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Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi all,

This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.

Thank you!


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Toheeb's avatar
Toheeb F Community Member

please help me look at my profile and let me know the feedback you can give me for the best of my account and I will glad to have do it .


looking forward to your feedback



Here is my profile link :linked_paperclips:️


Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member



The first sentence of your overview/summary seems catchy, but I think you are wasting space. When clients search for freelancers, only the first two sentences of your summary are shown to them. This means you very little space--only two sentences--to grab their attention. You probably should not fill such a small space with emojis and repeats of your title.



Your portfolio, consultation, skills, and other areas of your profile look fine.


Toheeb's avatar
Toheeb F Community Member

Thanks I will do the correction and give you feedback 

Tsinu's avatar
Tsinu J Community Member

review my profile pls

Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member



Your profile is set to Private. You must set your profile to Public so we can see it.

Robin's avatar
Robin F Community Member

Hello Andrea and team, 

Please have a look at my profile.  I value your feedback.  
~ thank you!

Anthony's avatar
Anthony H Community Member



Here are the keys: Establish your expertise right away, project friendliness, and confidence. If possible, define how you differ from everybody else.


That said, your website has some nice testimonials. This can be the boost you need to get started. Cut and paste some nice quotes put them at the top of your profile. Then say, "From my recent clients: ..." Then put some dates down (current is better than old) and cut and paste the quotes. That way, you can stand on the shoulders of your happy clients; endorsements are the best confidence builders you can find. (I notice you mention your testimonials in your write-up, but don't force people to go find them. Cut and paste them right into the top of your profile. Don't make them work for it.)


I've put some testimonials at the top of my profile. Others do that, too. If you like, check out my profile to see one way to do that.


A couple more tips: Clients don't pay you for your passion. They pay you to get the aritcle in publication-ready form on their desk on time. Passion sounds like somone who just started and what you need to do here is project professionalism, not passion. Clients on Upwork don't know you, so they want to hire qualified professionals, not wannabes who are passionate about their writing.


Along those lines, clieints on the Internet are not inclined to work together with writers. They expect you to work independently. Yes, it's wise to stress your concern with their message and their brand, and that you write in a manner that appeals to their readers, but they still expect you to do the work independently. They don't want to hold anyone's hand.


So those are just some spin off thoughts. Clearly, none of my guidelines are absolutes. Also, by declaring a niche, you're ten steps ahead of the average generalist. And you have a clinical background. That's terrific. You can't beat that.


Can I have that moucha latte with whip cream now? 

Kerim's avatar
Kerim E Community Member

I have deeply updated my profile and added a special profile.

About to add my first project, but I struggle a bit how to organize the different project types I am usually on.

Would love a look on my profile!

Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member



I haven't seen your profile since the first review a few weeks ago. Project organization is probably not a big deal to potential clients. As long as the projects are easy to understand, you should be good.


Oh, and your profile was changed to Private. Try to set your profile to Public so we can see it.

Kerim's avatar
Kerim E Community Member

Thanks Clark!

Weird. In my settings the profile was set to Upwork users only, now I have it on public.

Is it better for the profile to be 'public' instead of Upwork only? At the end potential clients will be registered on upwork and find me through the platform anyways?

* In any Case, my profile should be found now: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/kerimsky

Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member



I think it is better if your profile is set to public. Here is how the difference statuses affect availability:


Public — Your profile will be visible to the entire internet, including clients, freelancers, and visitors. It’s also visible to search engines such as Google and Bing. Use this option if you want anyone with internet access to be able to view your Upwork profile.

Only Upwork Users — Only logged-in Upwork members can find your profile and it’s hidden from search engines.

Private — Your profile is excluded from the Upwork marketplace and search engines. This means clients won’t see you when they search for freelancers. People who aren’t logged into Upwork won’t be able to access your profile via a direct link. People who are logged into Upwork and have access to your direct profile link will only be able to see your first name, last initial, title, photo, rate, city, and country.


I looked through your profile and overall, I think it is good. However, I think your overview/summary lacks the one thing clients look for the most: your services. It should be obvious since you are a Architect & 3D Artist, but you should not allow potential clients to guess.


I recommend adding examples of specific services you can provide and how it helps clients. You should do this within the first two sentences of your summary: Why? Because only the first two sentences of your summary are shown to clients when they search for freelancers. This means you have very little space--only two sentences--to grab their attention. You want to use that small space to reveal the client's goals (your sevices and deliverables).


Here is an example:


I'm a highly experienced 3D visualization wizard and a trained architect. I can take your ideas for residential or commercial buildings and create realistic 3D models and animations that allow you to view your structure as-is before making a final decision.


With a master's degree from the Technical University of Munich and over a decade in the architecture and 3D realm, I've honed my craft to near-perfection. I can design and model architectural exterior and interior designs using graphics and architectural software. Whether you're altering your design, or creating a new one, I can help you visualize a finished product using models to ensure your design is an accurate reflection of your ideas.




You do not have to use the content I provided, but you get the idea--give clients examples of your services/deliverables, and why it benefits them. Say this early because clients rarely read more than a few paragraphs, and you want to keep their attention on their goals.


Your portfolio, skills and other areas look good.

Karim's avatar
Karim S Community Member

''Experienced data entry professional with a keen eye for accuracy and efficiency. Proficient in data processing, Excel, and attention to detail. Dedicated to delivering high-quality work on time." And marketing.

I am trying to get job but still didn't get any. Please evaluate my profile and let me know if there are any adjustments I need make.


Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member



Your profile is incomplete and clients will not hire you if they cannot find the information they need.


Your title should not be your name. Use a skill category (e.g., Data Entry Specialist, Graphic Design, Virtual Assistant, etc.) Then, your overview/summary should talk about your experience and the data entry, marketing, email management, and writing services you can provide to clients. Finally, you need to add a portfolio to show samples of your work or skill set..


Make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. The best way to complete your profile is to go through the following Academy Courses and Learning Paths:


Gazi Md's avatar
Gazi Md S Community Member

Please review my profile & let me know if there are any recommendations to add to my profile

Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member

Gazi Md,


There are several changes I would make to your profile to help improve it.


1) The first thing you should do is change your profile photo. The picture in your photo should be a close-up image of your head and shoulders that clearly shows your face, and you should be facing the camera. Read through Upwork's best practices for How to Choose A Good Profile Picture.


2) In your overview/summary, remove 👋 Welcome 👋 and 👨‍⚕️ This is Shahnewaz. Why? Because only the first two sentences of your summary are shown to clients when they search for freelancers. This means you have limited space to grab their attention, and you want to fit important words in that space. You don't want to waste space greetings and emojis.

Use the first few sentences to tell clients about the services you provide and the things you can accomplish. Clients really do not are which tools or frameworks you are comfortable with. Clients expect to read about your skills and qualifications, but they really want to know how your skills/qualifications will benefit them.


Here is an example:


I'm a skilled software engineer with experience in building complex web applications using Javascript, and ReactJS. I can build administration panel systems, dashboards, content management systems, e-commerce apps, and custom scripts.


Also, I recommend adding one or two more items to your portfolio. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression and clients will expect to see several examples from a developer.


The other areas of your profile look fine. But the most important thing you can do is update your summary.

Olive's avatar
Olive M Community Member

Please have a look at my profile and let me know if anyone is willing to give me the best feedback.

Thank you.


Here is my profile link




Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member



I think your profile looks good. Your overview/summary provides enough information for clients to understand your services and how you can help them.


I recommend adding one or two more items to your portfolio. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression and clients will expect to see several samples from a UX/UI designer. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.

Victor's avatar
Victor E Community Member

Greetings, please totaly new here, here is my profile link https://community.upwork.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/19199057

Assist me with recommendations base on match, how do i know how may hours in total and how many months or years an organization is willing to run the project

Thank You

Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member

Hi Victor,


Questions about project length can only be determined when you review a project and after you win a project. The freelancer and client can negotiate duration, milestone due dates, and project completion date.


I looked through your profile and I think it might be confusing to clients. Your title says you are an Economist, Data Analyst and Financial Analyst, but your overview/summary does not speak about economic or financial analytics, or economic and financial services. You mention "data driven financial insights" in the last sentence of the last paragraph, but I this is not enough for clients to understand what you can do.


Your summary also talks about working a s tech officer, which will likely confuse clients even more.


If you plan to provide training and development services on Upwork, talk about only training and development services. Clients need to know exactly which training/development services you can provide; your process for training development and delivery; and how you will work with them to understand their unique training development needs.


Also, add a portfolio to show samples of your work. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


Finally, make sure your skills list contains skill categories relevant to your services. If your services are training and development, select specific training and development skill categories. It is important to keep your skills list updated with relevant skills categories so that Upwork can match you with relevant jobs, and so your profile will appear when clients search for your skills.


Once you make these updates, I think clients will have a better understanding of the services you can provide and how you can help meet their needs or solve their problems.


Good luck.

Alicia's avatar
Alicia A Community Member

Alicia A. - Voice actress - Upwork Freelancer from Fort Meade, United States

Hello please take a loook at my profile and lmk what you think 🙂


Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member



I looked through your profile and I think it needs some work.


Your profile does not provide enough information for clients to understand what you do and how you can help them. As a voice actress, you have to tell clients exactly which services you provide and how you can meet their needs. Clients expect to read about your skills and qualifications, but they really want to know how your skills/qualifications will benefit them.


For example, tell clients which voice projects you can work on (e.g., "I can provide voice-overs for web tutorials, commercials, corporate narration, e-learning and training videos, explainer videos, and educational scripts.")


Then, talk about your voice type/tone, style and range: (e.g., "I have a genuine, friendly vocal delivery that can range from high energy and comical, to sophisticated and business-like.")


Also, you can mention the type of equipment you use and how you will ensure quality when developing voice projects.


Finally, you should remove your blog URL since it contains contact information. Freelancers and clients are not allowed to provide contact information onsite or link to contact information without a contract in-place.


Once you make these updates, clients will have a better understanding of the services you offer and how you can help them.

HAFIZ MUHAMMAD M Community Member

Hi, Please have a look at my profile and give me your feedback.

Thank you. 


Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member

Hi Hafiz Muhammad,


Remove the first line in your overview/summay: "Hello there!Seems like an innocent greeting, but it takes up valuable space the beginning of your summary. Clients can only see the first two sentences of your summary when they search for freelancers. You have very little space to get their attention, and you do not want to waste space with a greeting.


The rest of your summary sounds good and the other areas of your profile look good. I do not see any huge problems that would prevent a client from hiring you.


Good luck.

Nicolas Matias's avatar
Nicolas Matias B Community Member

Hello, Im new to upwork. Could you please review my profile and provide me with feedback? Thank you!

Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member

Hello Nicolas Matias,


I like your title, but I recommend capitalizing the first letter of each word to help it stand out: Illustrator, 2D Artist, Character Designer


Your overview/summary has good content, but you weave in quite a bit of personal information. Clients rarely care about personal stories and usually stick to the"What can this freelancer do for me?" mindset when looking at freelancer profiles.


I recommend adding more information about your services--anything beyond digital illustration and character design. For example, talk about how you will work with clients to understand their unique needs and your success working with previous clients. Tell them the tools/applications you use and how you will ensure work is completed in a timely manner.


There is a lot of extra whitespace after the last paragraph in your summary. Clients will have to scroll a long way to reach your portfolio and skills list. I'm not sure how it got there, but I highly recommend removing the excess whitespace to make it easier for clients to see your portfolio and other profile areas.


Speaking of your portfolio, it looks great, and the other areas of your profile look good too.


Good luck.

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