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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.

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Hi all,

This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.

Thank you!


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Thanks a lot for your appreciation.

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i want to review my peofile


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You offer a lot of good information in a short paragraph in your overview/summary, but it's probably not enough to convince clients to choose you over thousands of video editors on Upwork. Almost all video editors will say they can edit videos and produce a quality product. To make yourself stand out, you must add details about your process and explain how your services will benefit clients.  For example:


  • Tell clients how you communicate and gather feedback to ensure the final product meets their needs.
  • Talk about your attention to detail and how you maintain quality standards.
  • Do you provide unlimited revisions? Do you offer follow-up support after a video project is completed?
  • Highlight similar video projects you have worked on over the past four years and your accomplishments.
  • Talk about your ability to meet business challenges and adapt to changing or new requirements if necessary.


Clients are looking for reasons to choose you and the information you provide can help them better understand why they should hire you and how it will benefit them.


Add a little more detail to the job descriptions to each job in your employment history. Both jobs are highly related to the services you provide on Upwork, and the job description helps Upwork match you with YouTube and Instagram video editing jobs.


Your video introduction, portfolio, skills, and project catalog look good.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hello my dear fellow freelancer colleagues,

I'm using Upwork for the last 1.5 years or may be a few months more than that. I have sent many proposals to many clients, however, I still didn't get any response from the clients neither, I got the opportunity to do tasks for my clients which could get me some reviews and feedbacks for my profile.


So, could you please give me some tips or ideas how I can get more clients and their reviews to boost my profile?


Community Member

Hello Afra,


See the review provided on 21 February 2024.

Community Member

Hello, guys! 

Cold you please check on my profile? Need a sincere opinion about it :



I like your profile. The standard advice is not to say "Hi there, I'm Carolina Z ___" because your name is already in bold at the top of your page, because it's not a great idea to put your last name online like that, and because Upwork shows clients the first 200 words of a profile and you've wasted five of them saying, "Hi there, I'm Carolina Z____"


All that said, I don't like lists, either, but you handled everything very gracefully and it looks pretty solid. I'd just give it a few months. You can change things any time you like. So if it seems to be not working, look up other interior design profiles and find ones that are doing well and see what you might learn from that. (You can do that anytime, too.)

Good luck.

Community Member


I'm new to Upwork and want to make sure my profile is as strong as it can be, do you mind taking a look?




There's nothing wrong with your profile per se (at a glance). What needs to happen, however, is you need to study the writers' market a bit.


You seem to know the Internet world is 99 percent content writing. That's a good start. But the publishers of content have specific needs. You should try to say the things they want to hear.


I'm apt to stick my neck out and say stuff you already know, but I guess, we'll just have to chance it.

Online, the hierarchy is blogs, content articles, SEO and then everything else. Everything else includes copywriting, I suppose, and there's plenty of that. Less available are news spots, features, columns, and the rest of the stuff you see in a weekly.


Content publishers want to hear that you can explain things clearly, that you can keep an audience on the page (on their website) and that you can produce a lot quickly. They also want to hear (everyone on the Internet wants to hear this) that you can produce publication-ready copy. They don't say this much, but the Internet has created 1,000,000 poor paying writing jobs and eliminated 1,000,000 adequate-paying editor jobs. So it helps to say, "I can produce error-free copy." That's code for "I understand there's no editor and you're paying me to do both jobs ... sort of."


You should study up on SEO writing. It pays better. Outside of  Upwork on the corporate level it pays very, very well. Upwork does not attract those clients, however. 


SEO publishers want to hear a whole raft of key words. They want you to say that quality writing counts (although they seriously don't mean it). They want to hear you say you know how to research keywords and rankings. They want to know if you can set up links from one site to another. They want to hear you can keep readers until the end.  Mostly, they want to hear that your writing can improve their rankings. 


In effect, you should fit those words into your profile, because publishers will be looking for people who know the score. name drop these skillls, I estimate it takes, more likely than not, 90 minutes on line or a three-day seminar held at a Holiday Inn near an off-ramp of I-95, to learn everything you need to know about  SEO. 

You probably know all this stuff, but those are my thoughts. Say the things content publishers and SEO publishers are looking for. Use their robotic terminology ... join the cult(s).  If not, they'll just look for someone who sounds like them.

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Hola Andrea, por favor, echa un vistazo a mi perfil de Upwork y hazme saber si cumple con los requisitos de los clientes potenciales.


Community Member

Hello Loly,


Andrea is an Upwork Moderator. The moderators provide valuable information to freelancers and moderate the forums, but they do not provide profile reviews. Other freelancers offer to review profiles and provide feedback.


I looked through your profile and I see good information. I have a few suggestions that might help improve it.


Your overview/summary sounds good, but I recommend removing this: "Welcome to my profile.I suggest removing it because it takes up space. When clients search for freelancers, only the first 200-250 characters of your summary are shown. This means you have very little space to get their attention. You want this small space to include important words (i.e., your services, skills, and experience). You do not want to waste space with greetings.


The rest of your summary sounds good. I would end your summary with an action statement like:


"Let’s discuss your projects and tasks and how I can help! I’m available for a video call through Upwork Zoom to better understand your needs."


Add a portfolio to show samples of previous work or to demonstrate your skills. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


Everything else looks good.

Community Member

Last year, I earned my top-rated badge on my Upwork profile. Before that, I was receiving some decent profile views and a couple of job invitations every month but, now, I am not getting any profile views and receiving job invites. 


Despite receiving the job invites most of them were fake/spam jobs. I am attaching a screenshot of one of the offers. 


I am wondering if you guys are getting profile views and invitations. Do you have any tips that I can follow?


I always keep my profile and portfolio updated and optimized though I would appreciate it if you could check my profile and share any suggestions.


Thank you.  



Many freelancers are experiencing the same drop in profile views and job invitations. Competition on Upwork is high, so much of it is related to the volume of freelancers here. Other factors might include algorithm adjustments and how it places your profile and proposals in search results and listings.


I looked at your  profile and I do not see any huge problems. I typically optimize the first few sentences of the overview/summary because potential clients see the first 200-250 characters of your summary when searching for freelancers. For example, I would remove this:


"Get engaging and high-value content for your social media!"

"Hi, I am Kashirudin."


Neither statement provides much value to clients but takes up 79 characters of space. Clients would much rather see more of your services and offerings in those first 79 characters.


The rest of your profile looks fine.

Community Member

Please review my profile and give me the feedback. 
Here is my Profile link : https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~011fbdb8a903a7f939


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Your profile is set to Private. You must set your profile to Public or Only Upwork users so we can see it.



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Hello everyone from sunny (now nighty) Lisbon. 

I’m Mauro, and I specialize in branding for architecture and the built environment, covering everything from interior design, furniture, and lighting to building materials and manufacturing.

I've worked almost for 10 years in the creative industry on several design studios and handling projects on my own.

From December that I've been active on the platform and already got 3 projects. But I've been reading that things have changed in UpWork and it has been more difficult to attract those right clients. 

So, I kindly ask you to give me some honest feedback on things that I could improve on my profile or any other tips you find usefull. 

My profile: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/mauroalexandresantos

Thank you. 🙂

Hello Mauro,


I think your overview/summary sounds good, but it should go a bit further to convince clients to choose you. For example, you can:


  • Tell clients how you communicate and gather feedback to ensure the final product meets their needs.
  • Mention that you stay informed of the latest trends in branding and emerging technologies.
  • Do you provide unlimited revisions? Do you offer follow-up support after a project is completed?
  • What software applications and tools are you familiar with? (e.g., Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator, Canva, etc.)
  • Highlight any similar projects you have worked on and your accomplishments.


Clients looking for brand designers will find thousands of them on Upwork. The question is, do they have enough good reasons to choose you? The information you provide can help them better understand why they should hire you and how it will benefit them.


You are missing a few important skill categories in your skills list. You should add Brand Design and Brand Development since both are highly relevant to your work. Upwork uses these skill categories to match you with relevant jobs, and to help your profile appear in search results when clients search for those skills.


Your portfolio, certifications, and employment history look good.


You should also consider adding a project catalog. The project catalog allows you to setup a pre-packaged service that clients can buy without you sending a proposal. Due to higher than usual requests for project catalogs, reviews and approvals are taking a minimum of 10 business days. Read Get Started With Project Catalog for more information.


Good luck!

Thanks a lot Clark! 

I will definetly have all that into consideration. 

Much appreciated. 🙂

Community Member

Hello everyone! I would love it for you to visit my profile. I'm looking forward to getting started!

Argentinian Spanish and English teacher you're looking for
Community Member

Hello Alison,


I like the start of your profile overview/summary. However, I think you should make it more client-focused. To make the first part of your summary more client-focused, I recommend revising the "I'm looking for an opportunity" part. Here is an example:


I'm an Argentinian Language teacher passionate about Spanish and English as a second language. I help people who want to learn how to think through a second language to broden broaden their minds, improve their way of thinking, and work in this constantly changing world. I can offer


-Personalized lessons 1:1 for all purposes, in English or Spanish

-A calm and comfortable space to begin your learning process

-An interesting and fun enviroment to keep developing your Second Language

-Adapted resources to your level, knowledge and interests

-Conversation lessons with updated resources from daily news, internet videos, memes, and more!


(I recommend revising the first part of the second paragraph to sound more client-focused. Instead of making offers, tell clients what you can or will do.)


I have also been working with many different companies and groups of students and coworkers, and I can help your company with engaging, highly effective Spanish and English language training that teaches students reading, listening, speaking, and writing modalities.


As as an educator, I understand the importance of patience and compromise, and my responsability to keep up with all my students. I'm commited to comply with my client's requirements to provide an excellent service to anyone seeking to start or continue their learning process, but in a renewed, updated and communicative aproach approach to engage students in their tasks.


Other value I can offer:
- Flexible timetable and availabilty
- Group managment
- Project creation or managment
- Constant development of knowledge, skills and resources for all lessons
- Creative and engaging activities and tasks.


(Now, use an action statement to close your summary.)


Let’s discuss your language learning needs and how I can help! I’m available for a video call through Upwork Zoom to review your requirements.


There are two reasons I recommend this approach: 1) clients are more interested in how you can help them and less interested in a freelancer's motives (even if your motives are great, which they are); 2) clients can see the first 200-250 characters of your summary when searching for language teachers.This means you have very little space to get their attention. You want clients to see their goals (your services) in those first few characters.


You don't have to use the exact words I used; you should change them to fit your style. But you get the idea--keep most of your focus on helping the client.


I think you should add a portfolio to show samples of previous work or to demonstrate your skills. A sample training outline, sample English-Spanish lessons, or sample learning activities will give clients a glimpse of your services. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression and clients like visuals. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


The other sections of your profile look good.

Community Member


Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!

Regards Wajid

Community Member



Make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. The best way to complete your profile is to go through the following Academy Courses and other resources:


Community Member

Hello my name is Monica and i'm new here, if you can help me with my profile i would appreciate alot



Please use two skills in the Title, four paragraphs for the Summary, add your Portfolio, and a Project Catalog.

Community Member

Please have a look at my profile and let me know if anyone is willing to give me the best feedback.

Thank you.

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