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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

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Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The Community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!

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Hi Mike,


If you can review my profile and give me feedback that would be great.




Community Member

Hi Mike,
Thank you for the initiative. Looking forward to your review and feedback. 

Community Member

Hi Mike 🙂 
Can you have a look into my profile is it suits 

Abdullah Hel Kafee | Graphic Designer

Md. Abdullah,

You have some impressive skills, but what you do is not graphic design. Unless I'm wrong, graphic design is generally creating images from scratch through drawing and digital image creation.

What you do is image and film manipulation. I don't quite know what to call that, but why not bill yourself as a film editor and image ... enhancer? 

I think if you thought about the various applications you are technically capable of doing you could come up with a much longer list of services you offer. You could call yourself an image consultant or a visual expert in marketing and branding. Basically, there must be some way to get past the rut of calling yourself a Graphic Designer, which you are not, and call yourself something that resinates with your customers. In that sense, touching up wedding photos and baby pitures might be your starting point, but the serious money is in high-end marketing and advertising. (By the way, could you erase my ex-wife from my wedding photos? That would be great.)

Can you call yourself an advertising image technician? You need some kind of title that tells customers what you do that the customers with money (commercial customers) care about. Your write up is ... well, it suffers by being generic. You have some hot skills. You should follow your enthusiam, not play to the crowd.

Hi Anthony!

I sent you a private message, I'd be so glad If you can check it in your free time!


Hi. Thank you for the invitation. 

Let's do this in stages. I'll make some suggestions and you see if you can fit them in and then I'll look at it again. How's that sound?


Anyway, there's a lot that's nice about your write up. It's enthusastic and pretty clear. The writing is respectable.

However, it's also too wordy. It also has to focus on the benefits the clients/customers will see from hiring you.


You do include some of that – and that is what you want. But that’s the most important part and you kind of get around to saying it. Put that up front – right away.

The place you should start is this:

I work with business owners with views of only perfection and quality, because you know getting grade A work will put more money into your pocket and you know that every penny put into your business will be worth it and all at affordable prices.

My top priority is to meet your needs and deliver your projects to the most of your satisfaction.



More than that, I confess, I don’t know what a data engineer does. So, I asked Google and Google told me that you “optimize information to help businesses manage, make decisions, understand supply chains, labor analysis and price dynamics …”

OK, I made some of that up, but that’s what you want. This is what you do and this is how it benefits the clients/customers. Why don’t you say that?

You should say “I can help you manage data so you can optimize decision making … make data-driven decisions …  understand waste and pinpoint efficiencies …”

That’s the kind of write up you want. This tells clients you understand what they want.

By then you will already convince people that you are friendly and hardworking, because you will sound like a pro who understands why people hire you.

You can say things like “I’m friendly and hard working” at the end, but that's not what you should worry about. You'll sound friendly enough. It doesn't hurt to say a few pleasantries, but I find just say the word "Thanks" at the end and be polite and clear-headed and people will understand that you're a pleasant type and easy to work with.


Send me a note when you’ve gotten that far and we’ll fine tune it after that.  (If you like.)

Hi Anthony,

can you have a look at my profile and please give your valuable feedback.




It's my first time to work in the internet field, but I don't know anything. Is there anyone to help me and teach me?

Community Member

Hey fellas! I just got my first interview on upwork, though client doesn't hired me and told me that I have no reviews but, thankfully I know that now my profile is in much better condition. Special thanks to Martina and Anthony for their feedback.

It would be great if any senior just check my profile once more so that I can improve it further. 


Link to my profile = https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/ammar?viewMode=1

Hey Syed,

It's better. Don't be discouraged. Nobody gets every gig.

I would take out the second paragraph. Why? Customers already know if they're frustrated or not. Get right to the point of what you have to offer.

Second, you probably do want a low rate until you get some nice reviews, but yours is really too low. Try $15 or $20.




Oh ... that paragraph is this one: 


Do you get frustrated by not acquiring adequate traffic to your website? Considering hiring a professional that could take up all the load and provide you highly targeted audience with maximum conversion rate?


You don't need it and if you don't need it, you're wasting your customer's time.


Thanks Anthony, its really great to have people like you on this platform

Hi Community, I am new to Upwork. I am completing my Profile 100%  and adding my experience portfolio. Please check my profile and give me feedback on my improvement.


sir can you help me out too, i am new to upwork and trying to get hired but failed

Moon A wrote:

sir can you help me out too, i am new to upwork and trying to get hired but failed

You didn't see my response?

Community Member

Hi Team,


Do you mind reviewing my profile and suggest areas for improvement?



Community Member

Hi Mike

May i please get y account reviewed



Community Member

Thanks for your initiative.

Can you please  review my profile so I can improve it ?

Thanks in advance.

Not applicable

Sherine, good start. I am sorry to hear about your father's illness and hope he is feeling better now. 

Some elements of your profile such as portfolio, testimonials are missing. Consider adding them as it gives potential clients a good idea about your skillset. You have created a specialized profile but the content is similar to 'all work'. Consider adding new information under the specialized profile. Lastly, you switch between third person to first person and vice-versa. Try writing in first person (i.e., I am a pharmacist instead of Sherine is a pharmacist..) and see how that reads. 

Good luck, I wish you every success. 

Community Member

Requested feedback on my profile.

Community Member

Yes, I am new to upwork as well and would also like a profile review. Here is the link to My Profile


Thank you in advance if any freelancer takes the time to review it! 🙏

It's a good start! Very nice and friendly picture. A few things to consider: the first 2 lines are the most important, because that's all a client will see before clicking on it or skipping it. Make them count! 

Think about your profile as being a conversation with a potential client. You need to address them and their needs directly. It's not a monologue, and it should not so much be about you, but about the needs the client might have. 

Be aware of shady characters, not every job is legit, especially if you receive invitations as a newbie without a work history. Always know the terms of service to be safe!

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback!

I'm submitting proposals daily, but not getting orders and views on my profile can someone help me

Hi!  My name is Almagul. I am a web designer. If you can review my profile and give me feedback that would be great.This will help build my freelance business on Upwork and show my value to other potential clients. Thank you in advance!

Almagul S wrote:

Hi!  My name is Almagul. I am a web designer. If you can review my profile and give me feedback that would be great.This will help build my freelance business on Upwork and show my value to other potential clients. Thank you in advance!

The Samsung headphones were your design?

Community Member


Can someone among the experienced freelancer help me to improve my profile by reviewing it?

Thanks in advance.

Community Member

Thanks for this initiative; kindly help in reviewing my profile.

Community Member

Kindly Review. Thanks


You're off to a fine start. You're getting some gigs and nice reviews. 

But your English is a mess. You need an editor.

So, here you go:

Full-Time Graphic Designer at your Service!


With five years in this industry, I can re-design your business image and take your brand from where you are now into a finely-honed, competitive marketing strategy. A truly great design provides your customers with a clear picture of what your brand has to offer in services, products and advantages.


I am fast, detail-oriented, reliable and deadline-focused. My services include Logo Design, Branding Makeovers, Illustrations and Artworks, Social Media Ads, Banners, Flyers, Brochures, Catalogs and Brand Books. I deploy , EPK Design, Ui/Ux Design and more.

I work closely with clients and aim for long-term relationships that build on previous successes. Client satisfaction is my priority always. So let's get started creating a perfect brand together.


OK, I tweaked it some and I don't know if I have all the technology correctly stated. But there's your edited version. I'll send you the bill later.

Community Member

Hello sir can you please help me review my profile so I'll make amends and Start winning jobs sir


Your work is terrific. Top notch. Very nice.

I would suggest you give your business a name and give it your own logo. 


Other than that, you need help with your English. You could also use a little more salesmanship. 

Just for starters, I would sell what you can do for someone's business, rather than "I know Adobe and Photoshop."  Millions of other people know Adobe and Photoshop. It's your artistic touch that make you stand out, not your technical skills. (Although, yes, you do need to tell people what applications you know how to use.)

Try starting with something like this:

"I create appealing and original logos, tee-shirts, book covers, posters, album and CD covers, advertisements, greeting cards, packaging and graphics for digital appliations. My designs provide your customers with instant brand and/or product recognition, support your mission and boost profits."

Do you see how that focuses on what the customer gains? After that entices them, you can tell them what technical skills you have.

Honestly, your work is impressive. You should stop thinking about it as an apologetic sideline and think of it as a business that has the potential to grow. Start treating it like a serious business and one in which you have future goals for growth. If you do, I think you could really do well.

Hello Anthony!! 

Am terrified chating with you. Would you please review my profile for me please?

Community Member

If anyone wants to review my profile that would be Ammmmaaaazzzzziing!

Adam Timur A wrote:

If anyone wants to review my profile that would be Ammmmaaaazzzzziing!

You need to make a minimal effort to create a meaningful marketing text if you want to sell your skills. Also more examples in your portfolio. 

Hi Martina,

I really want to hear your feedback about my page. As I saw, your replies are like a gold for a new freelancers.

Flattery will get you nowhere!

You have not given your profile a lot of effort or thought. You can't have spent more than 5 minutes on it. That shows. You should put much more work into it before even asking for a review. Anyway, here goes:

Some typos are - almost - unforgivable. 

Lose the greeting. There is no large group sitting in front of their computers where "Hi everyone" would maybe be appropriate. Just 2 lines of text comes across as lazy. You should invest a good amount of time in crafting an appealing text, that engages and captures the reader. 


Community Member

Hi, Mike,

I am Anie, a new freelancer on Upwork. I created my profile, would you please give me any advice about it? Thanks!

Community Member

Yes please! If someone can refer my profile I'd absolutely love that! Thanks in advance! 

Janet, you are an experienced professional with a lot of skills. You have a high hourly rate. You should be the last person asking for advice how to create a great profile. 

There are two kinds of beginners on upwork: those who do their homework, read all the help articles that are available, and put in a good amount of hours to craft their profile. That kind of effort shows. These are the people that can find success here. The others are not that serious. They don't spend more than 5 minutes to do all of the above. And that shows too. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with not being serious about upwork. 90% of the roughly 17 million freelancers never win any jobs. They probably don't really care, since they just created a profile when they had a few minutes to spare and nothing better to do. 

At this point, you need to make a decision which group you want to be in. If it's the first one, rework your overview and come back afterwards. 

Community Member

I have not received the order I wish you to give me a chance.

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