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work history

Today I helped my first client finish a translation task, but after that I could not find any work history added in my profile. What's up?


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Community Member

Did you make sure to have a contract in place before starting out?

Community Member

I didn't seem to do that. When I clicked "View Contract", this page appeared. Excuse me, does this mean I have a contract?屏幕截图 2023-02-06 192041.png屏幕截图 2023-02-06 192122.png

Community Member

Wu J wrote:

Excuse me, does this mean I have a contract?

That is a contract. But the simple fact you did not understand whether you had a contract or not makes me think you haven't dedicated enough time to learn about Upwork, clients, and contracts.


Don't send proposals and don't apply to jobs until you know how things work. Otherwise, your next discussion will probably be about "I have been scammed" or "I did not receive my money".


Remember the Academy link I suggested to you in your other thread? It seems like you skipped it altogether. Don't enter the fray without knowing first what you are doing.

Community Member

Oh! I see, thank you so much. But why there is no any work history shown in my profile? 屏幕截图 2023-02-06 200757.png

It can take more than 24 hours to show up on your profile.

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