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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.

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Community Manager

Hi all,

This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.

Thank you!


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7,804 REPLIES 7,804

Thank you! I am not yet verified. How can I make my profile verified?

Community Member

Hello Upworkers ?

Here is a link to profile: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~010260cfee91eda24e

Have a look at it and provide any feedback that will help me improve my journey here on upwork.

Community Member

Hello Steven,


I looked through your profile and I think everything is in really good shape. I'm not seeing any huge issues that would prevent a client from hiring you.


The only small improvement I recommend is to add short job descriptions to each job in your employment history. This is especially important when the jobs are highly relevant to the services you provide on Upwork.

Community Member

Who is going to give feedback to me. thank you for your time buddy

Community Member



Remove the information at the beginning your overview/summary:




Why? The information provides no value to clients reading your profile. When clients search for freelancers, only the first 200-250 characters are shown. This means, you have very little space (approximately two sentences) to get their attention. You want that small space to include important words (your services, your skills, your experience).


Next, provide more information about your services in your summary. Give a brief overview of your approach to digital marketing and how you will work with them to build a successful marketing campaign. Tell them exactly what you can achieve through branding and messaging to generate leads, improve visibility, and boost revenue growth.


Your portfolio, skills, project catalog, testimonials, and certifications look good. The biggest thing to improve is your summary.

Community Member

Hello Everyone!

I need someone who can help me enhance my Upwork Profile. I need guidance on how to optimize and improve my profile so that I can receive more job invitations. Please let me know if there is anyone who can assist me.


Community Member

Hello Deepesh,


Even with an improved profile, getting invitations can be difficult and there are never any guarantees. Most freelancers must send proposals to get attention from clients.


The first thing I would do to improve your profile is remove the following from the first line in your overview/summary:


"💥 Hello and welcome to my profile! ❤ I REPLY IMMEDIATELY!"


When clients search for freelancers, only the first 200-250 characters are shown. This means, you have very little space (approximately two sentences) to get their attention. You want clients to see important words (your services, your skills, your experience) in that small space--not greetings and emojis.


While rates are different worldwide, you might want to consider increasing your hourly rate by $1 or $2. There are India-based virtual assistants with 10 years of experience charging $10.00/hr. - $30.00/hr. You do not have to go that high, but I see many India-based virtual assistants with your experience at $4.00/hr - $7.00/hr.


Your portfolio, skills, project catalog, and certifications look good.

Community Member

Hello Clark,


Thank you for providing feedback about my profile 🙂


I have made the changes as you suggested, and your guidance will definitely help me a lot. Please take another look at my profile and provide your valuable feedback.




Community Member

Hello Deepesh,


The information at the beginning of your main profile summary is good, but the emojis (:white_heavy_check_mark:) still take up too much space within the first 200-250 characters. You want clients to words related to your services, and the emojis will prevent that because each emoji takes space.


I understand the desire to use a list, but when a list appears within the first 200-250 characters of your summary, it shows as a sentence--not a list. Here is how it looks to clients:




A few more words could probably be squeezed in if you use commas (,) instead of emojis. In other words, it should be written as a sentence--especially at the beginning of your summary. Using lists later in your summary is fine.

Community Member

Hello everyone, please who can help me how can I get the certificate as Graphic Design from Up Work?

Hi Klerid,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Are you referring to Upwork Skill Certifications? If so, at this time you cannot request to be invited to complete a skill certification. For the best chance of being invited in the future, we suggest you achieve a solid reputation, keep a complete and up-to-date profile that is not set to private, and maintain an active Upwork account in good standing. 


You can find more information in this help article

~ Nikola
Community Member

How can I tweak my profile's keywords to attract more clients interested in graphic design services on Upwork?

Tural Babashov
Community Member

Hi Andrea
I am new to upwork. Please critique my profile. Anything you would tweak/edit? 


Dear Fellow Upwork members
Please assist me. I am new to upwork. Please critique my profile. Anything you would tweak/edit? 

Community Member

Hi Theunis,


Welcome to Upwork.


Good start to your profile. I have a few quick suggestions that might help improve it.


In your overview/summary, I recommend removing the first two lines:


"Hi There."

"My name is TC Stoffberg."


Normally, these words are harmless and welcome in a profile. However, in an Upwork profile, these words occupy valuable real estate. When clients search for freelancers, only the first 200-250 characters are shown. This means, you have 200-250 characters (approximately two sentences) to get their attention. You want that small space to include important words (i.e., your services, your skills, your experience)--not greetings and your name. Besides, clients can already see your name on your profile.

The rest of your summary does a good job of highlighting your experience and background, mentioning great services, and revealing how you can help clients realize their goals. Your portfolio, skill categories, testimonials, certifications, and employment history all look great as well.


You should also consider adding a project catalog. The project catalog allows you to setup a pre-packaged service that clients can buy without you sending a proposal. Due to higher than usual requests for project catalogs, reviews and approvals are taking a minimum of 10 business days. Read Get Started With Project Catalog for more information.


Good luck!

Community Member

Good Morning 🙂 I just created my profile a couple of days ago and would love some feedback! I know creating a protfolio would be beneficial but I am struggling a bit with this, as most of my relevant work has been for companies who have pretty strict privacy standards in place, and I do not want to share finnaincal data publicly. Any suggestions? 


Your profile says "1:40 pm." I've never seen that before. 


Anyway, the problem here is that there are probably 400,000 bookkeepers on Upwork. I am guessing there, but I know there are 1.5 million writers on Upwork and I know I have reviewed dozens and dozens of bookkeeper profiles. So, I think I'm accurate in saying the competition is incredible. That's your No. 1 problem.


Second, there are three (or four) criteria for a good profile. 1. Establish your expertise immediately. 2. Be friendly. 3. Be confident. If you can get there 4. Show you are different from the other X trillion other bookkeepers out there.


You do something very well. You explain what you can do for them. This is all very helpful: ""I handle: Monthly account reconciliation Tax prep & efficiency Payroll Cash flow insights And I consult on expenses and spending to consistently find profit levers in your business. Certified in Quickbooks & Xero, so I can quickly plug into your existing bookkeeping system and get to work. Not set up with accounting software already? I can do that too."


All that is great. It could be wriiten a bit clearer ... but it's the right information. (All those extra capital letters are a distraction and a nuisance.)


What you don't need is rhetorical questions. On Upwork, people who are looking for a bookkeeper will read your profile. People who are looking an English teacher will not be looking at your profile. So your readers already know they are tired of wondering where their cash is going and all that. Delete the rhetorical commentary.


Try this opening line: "I am an expert bookkeeper with X credentials who can solve these problems for you ________________, ________________, and __________________."


That puts you on the right track. It establishes your expertise right away, then focuses on the client.  


Your write up to me is friendly and confident, but it does not establish your expertise very well. You don't give any information on your training, educations, work history. You need just enough to convince us that you are an absolute pro. You don't have to give us your resume. (That's a bad idea.) An anecdotal style is better -- it keeps people interested. "I went to Ohio School of Bookkeeping and worked in the accounting department at X, Y and Z." You need those details.


It sounds difficult to define your competetive advantage, but you can conjure up one. Maybe you're faster than most. Maybe you work with Spanish-speaking businesses. Maybe you are especially good at nailing down large tax rebates. I have no idea how to help you here, but if you can mention you are especially strong in one area, it makes you sound a bit special and this sometimes makes a difference in choosing who to hire. 

Community Member

Hello Upwork Community, @upwork

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to request your assistance in reviewing my Upwork profile. If you notice any areas for improvement or have any constructive feedback, I would greatly appreciate your insights.

My ultimate goal is to become a successful freelancer on Upwork, and I believe your valuable input can help me refine my profile and enhance my chances of success. Additionally, I am eager to learn how to secure my first client on the platform. Any advice or tips from your experiences would be immensely beneficial.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to assist me in my journey towards freelancing success. I truly value the support and expertise of the Upwork community.

Best regards,
Umair Aslam

Hi Umair,

Hope you are well,

I do believe first impressions are important, subsequently I do think you could probably do with a better photo on your profile bud.
- the one I see looks like a wedding photo shot?

It looks a little bit formal for me - I would recommend taking a few selfies at different angles with plain background and adding a little smirk or grin may make you look more approachable/personable to a potential employer.

Just an opinion and good look bud 🤞

Thank you so much


Your profile is only about half convincing. It is lacking in details and anecdotal material that helps sell your story.


You wrote that you have completed more than 3,000 projects. If so, you should have much more to say about your work than you check your numbers twice. 

What  else to you actually do? Do you complie data? Do you do  price surveys to find the best prices? Do you use your engineering background to make recommendations? Do you call people on the phone? Do you research other projects to see if you are in the right ballpark? What???

These are the things people are paying you for. They are not paying you to be passionate. They are paying you for specific services. Tell us what those are.


You mention you are a "certified engineer/construction estimator." That's it? That's all you have to say about it? Who certified you? What kind of training went into that? What kind of on-the-job experiences did that entail? Did it require testing? 


How do you accomplish international estimating work? I'm sure your clients would like to know that. 

You just say you can do this work, but you don't give us any details that make you sound credible. I could do that. I could say I can fly a plane, but how do I convince you that's true? I would say, "I got my license through _______________, and flew X number of times with this type of equipment. I would explain my background in navigation. I would tell people my job history ...

You need those types of stories and details to sound convincing. You don't have to go on and on and on. But you have to provide more than, "I can do this." That's not convincing enough.

Community Member

Please review my profile. I have one job but that client ghosted me and doesnt end the contract or give any feedback. I did good work , I am a great manager and I know that because all my bosses loved my work. My proposals get reviewed but no response. 


Please help 

Community Member

Hi Bibi,


Very nice profile. I'm not seeing any issues that would prevent a client from hiring you.


Clients ghost freelancers often, and I don't think your client did it because of your work quality. It was probably just a client behaving like many clients do.


Also, competition is high on Upwork, so getting proposal reviews can be tough. Most projects receive 30+ proposals and most clients never read them all. If you are a best match, your proposal should rank high in the client's list, but even being a "best match" can be difficult since Upwork's algorithm makes that decision.


I'm not seeing anything wrong in your profile or anything that needs immediate attention. Since your profile summary is well-written, your proposals are probably well-written too. I think you are experiencing the same thing many freelancers are right now--a ton of freelancers, but not enough jobs.

Community Member

Dear Fellow Upwork members

Please assist me. I am new to upwork. Pl

ease review my the profile. Anything you would tweak/edi or add? Link below: 


Same here.  Thank you

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