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Backdating hours

Hi:  I just accepted my first job Thursday, and spent time working on the product this weekend. However, when I tried to add hours, I found out that the official start time of my contract was yesterday.  Is there anyway to backdate the hours I worked?  Fwiw, I have the product and, of course, all records of editing history, etc.

Community Member

Doug B wrote:

Hi:  I just accepted my first job Thursday, and spent time working on the product this weekend. However, when I tried to add hours, I found out that the official start time of my contract was yesterday.  Is there anyway to backdate the hours I worked?  Fwiw, I have the product and, of course, all records of editing history, etc.

There isn't. You should not be using manual hours at all with a new client, if they don't pay, you are not protected, always use the time tracker. 

Community Member

Doug B wrote:

Hi:  I just accepted my first job Thursday, and spent time working on the product this weekend. However, when I tried to add hours, I found out that the official start time of my contract was yesterday.  Is there anyway to backdate the hours I worked?  Fwiw, I have the product and, of course, all records of editing history, etc.

You can only log time for the current week. The hours worked last Thursday had to be logged by EOD on Sunday. It is always best to log the time using the app and to make sure you have some usefull data in the memo.

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