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Afiliación Upwork Plus

Hi, I joined two days ago and received less than the 100 connects offered by the plan. Can someone please tell me why Upwork can deposit less, I received 97 connects. Thanks

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Ykelis,


I'd like to clarify that the Freelancer Plus membership includes 90 Connects really, the other 10 are free from Upwork and they are the same as in the Basic plan. If you choose to upgrade your account from Basic to Plus, your free Connects will be prorated. This means that we'll allocate them based on time, or specifically, on how many days have already passed during your billing cycle.


By prorating free Connects, we can be sure that you always get a fair amount, no matter when you make changes to your plan.


Community Member

Hello thanks for your explanation, but it is good that at the time of offering the affiliation they explain it and so one is clear, because the information that they give at the time of one to make the affiliation is this one that I attach and there it does not say that you just explained to me.



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