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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Hi New Upwork Freelancers!


Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The Community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!

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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


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3,582 REPLIES 3,582
Community Member

Hi! I’m new and I’ve just received a message that a potential client can’t download the audio files I’ve attached in my proposal. I’m just wondering how I can check whether my files can be downloaded and heard on my proposals (and profile) by other people? They work for me...... Thanks!

Hi Kate,


I checked the proposal and the audio files and your client shouldn't have any issues downloading them. Do you know if they are receiving any errors while trying to download? 

Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
Community Member

This would be great if possible. Thanks in advance.

Not applicable

Ash, your profile reads well and is complete. Please consider adding more portfolio items. Also, including introduction video might be helpful. You have a specialized profile. Consider creating a separate overview of services you offer in a specialized profile.

Good luck, I am sure you will be soon a rising talent.  

Community Member

Hi Upwork Community!


I am Fernando, new in Upwork. I did and going on doing a lot of work on my profile, I actually had two job opportunities. 


I want to know your opinion about my profile, because I benchmarked with other upwork profiles and got opposite results. I do not know well what could be better for me.


Having two opportunities already makes me optimistic. But I think I have plenty  to improve yet.


Thanks in advance.

Have a nice week.

Fernando M.

Community Member

Hi Mike J, I would appreciate if you could help give a feedback on my profile. Many thanks.
Community Member

Hi Mike, 


Please help to check on my profile. i have submited few proposals. awaiting for feedback 



Sarath K

Community Member

Hey there freelancers.


I am quite new to Upwork, and I would love to get some feedback from you all as to how I can improve on my profile. 

I've sent out loads of proposals but no interviews yet. Hoping to change that.




Not applicable

Adrian, your profile is not public. 

Thanks for your message
My profile is public already, could you please look into it again?

Thank you
Community Member

Hi, Good Day....I am have been trying for the last one month to get a project, but unfortunately have not been succesful I suppose it may be due to the fact that I have not gained any experience through this platform, even though I have the professional experience. I am really looking forward to finding some sort of opening so that I could showcase my work and also to support my family financially as we are all going through a rough time.


Best regards,


Community Member

Hi everyone! I have recently joined Upwork and the freelancing "game", so any advice on potential improvements to my profile would be greatly appreciated. A beautiful day to you all! 

Community Member

Would love to get some feedback on my profile! 🙂

Not applicable

Daniel, your profile is excellent, in particular the video. I hope one of the freelancer shows me how to create these videos. Some areas that could change: 1. Overview section for specialized profile and general profile - At present, both read the same. It might be a good idea to tailor them to the specific services. 2. Skills list - I believe, up to 15 skills are allowed. I think you may have listed fewer. 3. Project catalogs - Is it possible to create project catalogs in your field?

Good luck. I think you will find projects soon.    

Hello Ma'am Aditi, I would ve honored if you can help review my profile. Many thanks ma

Joy S wrote:
Hello Ma'am Aditi, I would ve honored if you can help review my profile. Many thanks ma

Joy, you need to make your profile public so we can review it. Thanks!

Thanks for the feedback, Aditi!

As for the specialized profile and general profile, I've looked for a way to remove the general one (All people need to know is the other one, really) and didn't find a way. Do you know how to?

Project Catalogs are indeed possible for my field but I've never been sure what to write. (This is why I decided not to use Fiverr).


If you want, I can teach you some simple Adobe Premiere basics 😄

Not applicable

Daniel, I am not sure if you can remove the general one but you can delete the specialized one. If you offer only one specialized skill then there is no need for a separate profile. A general profile should be sufficient. Here's a link that describes how to delete a specialized profile. 



For inspiration about project catalogs, you can look at how others have done it and then craft a catalog about services you offer. 



Community Member


Thank for this initiative. I like to seek help in getting my profile accepted. I feel I have inputed all the necessary requirements but I am not being accepted. Much appreciate for any guidance in this regards. 



Community Member

Hello there, 

I need some ideas/suggestions on how to get jobs in Upwork? I am an active member of Upwork since December 2020. I have submitted more than 50 proposals till now but got no job. Need some help or suggestions. 

I have also created a specialized profile as well as added a project cataloge in my profile

Community Member


Good day, I would appreciate some feedback on my profile. I am new to freelancing and would to be able to present my best self to potential employers. Can I get some help on creating a winning profile to increase my presence?

Not applicable

Shannoya, you already have 83 hours of experience in last two months. Kudos! Some suggestions: 1. Smile. Your current profile suggests that you are a smart, competent and dedicated professional. It might help to have a smiling picture taken by a professional photographer. 2. Create a portfolio with multiple items. It doesn't have to be work done for a client. It could be a task you did out of your own interest. 3. First few lines of the overview section are important. Add your services in there. 

Good luck, I am sure you will get more projects soon.  

Aditi ma'am, I would appreciate if you could help give a feedback on my profile. Many thanks
Not applicable

Joy, this is a good start. The services you offer are quite unclear. Project management, customer service, event champion, grant writing, mentoring are some of the items that I notice. I'd encourage you to streamline the profile. Add more portfolio items and project catalogs. Also, request some testimonials from previous employers. 

Good luck, you will get several projects soon. 

Hi Community Members,


Hope you are well!

Could you please review my Upwork Profile and let me know how your valued feedback on how I can improve my profile to get more attention from clients so they can invite me for the job. As I started upwork from last year and working continuing from 3 months to get a new job here. I have submitted many proposals relevant to my expertise. and finally got my first job here but after that, I didn't receive any job invitation from the last 90 days?

So please experts suggest me any changes or working strategy here to get job invitation.

Kindly review my profile and let me know. You're 5-10 minutes give me a chance to improve myself as an SEO expert here on Upwork.

Advance Thanks To You All! Please ignore any Grammarly mistakes.



Community Member

I would appreciate if you could help give a feedback on my profile. Many thanks
Community Member

Hey Team,
I would like you to please review my profile and help is required, as I am new to this platform, unable to understand how to withdraw money from Upwork? I am basically from Pakistan and need to transfer it to the local bank.

Community Member


I appreciate it if you can check on my profile.

I have almost four years of work experience in the banking industry, new to the freelance community, and applied to more than ten clients in the past week, without even a single interview (even though I apply to clients with less than five proposals and entry-level projects).

Community Member

Hi, I am a logo designer & I am new to Upwork, I need some guide & tips to become a successful freelancer in Upwork. Please help me.

Not applicable

MD R, your profile is not public. 

Community Member

I am new for Upwork. I joined here before 10 days and I submitted 10 proposal but nobody replied to me. Right now, I am runout of contacts and I feel hopeless. I kindly requesting some advice how to come back again.

Community Member

Hi, I have also been trying for almost a month to get through to a project but unfortunately have not been successful. Appreciate any feedback that would help me to improve my profile and also a small query I have passed the Upwork readiness test does it appear on our profile...Please advise. 


Have a good day.


With best regards

Not applicable

Shameela, good start but there are things that need to be fixed. Here are some suggestions: 1. Skills list has skills listed twice - typing. Also, you can add 10 skills, you have total 8. Add two more. 2. The overview section is redundant i.e. your name is already visible on top, no need to state it again. Focus on services you offer. 3. Without a portfolio, it is almost impossible to get a project. Consider adding a portfolio with several items.

Community Member


I am new to Upwork, This is very kind of you guys

I would like to get any feedback from you experienced freelancers


Not applicable

Evar, your profile is excellent. To take it to the next level, I can suggest two things: 1. Add more items to your portfolio. For each item, add image. Only pdf does not inspire the client to click on it. Add one item for each of the service you offer. 2. Create project catalogs. I know in your field it is difficult to develop catalogs but catalog is a good way for a new freelancer to get noticed. 3. Lastly, is it possible to get testimonials from Growthbond experts. That job seems to be directly related to the services you offer on Upwork. That testimonial might help you. 

Good luck. apply aggressively and I am sure you will get a project soon. 

Community Member

Hi Mary,

Could you please check my profile and provide me with feedback. I will appreciate it!
Thanks in Advance

Community Member


Hope everyone is doing well.


I've started my freelancing career on Upwork and I want my profile to be ranked, Could you please review my profile and let me know if it is portraying everything about skills or not?


I also want to rank my profile, can somebody help me with that ?

Kind regards,

Ali raza

Not applicable

Ali, great start. Two suggestions: The content on the "specialized profile" and "All work" is the same. Consider writing two separate profiles. Next, add more items to portfolio. Your domain is competitive. Without a strong portfolio, it is almost impossible to get a project.  

Hi Aditi,
Can you please review my profile, I had been bided to 80 proposal, but nothing happened.
It would be great if you review my profile.

Alok K wrote:
Hi Aditi,
Can you please review my profile, I had been bided to 80 proposal, but nothing happened.
It would be great if you review my profile.

Alok, you should stop closing projects yourself; if you ask clients to close their projects instead, then they'll have to leave you a feedback review. You've done 14 projects and only received one review, whereas if you had more reviews, you might find it easier to get new clients.


Your profile overview is also very short and doesn't say that you have any unique services or qualifications that would help you to stand out from your competitors. You need to give clients reasons why they should hire you.

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