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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Hi New Upwork Freelancers!


Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The Community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!

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Not applicable

Sukhendu, since I am not in data science field, I won't be able to help you much about the skillset but you can look up jobs on Upwork and make a quick assessment for yourself. Also, feel free to connect with other freelancers in the field on this forum. Since you already bagged a long-term contract, with some diligence you will do well on this platform.   


Last year I actively joined to upwork and got my 1st job in february. After that I tried lot of proposals but not yet received my 2nd job. So very recently updated my profile and look forward your comments related to my profile.


So please find the below link for my Upwork profile,


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Thank you


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Someone, please do review my Upwork profile.

I'll be thankful.

Community Member

Hi, good idea I am also a beginner

Can someone review my profile so I can know if I am doing anything wrong?

Not applicable

Teona, excellent! You already have your first job. Overall, your profile reads well, however it does not give a complete idea of how efficient, or competent you are. You could add several elements to your profile e.g. introductory video, portfolio, and testimonials. Without these items, it is difficult to compete in a marketplace that attracts high-quality talent. Lastly, I believe, you offer three types of unrelated services (I could be wrong as I am not an engineer). Having three different profiles is okay but while writing proposals perhaps it might be better to choose one focus area. You can research trends in that specific area, pricing etc and pursue that area. 

Hope this helps, Good luck. 

Community Member

I've lost almost all of my connects and didn't get a single message, Is the problem with my profile?
if not please provide me with any possible advice.

Younes T wrote:

I've lost almost all of my connects and didn't get a single message, Is the problem with my profile?
if not please provide me with any possible advice.

"Arabic is my mother tongue, I have a Bachelor's Degree in English, and currently, I am a Master's student in English literature and civilization."
You need to change your English skills at least to fluent.

Alright, will do, thanks for taking the time to visit my profile! any more advice :D?

Community Member

I am a new comer to the Upwork environment and I would like to have feedback or recommendations on how to structure my profile for the best results
Not applicable

Richard, your profile reads well. It gives a clear idea about your experience and roles you are looking for. A potential client may need the specifics of services/ 'catalog products' you offer on this platform. Consider adding specifics in the overview section e.g. "Consultations to set up team workflow" or "Consultation for troubleshooting XYZ". Consider changing your availability to less than or more than 30 hours. Lastly, consider getting some testimonials from previous employers. If you already have them on your LinkedIn profile, you can connect two profiles. 


Good luck, I hope this helps. 

Thank you so much for your feedback! I will address your critiques.

Hi Aditi

Could you please give some feedback on my profile?

Not applicable

Sheeza, great start. At present, the overview section has several details that may not be directly relevant to the jobs you are seeking and several relevant details missing. (e.g. age may not relevant/necessary for freelancing jobs, and your experience as content creater is not listed under the employment section). I'd suggest four articles for you, start with this article below:


Then look at the links at the bottom of article:

 Each articles provides step-by-step guidance to create a professional profile. Good luck, hope this helps. 

hello friends

could u help me to check out my profile if there's any problem bc I make many submitted proposals but there's no answer its make me confused ??

this my profile 

Hey, You're not allowed to use that as your profile picture , It has to be you

it's me but illustration 

That's not allowed

Faisal A wrote:

it's me but illustration 

It cannot be a drawing, it has to be a clear photo of you. Another thing is not allowed.
Have you read the TOS?

actually, its work btw thx for ur advice  

Hi Faisal,
Profile pic is mine! I hope that you have seen the profile closely. I have not uploaded anything else.
Community Member


Could you make me a favor and check my profile? I'm starting as a Designer and freelancer, so any feedback would be very helpful! Thanks!

Community Member

Hi, I'm new to Upwork -- kinda obvious -- and I'm nervous about waiting for my first job. I applied to around 7-8 offerings and sent some proposals,but I'm not sure how long I should wait and whether or not these people will want my offer. I'm trying to earn money while I work on my online classes too, and I get kinda worried if people reject me too. Is there anything I can do to boost my chances of getting the jobs I want?

Hi all!

  I want to help with what I know - I got my first offer yesterday and I joined two weeks back.

1. I attended the webinar by Mr. Neal Strauss which really changed my outlook. He gave some valuable tips: Be yourself, don't pretend to know everything, honest communication is best, show case your talent, do not underbid yourself, be empathetic and put yourself in the customer's shoes and ask valid questions that show your interest and involvement right from the proposal stage.


And Ms. Samantha's onboarding webinar was also excellent: https://www.upwork.com/community/events/beginning-your-freelancer-journey-on-upwork-17

2. It's better to apply for recent job postings which are a day or two old rather than four or five days in the system.

3. Present the unique 'value' that you bring that assures clients that you are the best person for the job. 

4. Only apply when you fulfill all the criteria. 

5. Start work only when you have received the offer. The client may not be committed enough to translate an invite into an offer. Don't give too much away in the interview. Keep calm and answer to the point. If you give too much away, the customer might want to save the money and do the job himself or herself. You just need to give them confidence that you can do the job with the experience you have.

I hope these tips were useful. Do not be discouraged. Put all the tips to work. Build a solid portfolio and the jobs will surely come. Keep at it!!!


Not applicable

Thank you Niti for sharing that. Upwork has some excellent resources for freelancers. 

I want someone to have a look at my profile and tell me if something is wrong.
I've sent over 48 proposals by now and haven't received even one invite or a message, and I am not new to the freelancing world so I know that I am not that bad at this, I've had luck on other websites and I've spent 6$ on upwork and I have this desperate urge to make it back from upwork itself.
Help me 😛

Hello Nash, I believe you need to work more on your profile. Here are some tips: 
- Fix the title of your general profile; It says, freelancer! Well, of course, you obviously are!... It would be better if you wrote your specialties instead.
- Add a portfolio of the past projects that you have successfully done. This is crucial!
- The description of each profile needs to be more informative by focusing more on your expertise, skills, what you can deliver, and how.
- Try to make the marked bar in the attached image = 100%.

Profile strength.JPG

I believe these tips would help you to get your 6$ back from Upwork! Smiley Very Happy

Wish you the best of luck

Community Member

Hi, I am a graphic designer and requesting expert freelancers to review my profile, please let me know your suggestions. and comments on how can I improve my profile

Thank You.



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Appreciated, Please reveiw. Thanks

Community Member

Hello everyone!
Can anybody give me feedback on my profile and advise me on the best strategy to win jobs?

I joined Upwork on Dec 28, 2020, and actively started to bid on jobs after Jan 12, 2021 (15 days straight).

I didn't get any jobs yet. I applied for 20 jobs so far, 8 of them are already closed.

I target payment-verified, fix-priced projects in the range of 20-500$.
I started to bid on projects for the price I would usually get outside of Upwork but then realized that I should probably start with lower-priced projects at the beginning, given my status on Upwork ( I only have a Rising Talent Badge).


So I started to do that. But still no progress. And I wonder if it doesn't work because I should keep applying and be more patient, or there is something wrong with my strategy, and I should try something different?
I don't mind trying and waiting for as long as required unless I know it will produce desired results.

I attached the screenshot of my proposal history if it is going to help.
Mostly I apply for branding/logo design work because that is my specialty.

I would appreciate hearing any advice,
Thank you,

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Not applicable

Sergey, your portfolio is excellent. Few things to consider: The introductory video is redundant as it gives no new information i.e. it is similar to the portfolio. Consider including an introduction of yourself. Check out this video from another freelancer Igor. I thought it was well-made. Is something like that possible for you? Next, the description under the overview section for specialized profile and "all work" is more or less the same but the rates are different. A client may wonder why? Consider making it consistent. Lastly, adding some testimonials (or linking your LinkedIn profile if you have testimonials there) might give your potential clients a different perspective about your work. Consider adding that. 

Good luck, you already are a rising star. I am sure you'll find projects that you like. 

Great help, Aditi! Thank you so much.

I wasn't aware of the differences between specialized and general profiles. Now it makes sense to me why the information is different on both of my profiles.
Now the question is- do I even need a specialized profile? My specialty is branding/logo design, but I also do packaging, advertisement, and print layout design. Should I position myself as an expert branding/logo designer and a general graphic designer separately?


Igor's introduction video is great.
I have another question related to that. My English is basic conversational, but I have a manager who speaks the language fluently. She will be doing all the translation for me. I still don't know how this is going to work out. Do you have any thoughts about that?
And should I mention this in the video so that it doesn't cause any inconveniences in the future?
Do other people use the help of translators on Upwork? Does it work for them?


Highly appreciate your help,
Thank you.

Not applicable

Sergey, since I am not familiar with the norms or industry standards in your field, it is difficult to answer these questions. 

As for an English speaking manager: If you are working with another person (manager) then consider using an Agency account. I am not familiar with "Agencies" but someone from Upwork should be able to provide you further information. 

Thanks Aditi, I'll take that into account.

Community Member

Hi, could you please check my profile? 
and give me some tips and advice? 
Thanks in advance 

Community Member

can you check mine please? Smiley Happy

Not applicable

Alfi, your profile reads well. Some expressions are a bit unusual e.g. first office, second office etc listed under employment. Please consider listing the impact of work you did in those jobs. At present, your general profile and specialized profile read the same. Consider developing a specialized profile so that you can showcase your talent. The portfolio is quite nice. Is it possible to add more projects in it with more variety? Are you focusing on a specific industry e.g. gaming etc.? Then consider adding portfolio items relevant to that industry. Hope this helps.    

Kudos, you already are a rising talent. 

Community Member



My name is Monique and I would really appreciate someone reviewing my profile and sharing your feedback on what I can improve.


Thanks for your support!

I am a data entry and lead generation freelancer. I am working on another marketplace and have completed 470+ projects there. Trying to get job on Upwork but not getting jobs. I don't know why! I am trying from 1 year and have spend almost $150 to purchase connections. I got only 2 orders of $15!!!

Can you please check my profile and suggest me what should I do now? I am really very serious to build my career here.




Looking forward to hearing from you.




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I would very much like someone to evaluate the effectiveness of my profile please

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