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Connects pricing

I can't understand how much cost a connect? 

In this page it says the price is $0.15 



But in the plans page, it says $1 per connect (WAY TO MUCHHHH)


So what is going on, what is the right price? 

Community Member

That’s the old plus plan, which will go away on June 25. Until then, if you’re a plus member and used all your connects, you can still buy them for $1 each.
"No good deed goes unpunished." -- Clare Boothe Luce
Community Member

So after the 25th June, the price will be 0.15$ ?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Vlad, 


Once you have moved to paid connects, connects will cost $0.15 each. Please note that when you have moved to paid connects, you will be able to purchase connects in bundles:

  • 10 for $1.50
  • 20 for $3
  • 40 for $6
  • 60 for $9
  • 80 for $12

You can view FAQs about paid Connects and a video explaining the change from our Head of Product, here.

~ Avery
Community Member

I have moved to the plus plan, and it's the 25th.

My connects still cost $1.

Hi Vlad,


I`m sorry about the confusion. Just to confirm that you`re still on our old connect plan, once you`re moved to our new one which will be very soon connects will cost $0.15. Thank you.

~ Goran

It should be today right?

Hi Vlad,


Unfortunately I`m not sure. Once you`re moved to our new Connect plan the price per connect will be reduced to 15 cents. Thank you.

~ Goran

How can I move to the new plan? I can't understand...

Hi Vlad,


We are gradually moving freelancers to paid Connects. You will receive an email reminder before this takes place. You’ll also see a pop-up notification in your Upwork account once your account is moved to paid Connects. Thank you.

~ Goran

There is any way to make the process faster? I moved to the plus only because I thought I will have connects for $0.15 cents.

Hi Vlad,


I understand your frustration with this but unfortunately we can't expedite this.  Once you`re moved to our new plan the price for the Plus plan will be changed to $14.99 and you will also see a notification on your home page about it. Thank you.

~ Goran

Can I buy connect with Bitcoin 

Community Member

How can I buy connect 

Hi Paul,


You can buy Connects by going to Settings > Membership & Connects. Additionally, to answer your other question above, you can't use any sort of Cryptocurrencies to buy them. You can go to this article to learn more about the billing methods you can use.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Is this the same plan for now?

Community Member

Hi Minahil,


We truly appreciate you reaching out. We understand that you wanted to get an update on this old thread. For the Freelancer Basic Plan, Connects cost $0.15 (USD) each and are sold in bundles of 10, 20, 40, 60, or 80. Please note that the maximum balance of Connects you can have at any time is 200 and you can roll over 200 Connects per billing cycle. 


You can also upgrade your plan to Freelancer plus where you’ll get 80 Connects per month (70 included with your plan purchase, and 10 FREE from Upwork!) for $14.99 USD a month.


Feel free to check this help article for more details. 


~ Arjay
Community Member

Nice update 

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