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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.

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Hi all,

This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.

Thank you!


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Hello Renan,


I like the information in your overview/summary, but I think it should go further. Clients will find thousands of software engineers through Upwork, so they need more than skills and expertise to choose you. Here are a few things you can add to give clients an idea of what it's like to work with you:


  • Tell clients how you will communicate and gather feedback during a development project to ensure the final product meets their needs.
  • Mention that you stay informed of the latest developments, trends, and emerging technologies in UI and UX, and software engineering best practices.
  • Which tools, frameworks, and versioning systems do you use?
  • How do you handing requests for revisions? Do you offer follow-up support after a project is completed?
  • You mentioned managing multiple projects for startups and software houses. Give an example of a project and your accomplishments.
  • Talk about your ability to meet business challenges and adapt to changing or new requirements if necessary.


Clients are looking for reasons to choose you and the information you provide can help them better understand why they should hire you and how it will benefit them.


Add a portfolio to show samples of previous work or to demonstrate your skills. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


You're missing an important skill category in your skills list. I think Sofware Development is relevant to your work. Upwork uses these skill categories to match you with relevant jobs, and to help your profile appear in search results when clients search for those skills.


Your certifications and employment history look great.


Good luck!

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Use a sentence (without emojis) to start your overview/summary. Immediately tell clients how you can help them. For example:


Skilled virtual assistant with experience in data analysis, data entry, and administrative support.


Add more items to your portfolio to show samples of previous work or to demonstrate your skills. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


Unless you are employed by Upwork as a database administrator, you should remove the job from your employment history. For your office management job at SMC, add a short job description. A job description is especially important when the job is highly relevant to the services you provide on Upwork.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hello, I am new to the freelance world and don't know what I'm doing. I would really appreciate any feedback on my profile page. Thank you.



Maybe flop things around a bit in the 1st profile description. More of WHAT you can do for ME, the client. Than later talk about YOU the professional.




Freelancing is all about providing a niche service, such as illustrator, writer, business coach, consultant and a few dozen other standard and not-so-standard items. So, the question is, what service are you providing? Your write-up does not say.


When you have a broad range of skills, like you know everything about running a business, you are at a distinct disadvantage. It's not specific enough for freelance.


Not always, of course. If you are thinking of offering your services as an interim manager, that would be possible. That requires a very broad range of knowledge and skills and there's a market for that (mostly non-profit, I would assume, but maybe private companies do that, too.)

However, 99.9 percent of the time, that's not what freelancing is about. Here it pays to be very specific. "I am an experienced business expert with 25 years in manufacturing who can resolve supply chain issues by first providing a comprehensive review of your supply chain process and then recommending places to streamline and cut costs."

I'm not a business person, so pardon my amateurish play acting here. Nevertheless, the idea is to start with a service you can provide that you believe is in demand and could keep you in peanut butter and can be done (although this is not a requirement) remotely. 

The profile is a sales pitch in narrative form that (wonderfully, I think) provides a sense of your personality (don't push it; it shows up on its own), which allows people to establish a relationship from the start, a very useful trick given that this is all done in the frigid digital wolves' den we call the Internet. 


Another starting point is to read a bunch of Upwork profiles. Look for the gestalt. Try to get an overview. You are someone who absorbs details by osmosis, so you don't have to worry about that. Get a big picture idea of what this is about ...


Once you get that done, you will see that your personal journey does not matter that much, if at all. People want to know what service you provide, whether you are any good or qualified and what benefits they will see. I think your personal story is interesting, but clients are in a hurry -- sort of like bumper cars, I guess. 



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Hi i am new to Upwork so i request to visit my profile and give feedback so that i take your feedback  valuable and consider it seriously to grow my career in Upwork thank you 🙂🤗





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Hi Surya,


Your profile is set to Private. You must set your profile to Public or Only Upwork users so we can see it.



Community Member

Hello respected experienced Upwork family,

Please have a look at my profile and let me know if anyone is willing to give me the best feedback.


Thanks in anticipation,

Community Member

Hello Muhammad,


There is good information in your profile, but your overview/summary should offer more details about your services and meeting client's needs. I have a few suggestions:


Title: Capitalize the first letter of each word in your title; this will help it stand out: Content Writing | Blogging | Proofreading | Translating


Overview/Summary: You can enhance you summary by giving examples of what you write, blog, and proofread. For example: "I specialize in writing articles, blogs, social media posts, web content, and email campaigns." Also:


  • Talk about your accuracy and attention to detail, and how you maintain quality in your writing or proofreading.
  • Talk about your time management and organizational skills.
  • Which tools/applications you are familiar with or use? (i.e., Microsoft Office, Evernote, Google Docs, etc.)
  • Talk about your ability to solve administrative problems and adapt to changing or new requirements if necessary.


Portfolio: The two items in your portfolio (lead generation) and (data entry) are related to your specialzed profiles, but there are not items in your portfolio related to copywriting, blogging, and proofreading. I recommend adding items that exhibit your writing, blogging, and proofreading skills. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients, and you want them to have an idea of your writing style. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hello, everyone! I would greatly appreciate any feedback you can provide on my profile. Thank you for your kindness and assistance.


my profile : 


Rizqi Utami

Add your portfolio and add some catalog also its add value on your profile .

Community Member

Hi Arash  here , can you please give some valuable feedback on my profile .


What a profile does is give you a chance to provide clients with the information they need to decide who will get some work they have to offer.


Here's your opening: 'Small business owners, are you in search of a visually striking and distinctive website to draw customers to your business? Look no further! I'm Arash N, ..."


Up to this point you have provided zero information, none, zip, nada, zilch, nothing they need to know to make a decision on who they will hire. 1. They already know they are looking for someone to help them with a website. 2. Saying, "look no further!" is not good information. And 3. Your name is in large letters at the top of your profile, so giving them your name a second time is not informative, either.

Are you on board here? All of that so far is useless.


This, then, is where your profile should start: "I am a seasoned WordPress web designer & WordPress developer with 7 years of expertise in crafting swift and fully-functional business websites ..."


Do you understand this is where you start providing information clients will need to decide whom they will hire. So why don't you start with that? Make sense to you?


Then you write, "Navigating the process of creating a website can be intimidating, especially if you're not tech-savvy or prefer focusing on the business side. Fear not! "


Again ... none of that is useful information. Your clients already know it's difficult to put together a website ... why do you think they're reading your profile, anyway? Because they have nothing else to do? Wrong. They don't need your rhetorical, self-serving questions. They need information. Stop wasting their time.


Now you get back on track again. This next bit is useful: "I specialize in guiding small business owners through their projects, simplifying technical details and providing personalized support aligned with your industry needs. Additionally, I offer complementary services such as domain name registration, managed WordPress web hosting, and ongoing maintenance."


That bit is all usefull.


Next up: "Your business is unique, and so are its website requirements. I tailor bespoke solutions, from simple blogs to intricate e-commerce sites, ensuring your website not only looks great but also performs exceptionally well."


I'll give you that stuff. They know their business is unique, but a little flattery isn't the worst thing in the world.

Get rid of the useless, rhetorical grandstanding and in a friendly tone of voice give them the information they need, tell them what you do and boast a little on what kind of results or benefits they will see from that. Don't tell them stuff they already know.

Good luck.

Community Member

Hi, I'm a graphic designer specializing in YouTube thumbnail designs. I'm confident in my skills but haven't been landing many jobs on Upwork. Would anyone be willing to review my profile and offer constructive feedback? Here's my profile link: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~018b91dd35ba1f81d0

Community Member



Graphic design and thumbnail development are highly competitive skill areas on Upwork, so landing jobs can be a challenge. Additionally, Upwork moves profiles around in search results and other factors can affect how often or how little our profiles are seen.


The good thing is, your profile looks great. Your overview/summary uses a good approach and offers clients enough information to understand your services and see your value. Your portfolio looks great, and your project catalog, testimonials, certifications, and employment history look great.


The only recommendation I have is to add an important skill category to your skills list. I suggest adding YouTube Thumbnail since it appears in your title and is highly relevant to your services. Upwork looks for synergy between the words in your title, summary, and skills list. Upwork uses these skill categories to match you with relevant jobs, and to help your profile appear in search results when clients search for those skills.


If you have the Connects to spend, I encourage you to keep trying. Competition is high and as noted above, unpredictable postioning of our profiles can sometimes make it difficult to be seen by clients.


Good luck!

Community Member

Thank you so much for the feedback! I sincerely appreciate your insights.

Community Member

Hello Everyone, 

I am a Top Rated Freelancer, If anyone can make recommendations to improve my profile please do.. 


Here is the link to my profile https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01938b72d924564d9f

With 10K in earnings you need our help?

Seems pretty succesful to me with what you have.


One trick is to cut and paste a couple of your best reviews and place them at the very top of your write-up. This way, the very first thing people see is a review of someone else praising your work.

That can provide a boost. If you want to see one way to do this, look at my profile. There are others who do this sort of thing, so there are surely other styles for pulling this off. Anyway, that might help.


Good luck.

Community Member

Please do evaluate my profile so I can land on my first job.

Hi Jess,

1) Your title should say WHAT you do. we are all freelancer so your title has 0 meaning

2) List your skills and how you use them.


Pretend you are writing a RESUME for a large company and it gas to get past the HR department

Work on that then call us back

Good Luck

Community Member

Hello, I am new to Upwork and I need help checking my profile and highlighting areas of improvement so I can land my first job.

Community Member

Hello Linda,


I like the information in your profile, but I think it needs to go a bit further. In your overview/summary, you do a good job of telling clients how you can help them. Now, give them examples of what you can do:


"I write compelling and well-researched articles, blogs, product descriptions, presentations, short stories, and other copy for web content and social media. I also review written content for accuracy, consistency, and grammar to identify and correct errors before content is published or finalized."


Also, capitalize the first letter of each word in your title; this will help it stand out: Article Writing, Copywriting, Copy Editing, Proofreading


You should consider adding a project catalog. The project catalog allows you to setup a pre-packaged service that clients can buy without you sending a proposal. Due to higher than usual requests for project catalogs, reviews and approvals are taking a minimum of 10 business days. Read Get Started With Project Catalog for more information.


Everything else in your profile looks good.

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