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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.

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Community Manager

Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


View solution in original post

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Please follow these quick TIPS to complete your Profile. Have a great day!


PROFILE: Always complete your Upwork Profile before applying for Jobs. Create a Title and Skills to apply for Jobs to match what Clients are searching for. Use one or two of the Skill keywords in the Title to emphasize what you bring to the table for the Client. Create 3 or 4 short paragraphs in the Summary. If the Summary is too long, most Clients will not read the rest of your Profile; too short then there isn't enough information for a Client to hire. Use all 15 Skills IF they apply. The Skills are used to assist a Client in locating your Profile via search. Add your Portfolio and always use a colorful image. Consider adding a Project Catalog if it applies. By the way, it goes without saying make sure that your Profile Settings are on Public not Private so others can view the Profile.

Community Member

Hi this is Laila here new to upwork but so potential to start my work ASAP please make this review a good one and help me grow thanks in regards



Please put your photo up, modify the Summary into 3 short paragraphs and use all 15 Skill IF they apply. Have an amazing day!

Community Member

I would like some feedback from you



Please continue to complete your profile before applying for jobs. Vew other profiles to get the basic idea. Have a great day!

Community Member

Please, I am new check my profile



Your profile states Masters of Law. Consider increasing your hourly rate maybe to $20 and whether some of those skills are contained in both your Summary and Skills. Modify the Summary into 3 short paragraphs. Have an amazing day!


You should also check with Upworks terms of service, which is their platform rules. Last I knew, it was considered unethical to do academic work for students. It is considered a form of academic fraud.

Community Member

Yes, Please check my profile.




Please complete your Profile before applying for Jobs. View other Profiles to get the basic idea. Have a wonderful day!

Community Member

please check my profile




Congrats on joining Upwork! Please continue to complete your Profile and add more to each section that you have begun. Have a great day!

Community Member

Please check my profile 



Please modify the spacing and line breaks on your Summary and add your Portfolio. Have an amazing day!


What services are you selling? Freelancers are people who work for themselves, generally selling service-oriented activities or support. What are you selling? That's what you need to explain in a profile write up.

Community Member

Hey Mike, hope so you are doing great. I'm totally new to upwork. I have 3 major different skills, Would it be possible to get a feedback. Thanks 



Can you tell us about your experiences with SEO or Graphics in a manner that validates your claim to be an expert? Do to have any SEO samples to put in your portfolio?

I'm wary these days of profiles that say "I'm an expert," but have no substantial experiences to talk about. It takes years to become an expert at something ... you should have more substantial things to point to than the point that you are passionate about it or believe in honesty ... 


Community Member

Yes Please check my profile.



Use all 15 Skills IF they apply and use a one sentence description for all of the Employment entries. Have a great day!

Community Member

Community Member



PROFILE: Always complete your Upwork Profile before applying for Jobs. Create a Title and Skills to apply for Jobs to match what Clients are searching for. Use one or two of the Skill keywords in the Title to emphasize what you bring to the table for the Client. Create 3 or 4 short paragraphs in the Summary. If the Summary is too long, most Clients will not read the rest of your Profile; too short then there isn't enough information for a Client to hire. Use all 15 Skills IF they apply. The Skills are used to assist a Client in locating your Profile via search. Add your Portfolio and always use a colorful image. Consider adding a Project Catalog if it applies. By the way, it goes without saying make sure that your Profile Settings are on Public not Private so others can view the Profile.

Community Member

Hello Mike, please check my profile



Please update your whole Profile to English, modify the Summary into 4 short paragraphs and watch the extra page breaks, and use all 15 Skills IF they apply. Have a great day!

Community Member

Hi! Thank you for this. This is much appreciated. Please do check my profile also. Please let me know your thoughts, recommendations, etc. Thanks



Please modify your Summary into 3 short paragraphs, add your Portfolio, and change the Employment descriptions into one short sentence each. Have an amazing day!

Community Member

I would love to get honest review of my profile. 

Tanks in Advance 

Community Member

Yes, please check my profile. Thank you!


Community Member

I've tried a different approach I learned on Fb but they aren't working. What else can I do? 

Community Member

Please check my profile. 

Community Member

Kindly check my profile and your advice will be highly appreciated.

Community Member

Hi Mike, My name is Karla Martinez, i am an architect willing to start to work as a designer freelancer through up work, but i dont know how it totally works when i make a proposal, do it need to do a design for them before they accept to work with me? cause it says i need to send a proposal, but i dont have it clear, or is just a sample of what i can do, so they can see my talent? like a picture of some old design i already have?, it will be really helpful if you can make this part clear for me, cause i am scared to make a design for them, and then work for free, cause maybe they will choose another designer, i hope i make myself clear with the question and i hope you can help me and thanks for been part of this comunity.


I judge a profile three ways: Friendly ... confident ... does it prove you're an expert. You do neither of those things.


Friendly doesn't take much. Just a whisper or two of friendliness from "hello there" to something about how you love cats and modern dance. Don't overdo it ... people get the idea that you're friendly if you just open the door a little.


Confidence -- if you're not confident in yourself, nobody will know where else to find it. This is part attitude, part sureness ... somewhere in there use words like "expert" or "past successes." or talk about previous experiences that were praised by others. This is a limited suggestion list, but more confidence is essential.


Above you say "it will be really helpful if you can make this part clear ... because I am scared to make a design for them, In so many words, you have to hide that fear. This is a sales pitch. Think of how confident those ads on TV and radio are. They don't sound mousy.

If you don't have a design sample ... invent one ... then invent three more. You should have a range of samples that show different styles if possible. 


Up above there's a note telling a new member that she has to strike the note in her profile that says she will work for free. Apparently, this is against Upwork's rules ... so don't even worry about that. It's not allowed.

The last part is stuck in my throat just now ... prove you are an expert. You do this by talking about your past work and displaying samples in your portfolio. Mention some of the big name customers you've worked for or just name the types of customers you've  worked for.


The step by step method here is to find a contract offer (job) that you like, submit a proposal, then wait for the response. That's it. When the response comes, react to it. If they want samples, they'll ask or you could offer. But the dialogue just goes where it goes. Say encouraginging, confident things ... and see if it leads to a contract offer.



Community Member

Yes please check my profile.

Community Member

Hello, everyone
I hope all is well with you.
Could you please review my profile? I'm ready for any advice from experienced Upwork freelancers to win my first project. I wish the best for every member of the team and a profile full of successfully performed projects.

Community Member



Can you check my profile, please?



I have experience as a product description writer and research paper writer but am having no success here. need to earn really badly. looking forward to your kind guidance.



Did you look at the Academy ressources previously suggested to you? Academy - Upwork Community


On your profile, you are not allowed to offer free work. You have to remove that part.

Thank you for your kind suggestion, and yes, I did go through Upwork Academy.



You're not alloweds to offer free work? That is SO Upwork! Gimme my commission or get lost!



Put that quote/review up at the top -- the very first thing people see. Not only is an endorsement from someone else more powerful than any "I'm really good at this," type statement, what you've written is exactly the sort of thing millions of other copywriters say. So the one thing that makes you stand out is that review. It's better than starting with your name. (Nobody hires you because of your name.)



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