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Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.



View solution in original post

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Ramkumar's avatar
Ramkumar G Community Member

Hello everyone, can you visit my profile and give me feedback, please 

Francois's avatar
Francois V Community Member

Hi there, am a newbie like you, 

1. Make ur profile public, it takes 4 hours

2, contact Upwork through the green button " GET SUPPORT" 




Francois's avatar
Francois V Community Member

Hi there, am a newbie just like you,

1, make ur profile public, it will take 4 h.

2, contact Upwork team expertise through pressing the green button

"Get Support", it might take 2/3 days!

3. Go the ACADEMY LINK to help itself to be educated with Upwork site

God luck & God bless



Rita's avatar
Rita O Community Member

I feel somewhat defeated but I know that success will come from holding out, taking correction, and just polishing my tools. 

So please check my profile? 

Let me know what I am doing wrong. 

Thank you. 

Francois's avatar
Francois V Community Member

Dear Upwork Experience team members,

I got a dilemma here .
I just signed up with this organization, and still learning your
management system CMS ways .
My initial application was denied and rejected because it did not fit, the
format was not to your Company standards and needed a personal video, a
better picture, more testimonials, better focused skills sets, a better
intro line, and accumulating your certification and awards. But, I am
still working on that. The dilemma is that on open chat with the official
Upwork site, so far 4 different other members are asking for my advice to
better their profile and I am still learning through the Academy
Please help me with this
God bless


Francois Vega
Rita's avatar
Rita O Community Member

So while managing your workload, other freelancers reach out to you for help and advice but it is a lot to handle.

And therefore, you need the expert freelancers to advice them better?



Rita's avatar
Rita O Community Member


If you don't mind, I combed through your profile and have an idea or two as to how you can repurpose what you've already written. 


At the moment, it sounds robotic. 

Connect your attributes with specific experiences, as you have a wealth of these to offer. 


Also ask yourself the main thing you do that summarises all other things you do. 

If you are having trouble rewriting it, I could do so for you. 

At your permission. 

Francois's avatar
Francois V Community Member

Hi Rita,

Did some fews changes. But a fresh pair of eyes and mind would be so complementary and awesome. Am a Sales and lead closer. Direct Sales. I have been in sales all my life. Trying to focus my attention to my profile towards Real Estate business and lead generation and the handling of them. I speak 3 languages, and have been with mortgage, restaurants, and owning my small business, 7 employees in the hood cleaning business. I am familiar with salesforce, API and lead management.

I want to focus on Real Estate because I saw so many Co. & Potential employer ads in search for customer service rep. for that 

I also know very the USA market, because I lived in California & Maryland for almost 32 years. Your support and help would be so valuable for this newbie.

Thanks so much for assistance




Anthony's avatar
Anthony H Community Member


Your profile needs to be redone, start to finish. There isn't much in there that should b salvaged.


If you want a running start, here is the focus and the general expectations of a profile. You start with two short paragraphs about your expertise. ("I am a professional, published writer ... I have been published by ____, ____, and ____. My experience includes _____, _____, and _____."_


Then you write two paragraphs about your customers, using the word "you" quite often. ("Your problem is now my problem. I can help your business with branding, marketing and increase website participation so activity on your website increases ...")


That's really it --- you are an expert who can solve someone else's problem.  Leave the essence of life and the truth of life for another day. Your profile is a sales pitch, nothing more, nothing less.

Francois's avatar
Francois V Community Member

Hi Upwork Expert member,

Just read your e-mails to Rita, thought it was applied to mine but, in
going through your sentences. I felt the need (for speed, "top gun") to be
really critical with my outlay on my Upwork profile and will take your
details into consideration, and revisit everything to a more concise and
directed approach. Like you said, " a direct pitch to an employer".
I know what they are looking for, then give them the solution they are
This approach is effective and to the point.
Thanks for your time and acute in knowledge in these matters.
God bless,


Rita's avatar
Rita O Community Member

Thank you so much Anthony for your feedback, which I shall use and get back on the results.


Graeme's avatar
Graeme T Community Member

hi guys


I've just started on upwork and I'm applying for many roles that I'm perfect for but I'm not hearing back,


I know I'd be a great fit but I don't hear back


I try to write a good application but nobody loves me 😞

Rita's avatar
Rita O Community Member

Oh Graeme. It does feel disheartening. 

To not hear back when you know you gave it your best. 


Even your picture looks more of a fit than mine. 

Cheer up👍 

Success is on the way. 

As long as you're working... 

Francois's avatar
Francois V Community Member

Hi there, am a newbie just like you.

1, Make ur profile public, it takes 4 g 

2, Contact Upwork team expertise through pressing the green button,

"Get Support ", it takes 2 to 3 days!

2, Go to the link Academy & learn how to improve ur profile.

God bless & good luck,



Anthony's avatar
Anthony H Community Member


What are you selling, exactly? What do you do, exactly?


You say you love to help busineses. OK. How? Do you get  on the phone and call suppliers? Do you look at financial records and consult with the client about cash flow and profits? Do you reserch technology options and advise companies on what software to use?

What do you actually do? You expect someone to spend money on you because you love to help businesses??? That's ludicrous. People want to know what they get for their money. You want to know what you're buying before you hand someone your money ... and if that's not true, send me $1,000 care of Upwork. See? 

Tell people what they're buying or you're just dead in the water.

Abdullah's avatar
Abdullah I Community Member

Experience freelancers please help me to review my profile.



Francois's avatar
Francois V Community Member

Hi there, Abdullah,

Am a newbie just like you,

1, Make ur profile public, it takes 4 h.

2, Contact Upwork team expertise through the green button,"Get Support", it takes 2 to 3 days max.

3, Open up the link on Upwork

"Academy" and go through the steps, it should give u a general good idea what to do.

Good luck, God bless,



Abdullah's avatar
Abdullah I Community Member

Thanks for your best wishes.
Actually, I conducted some research on the complete Upwork platform before I got to the Upwork platform.
I'd want to see an experienced freelancer review my profile to confirm that I've done everything correctly and that no modifications are essential.

Philip's avatar
Philip O Community Member

please can someone review my account

Abde's avatar
Abde L Community Member

Can anyone help me and let me know how is my profile 

Anthony's avatar
Anthony H Community Member


Very, very, very, very, very, very good. Excellent. Don't touch a thing. And, whatever you do, ignore William's advice.

Good luck.

Kyrylo's avatar
Kyrylo K Community Member

Hello, Upworkers!

Can anybody check my profile?


Marco's avatar
Marco S Community Member

Hey there!

I'm new in the platform and I could really use some help. To start, a profile feedback would be great to insure I have everything in order to start working.


Much appreciated! 🙂

Anthony's avatar
Anthony H Community Member



You got a problem.


Here's the problem: You want to sell a house. So you try to make that house look terrific to get a good price and you paint that house blue with yellow trim. It looks completely fantastic. Then the first buyer comes along. And the buyer says, "I don't like that color blue."


Now let's say you're a writer. You write something terrific.l  You use that in your portfolio. And the first perspective client looks over your work and says, "That's not the style I was looking for."


So in your portfolio you have a bunch of action shots with blurry figures, lots of motion and ... some people will say, "Great!" And other people will say, "Yuk!"


So, you're stuck in a bind. What you want to do is show only your most commercial; work, the type of work that would be fit for an advertisement on a national magazine -- clear, simple, clean, something EVERYBODY would enjoy.


Just for example, I completely loved the first two dance photos I saw. I didn't like the rest. Based on that, I wouldn't have hired you.


Some of your dance shots are fabulous, top notch. Others are cluttered and chaotic. You have to take those out.


A very simple example is your own photo of yourself. It's too dark. It is probably very artistic when you see it in person, but onliine you want a shot of your smiling face, looking at the camera like a businessman, a nice simple background that contrasts well with your skin tone and shirt.

Even though people encourage you to do this, you don't want lots and lots of samples in your portfolio. Three is great. Four is terrific. But stop there. The more samples you post, the more chances you have that someone will not like it. You have to avoid "Yuk" at this stage of the game. Why? It turns out nobody likes a blue house with yellow trim. What was that guy even thinking?

Anamarija's avatar
Anamarija A Community Member

Lovely Greetings Andrea, 


I really think this is a great idea, considering that every start is hard and we all need a little push. Have a nice rest of the day.



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