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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Hi New Upwork Freelancers!


Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The Community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!

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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


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Community Member

Hello!  I'd love some feedback on my profile...thank you!!


Not applicable

Caludea, that's a great start. I noticed that you still need to complete several areas such as testimonials, employment/experience, portfolio etc. Upwork has recently published this article:


First five steps are applicable to you and other early stage freelancers. I hope you revise/complete your profile accordingly.


Good luck, I am rooting for your success.  

Community Member

Hi Mike , I just read your . I created my profile two days ago to give services As VA Amazon and Pinterest. I need feedbacks and testimonials for my profile.
Kindly help me .

Good morning,

I feel a bit stuck to embrace the freelancing activity on Upwork.

Some help is needed.

Thanks in advance for any constructive feedback.

Kind regards,

Not applicable

Giangiacomo, your profile is not set to public. Please provide a link to your profile. Also, if you specify why you feel 'stuck' that would help to provide a comprehensive response. Are you not comfortable with the fluctuations in income? Or is 'constantly applying' annoying to you? Let me know and I will try to help. 

Community Member

Hi Team,

Thank you for having this thread out here.

Can someone quickly look at my profile and suggest if there are any changes needed.


Appreciate your time and help.



Community Member

Hi, I would be thankful if anyone could check my profile and provide me with feedback. 

Community Member

I have a profile now. Great. I suppose that is how a client will find me,


What if I search for work. Do I have to do somethng after the jobs I searched are saved? There is no direction on that.


Thank you!

Not applicable

Hi Arlene,


Upwork has resources on these project searches (Yup, sometimes Upwork frustrates me too as they have high quality resources but are scattered all over.) 


This link should show you 11 square tiles. Of which, first 2 rows ( or 7 tiles to be more precise) are relevant. The directions for your specific question will be in tile "Find a project" >> Submit a proposal . But I recommend taking the time to read all the tiles. It sets you up for long term success.


Hope this helps. 


Community Member


I am new on Upwork and having hard time to get a job here.Please review my profile and suggest accordingly.

Thanks and Regards

Community Member

Please have a look at my profile. I have submitted around 20 proposal still waiting for response. 



Community Member

Hello All Experienced UpWork Sellers, Please visit my profile and give me the feedback where should i improve more to be successful here.

Community Member

Hello, I'm interested in having my profile checked out by experienced freelancers;
Community Member

Hi Mike,


I'm a TOP RATED Freelancer here on Upwork. I've submitted around 10 proposals but from last few days, I'm not getting response from clients. Why? Please check my profile here 

Not applicable

Vicky, your profile reads well.

In 2020, when many businesses moved online, there was a tiny surge in job postings. But 2021 is a different story. I notice rapid changes in talent pool. Many new freelancers, many freelancers with reduced rates, many freelancers offering more hours of services. It is indeed difficult to get contracts now. I am in the same boat!!

Having said that, perhaps this is time to "upskill". Are there any skills that you can quickly acquire and are much needed currently? Here's a good webinar from Upwork: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWkR7nZBZR0 

I hope this helps. Good luck, things will change for better. 

Not applicable

Vicky, there is a separate thread if you need feedback from Mike or Upwork team. This thread is meant for experienced freelancers to provide suggestions. I have tried to provide resources that might help you. 

Hi, I'd really love to have my profile reviewed if you don't mind.

Hi Aditi,


Thank you very much for your valuable advice. I am going to check your given YT video and will try to add more skills. Thank you, Again! Have a good day.

Community Member

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Relied Below 😉

Not applicable

Lisa, what are the services/products you will offer to a potential client? 

Community Member

Hi, I would really appreciate feedback. Thanks.
Community Member

Hi Mike,

Could you please help me with my profile review? I am new on the platform and any great feedback will be helpful.



Varun Srivastava

Community Member

Hi Upwork Community,


Thank you for being there for each other. I am new to Upwork and freelancing. I would appreciate if someone could review my profile and provide me their valuable feedback.


Stay safe, healthy and blessed!


Best Regards,


Hello Upwork Community,

I also would appreciate if someone could review my profile and provide me their valuable feedback.


CTO/FullStack, Free Learning Systems Startup, SellSystems

Syed Khalid H wrote:

Hi Upwork Community,


Thank you for being there for each other. I am new to Upwork and freelancing. I would appreciate if someone could review my profile and provide me their valuable feedback.


Stay safe, healthy and blessed!


Best Regards,




Syed, I think your profile reads well. It would be better though if you could get one of your portfolio entries the right way up.  


Be careful to apply only for relevant jobs, don't waste connects on jobs you think you can do, but don't have real expertise in. Also, remember that the first three lines of your proposal are the ones that the client will see first, so don't waste them with flowery introductions; go straight to the point and address what the client needs.


It takes a while to get traction on Upwork, so keep applying and good luck.  

Hi Nichola,


Thank you for your vaulable feedback!


Well noted and I will keep that in mind.


Stay safe, healthy and blessed.


Best Regards,


Community Member

Hi awesome people!

I just started my UpWork journey and would love to get any kind of feedback on my profile! I mostly look for gigs on packaging design, for now, but always open to new things. I am currently working on my first gig here. 

Community Member

Hello Experienced Upwork Members,
with all my respect. please check my profile and provide me with feedback. I will appreciate it!

Thank you!

Community Member

Could you check my profile?  thanks

Community Member

Hi, I'm interested. I will be very happy if you checked my profile and provide me feedback. Thank you very much.

Community Member

Hello ,sir, I would like to know if my page is good enough,thank you for attention

Community Member

Hello, I am a new freelancer. I have no past experience. I have sent more than 20 proposal uptil now and haven't got any response. Can anyone please visit my profile and tell me is there something I should change?

Community Member



I am in trouble since many days(months).
I purchased connects more than 3 times ($36+)but can't get any project. My profile is very strong and  got many projects, but from last 2 months not getting single client, project or any reply. 

Is there any issue with my profile or policy violation?

My profile is Public I checked many times.


I had really BAD time, since many days not getting work or reply.

Waiting for your reply.




Community Member

Thanks for posting this! I would love to get feedback on my profile

Not applicable

Carolina, I had reviewed your profile on 03/05/2021. Your title does not match with any job listings. At present, you do not have any testimonials or introductory video. Please consider doing those things. If that is not feasible at your end, please specify and then we can brainstorm new ideas or look for other resources. 


Carolina, What a contagious smile you have! Your profile reads well. A couple suggestions: Try a different title e.g. expert strategist. You can browse other freelancer profiles to find a title that fits you the best. Is it possible to get few recommendations from your past clients/employers? Lastly, consider adding an introduction video as it will help your potential clients connect with you. 

Good luck, with some patience and diligence, I am sure you will find several projects on this platform. 

I seriously need some help from professionals like you. Mam I have been on UpWork since February and I have submitted 31 proposals so far but none of the clients invite me except for 2 and my stats are showing that my profile is not being viewed by clients, is there something wrong I am doing, I'll appreciate your suggestions on how good is my profile.

Not applicable

Muhammad O., that's a good start. Consider focusing on services you offer instead of personal qualities. Consider adding testimonials from previous employers and also creating a portfolio.


Upwork is a competitive marketplace. I too sometimes don't get enough projects. I use that time to gain more skills such as advanced writing etc. For you, I could suggest improving upon English fluency, if you'd like to do that. I see that you have passed IELTS, may be another level of any other English exam? 


Hope this helps. Good luck. 

Respected Mam,

Thank you for your time and kind suggestions, I will surely work on them and mam there is this one thing that bothers me a lot and that is building a profile in a very professional way is one thing but profile not being viewed by anyone is another thing, right, Mam is there any UpWork algorithm that suggests client view this proposal or it anything like this because after sending 31 proposals, My profile is not being viewed by any client when I check my stats, I will be looking forward to your kind advice on this.  


Muhammad Omer

Not applicable

Muhammad, I am not an Upwork employee. I provide responses on this thread based on my experiences as a freelancer. You will need to contact Upwork help desk for your specific query. Upwork helpdesk is pretty swift in responding. They will help you. In my early days as a freelancer, I never showed up on Upwork community. I always went straight to Upwork help desk. Hope it helps you too.  

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