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Direct contract issue.

I created a direct contract with the customer and he paid for the contract and amount is deducted form his card but the contract is still shown as *Waiting to be accepted*. I am not sure what happened. I created the direct contracts before and they were fine, this time I created the contract in milestones and the issue arrised. I am attaching the screenshots regarding this.
Client is new to Upworkd and he may be assuming that I am scamming him.
Any help is really appreciated.


Community Member

Hi Hamza, 


I checked and see you've also submitted a support request about this issue. I'll go ahead and follow up with the team about that and they'll be assisting you directly via that support request. 

~ Valeria

Hi Valeria.

Thank you very much. I am anxniously waiting for a solution. I am new to upwork and have multiple direct contracts and hires on my profile so it was little disturbing for me that I am faxing this issue.


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