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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.

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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.



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Very, very, very, very, very, very good. Excellent. Don't touch a thing. And, whatever you do, ignore William's advice.

Good luck.

Community Member

Hello, Upworkers!

Can anybody check my profile?


Community Member

Hey there!

I'm new in the platform and I could really use some help. To start, a profile feedback would be great to insure I have everything in order to start working.


Much appreciated! 🙂



You got a problem.


Here's the problem: You want to sell a house. So you try to make that house look terrific to get a good price and you paint that house blue with yellow trim. It looks completely fantastic. Then the first buyer comes along. And the buyer says, "I don't like that color blue."


Now let's say you're a writer. You write something terrific.l  You use that in your portfolio. And the first perspective client looks over your work and says, "That's not the style I was looking for."


So in your portfolio you have a bunch of action shots with blurry figures, lots of motion and ... some people will say, "Great!" And other people will say, "Yuk!"


So, you're stuck in a bind. What you want to do is show only your most commercial; work, the type of work that would be fit for an advertisement on a national magazine -- clear, simple, clean, something EVERYBODY would enjoy.


Just for example, I completely loved the first two dance photos I saw. I didn't like the rest. Based on that, I wouldn't have hired you.


Some of your dance shots are fabulous, top notch. Others are cluttered and chaotic. You have to take those out.


A very simple example is your own photo of yourself. It's too dark. It is probably very artistic when you see it in person, but onliine you want a shot of your smiling face, looking at the camera like a businessman, a nice simple background that contrasts well with your skin tone and shirt.

Even though people encourage you to do this, you don't want lots and lots of samples in your portfolio. Three is great. Four is terrific. But stop there. The more samples you post, the more chances you have that someone will not like it. You have to avoid "Yuk" at this stage of the game. Why? It turns out nobody likes a blue house with yellow trim. What was that guy even thinking?

Community Member

Lovely Greetings Andrea, 


I really think this is a great idea, considering that every start is hard and we all need a little push. Have a nice rest of the day.




I think you did a nice job. Love the opening "Lovely greetings." That's very sweet.

Community Member

Hello there! I am new to freelancing on Upwork, and I would greatly appreciate a peek at my portfolio and feedback on what I might improve upon. Thank you kindly.


OK, quick fixes, 'cause you're on the right track.


I'm a UX/UI designer with an eye for detail and a passion for creating intuitive, user-friendly experiences.


No, you are not. You're a UX/UI expert with an eye for detai. (There's way too much competition to lie down on the job here.)


With over 2+ years of creative experience in the industry, I've worked on projects ranging from funeral home website redesigns to mobile e-commerce applications.


Terrific sentence.


My design philosophy is simple: create beautiful solutions that are both engaging and easy to use.


What people want is results. I recommend: "I create simple, beautiful solutions that are both engaging and easy to use.


I'm always looking for new ways to challenge myself and push the boundaries of design. In my free time, I love exploring new technologies and trends, as well as finding innovative solutions to everyday problems. If you're interested in learning more about my work or collaborating on a project, please don't hesitate to reach out!


That's fine as an ending, but you have to stress that you know how to get the job done. Say, "I have completed X number of projects, " or "I will get this to you on time," or "I will get the basics and the finishing touches done under deadline ..." Whichever way you put it, "I can get this done," is the message.


If you want to add more (and it wouldn't hurt) I would poke around Upwork and look for profiles of freelancers who do what you do and look at their rates, their reviews, their earnings, and see if you can get some ideas for what more you could say. People who are tempted sometimes just need to spend a bit more time with you, studying your page, to make a decision, so it helps to engage your perspective clients a bit more.

Good luck. Welcome. And all that.

Community Member


I am new on this plateform but not new in the field of eccomerce.

I have more 3 years experince as a virtual assistant.

would really appreciate if anyone could review my profile and give me some helpful tips on how I can optimise my profile.


Community Member

First and foremost, hello everyone.


I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions for improving my profile.

Thank you very much.


So you think being an engineer makes you a viable marketing expert? I'm not sure I buy that.

What you have to do is establish yourself as a marketing expert regardless of the engineering background. Of course, engineers are bright and articulate, people who know how to get things done. But what do you know about marketing? Do the math. To me it doesn't quite add up. 

Community Member

can someone review my profile please? I would really love to learn and know how i can do better



I think you have to say a lot more about your skills and the results they achieve. Then you need an editor to review your writing. 

Community Member

Please, can anyone help check my profile?


I will be grateful and I appreciate your corrections, please check and tell me the necessary things I need to do.


Thank you

Community Member

Hi, kindly help run a check on my profile. Thanks

Community Member

Hello Everyone!! I am a Freelancer from India. I request you all kindly check my profile and feel free to criticize. Thankyou for your precious time ❤️

Community Member

I am very new at this and would appreciate input on my profile. Thank you in advance! 


I am very new at this and would appreciate input on my profile. Thank you in advance! 



In general, you are barking up the wrong tree.


Freelancers are (again, generally) people who are selling a specific service. Traditionally, the most successful freelancers claim a very narrow niche where they can claim to be experts. This would be not only writers, but writers who specialize in writing about the cars or computers or travel or food or science, etc.

The more you specialize, the more you become an expert. This means less research per assignment, since you already know your field, higher rates since you are one of the go-to freelancers, less time looking for work, since editors begin to remember your name.


So you're looking for a contract as a "Diverse professional." Believe me, nobody comes to Upwork and says, "I have to hire a diverse professional." They say, "I need a graphic designer ... an editor ... a translator ... an architect who understands CAD. "


Review the marketplace, Find a niche that suits you and has enough of a market and a reasonable wage and then develop that as a business that you can offer. Freelancing is a service business. It has all the variables as running a retail store or a gas station. You need your own insurance, your own business policies (do I charge extra for rush jobs or not?). You can't just show up and stand on the corner waiting for something to happen. Could you get lucky that way? It's not impossible, but there are 12 million freelancers on Upwork, so the competition is very real. What are you competetive at doing? That's your starting point.

Community Member

Hello everyone, I would like to have also a feedback on my profile ! Cheers  

Community Member

Please, check my profile?

How can i improve my account & get some orders.

Community Member

Hello mister. I will be very grateful if you leave a review in my profile. I am a copywriter and translator. I write articles, scripts for videos, posts. Uniqueness 95%. I translate from Kazakh, Russian, Spanish, Italian and German. Below I will leave a short article about self-development


Self-development is the process of improving oneself, both personally and professionally. It involves identifying areas that need improvement and taking conscious steps to enhance one's skills, knowledge, and mindset. Self-development can be a lifelong pursuit and is essential for personal growth and achieving success in various aspects of life.

The importance of self-development cannot be overstated. It is through self-development that individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their capabilities. They can identify their strengths and weaknesses and work towards improving them. Self-development also helps individuals to become more resilient, adaptable, and better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks.

Self-development can take many forms, such as reading books, attending workshops, taking courses, seeking mentorship, and networking. The key is to be intentional and consistent in one's efforts to improve oneself. Setting goals and creating a plan of action can help individuals stay focused and motivated on their self-development journey.

Personal development can have a positive impact on every aspect of an individual's life. It can lead to improved relationships, better physical and mental health, and increased happiness and fulfillment. It can also open up new opportunities in one's personal and professional life.

In conclusion, self-development is a continuous process that requires commitment, effort, and a growth mindset. It is an essential aspect of personal growth and can lead to significant improvements in one's life. By investing in self-development, individuals can unlock their full potential and achieve their goals and aspirations.

Community Member

Hi guys.....anyone to check out my profile please?

Community Member

Can anybody help me to grow? I am new in freelancing field. and also suggest me which skill i should develop for future.

Community Member

Hello! I'm new here and would like some input on my profile.

Unfortunately, it's stuck at 40% completion because I have no job experience (yet). I guess nothing can be done about that until I land a job outside of Upwork. Fingers crossed!


Would that deter clients? I've filled in other parts such as my portfolio and education. Technically speaking, the profile is almost complete, because the employment history will add the whole 60% left.

I would appreciate your feedback. Please let me know what I can improve on.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I've rewritten the overview following Anthony H's advice. Feedback is still welcome, of course!


This is the third i am posting this

I am new on this plateform but not new in the field of eccomerce.

I have more 3 years experince as a virtual assistant.

would really appreciate if anyone could review my profile.



That's a good start, but what you need to do is push your results.

For example, you're a beta reader. So, what you should say is, "I can get your manuscript from a rough draft to a polished work that will have commercial value ..." Or "I can clean up your manuscript so it's ready for submission to a professional publishing house."


In some way you have to tell people what the benefit of hiring you will be. "I can fix your plot so it keeps the reader hooked to every page."


See how I'm pointing out the results of your work? That's what people need to hear about. What results can you provide for them?


If you really want to push the result people are looking for you should say "I can shape your manuscript to the point where it is ready to be seen by people in the movie business."


That may sound funny, but as a ghostwriter I see this all the time, people who wake up in the middle of the night with a movie idea and before they've finished their breakfast they've written down a bunch of A-list Hollywood actors who would be the perfect fit for their protagonist.

Thank you so much! I'll edit my profile accordingly.


My focus is a lttle sharper than the last time I looked at your profile. Now I understand that you are focused on fiction. I guess I knew that, but it hadn't quite sunk in. (Old habbits; most writers here are pouncing on Internet work ... if you can live your whole life and avoid that (few writers can) then more power to you.


So, Upwork is a pretty good marketplace for fiction, although it is much smaller than crank-it-out content and other Internet mainstays. I've picked up several fiction assignments here myself. Quite a few with mixed results I should say.


There's also ghostwriting for memoirs and scripts and all kinds of genres. I was hired to edit and add to a horror movie script, which was fun to do even though the last horror movie I enjoyed was about 45 years ago.. 

So ... if I had to do it again, I would loud and clear tell people you want to focus on fiction. I would go right to your title and change Writer to Fiction Writer / Editor / Beta Reader.

This would bring everything down below into focus. I missed that point earlier ... or I didn't see it's importance last time I looked.


I want that to be my focus, but I'm willing to also write nonfiction if the need arises. I suppose the "skills will be tailored to your needs even outside of that niche" line should cover the exception, though. Hmm.

I guess I should put creative writer/fiction writer, yeah. It's a little hard to decide how specific I want to be right now. On the one hand, being open to different writing jobs would help me find more opportunities, but on the other hand, being specific might be good in terms of focus, like you said.

Sorry about the rambling. I'm just a little nervous due to being new to this. Your feedback has been really helpful! Thank you again.

That movie gig sounds cool. I'm glad you enjoyed working on it.


It was fun. Kind of helped me get back into fiction.


So, the thing is ... well, it's complicated. But you can write "Multipurpose Writer," or  "Flexible Writer." Or you could say "Versatile," "Facile," or "MultiDisciplined." There are other options. (I'm not too high and mighty that I don't go to Google and search for synonyms once in a while.)


So the thing that's complicated is that you're going to learn (I would think) that 90 percent of the publishers who seek writers on Upwork are complete amateurs. I don't think they can spell the word publisher let alone tell you what's on a publiisher's job description. 


I've actually gotten a lot of mileage coaching clients on what writers expect of them.  For the past 2,000 years, just to say so, it has taken three people to write a book: A writer, an editor and a publisher. This system has evolved into a thing of beauty, which is to say it's worked well enough to fill the world's libraries with millions of books. But now we have the Internet and everybody who wakes up with an itch they can't reach thinks they can hire a writer and get a book in motion. They put an ad on Upwork and have no idea what to do next.


Anyway, it's been fun so far most of the time. It's kind of a big grab bag here, but it's worked most of the time.


I've edited the overview. I tried to make it more result-oriented like you said. Do you think it needs more fine-tuning?

Once again, thank you so much for your help!

Hi Anthony H,

Can you please review my profile and tell me what should i do to grab some work


Community Member


I'm Manuel and new to Upwork.

Interested how others assess my profile.

I would love to get some feedback!

Community Member

Thank you Andrea, I will defintely appreciate some feedback on my profile as I am relatively new on Upwork and still figuring how to make the most of it. My profile depicts a business project manager and a virtual assistant.

Looking forward to the feedbacks.Thank you.

Community Member

I'm new on upwork and i don't know how can i set my profile as non private. I'm trying to solve this for about 3 weeks, but i don't know how, can anyone help me with this?


Community Member

Hey there! I'm in the business of writing captivating Shopify product descriptions that make people click that "buy now" button faster than you can say "cha-ching!"


But when it comes to my Upwork profile, I feel like it's missing a little somethin'-somethin' to make it really sparkle .Would you be up for checking it out and giving me your two cents? I promise it won't cost you a dime 😉


Community Member

Can someone please review my profile?

Community Member

Hi please review my profile this would be a great help for me.

Community Member

Hello, there!

Please check my profile and let me know what are the errors.


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