire Menz does the call on google hangout meet. Very frustrustrating.



But you are an experienced freelancer that should know that you shouldn't have done that, right? Upwork does not allow communication outside of upwork before hire! Adhere to this, and nobody can scam you or waste your time, and best of all, you don't lose your profile for violating ToS!

Community Member

Just flag the job and move swiftly on to reading the ToS.
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Sandra,


Thank you for flagging this for us. I’ve escalated this report to the correct team for their review. If you see a violation of the Upwork Terms of Service, we encourage you to use the Report Suspicious User Activity feature.

~ Bojan
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