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Issue with adding portfolio. Unable to click on "Go to Preview".

Some users may experience issues while adding a portfolio to their profile. 


Screenshot of issue. 



I would like to let you know that our engineers are aware of this issue and they are working as fast as possible to resolve it. We will update this thread once we have more information. 


While this issue is being resolved we would like to provide a workaround. Could you please try and add an image or video link to the Project Solution section as shown in the screenshot below?


Once done, the "Go to Preview" button should no longer be greyed out. Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance. 


Edited to update information. 10/12/2023


We would like to let you know that this issue is now resolved. Our engineers also made improvements to the Portfolio section to make it more clear what fields are required. 


The changes that were implemented include:


  • Adding asterisks to required fields and a message on the file inputs to let freelancers know that those are required. Any required fields must be attended to in order for the preview button to work.
  • Also, when it comes to a "Case study" type of portfolio there are two fields that have to have at least one file uploaded or a video link needs to be provided.


Screenshots for reference.


Required fields.




"Case study" type.





We appreciate your patience. 

Community Member

Hi, I have the same issue.  "You can also try using a different browser." - Does your platform run in Opera?

Community Member

Hi there,


I am unable to add my project portfolio to my upwork profile. I added all of the required details, but can not advance to "Preview" screen (the button is disabled). I've scoured the forums and asked around the community to no avail, so this is a bit frustrating. Screenshot attached.


Thanks in advance,



Hi Ryan,


We’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to assist.

Community Member

Thank you, Annie!

Community Member

I've run into the same issue while attempting to add a portfolio on Upwork today, despite having completed all the required fields. I would greatly appreciate some guidance on resolving this matter.



Upwork Issue.jpg

Community Member


Please, I am having issues with uploading a new portfolio because the "Go to Preview" is greyed out. How do I resolve the issue?

Community Member

Hi there!

I am reaching out to learn why I can't add new items to my portfolio in my Upwork profile. I can edit any existing items and delete any but can't add new ones. Please have a look at the attached screenshot below.
Is there anybody who can enlighten me and help with this?
Thanks in advance!


Community Member

Hey Shariful, I took a look but I'm not sure either.

Community Member

Hi Michael, thanks for your reply. I also don't understand why its happenning.


Hi Shariful,


I'm sorry to hear this is happening to you. This is a known issue that our engineers are currently working on. In the meantime, can you please try the workaround shared on this page? Let us know if you need further assistance.