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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

UPDATE: Check out the new Get Profile Feedback board!

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.


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Community Manager

Great news, everyone! 👏  Due to the overwhelming success of this thread, we've created an entire board dedicated to profile feedback. This allows each freelancer to start a dedicated thread requesting feedback which makes it easier to manage for all involved parties. Check out the new Get Profile Feedback board!

Due to the new board, we've blocked new replies on this post. If you're still waiting for feedback, please post a thread in the new board. 😁


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Thank you Valme for your suggestion.


Absolutely not ... go ahead.

Community Member

Hello, I would love some feedback on my graphic design profile! https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01bdb8156f8bcd2d91

Community Member

Hello Caileigh,


I think your profile looks good, but your overview/summary should go a bit further to convince clients to hire you. You do a good job explaining your background and services, but competition is high on Upwork and most graphic designers offer similar experience and services. To make yourself stand out a bit more, I suggest the following:


  • Tell clients how you communicate and gather feedback during a project to ensure the final product meets their needs.
  • Do you provide unlimited revisions? Do you offer follow-up support after a design project is completed?
  • What software applications and tools do you use--(e.g., Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, CorelDraw, etc.)?
  • If possible, highlight one or two design projects you have worked on and your accomplishments.
  • Talk about your ability to meet business challenges and adapt to changing or new requirements if necessary.


Clients looking for graphic designers will find thousands of them on Upwork. The question is, do they have enough good reasons to choose Caileigh? The information you provide can help them better understand why they should hire you and how it will benefit them.


Your portfolio, skills list, certifications, testimonials, and employment history look great. Although, I would add a short job description to your graphic designer job with Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore. A job description is especially important when the job is highly relevant to the services you provide on Upwork. Upwork uses keywords in job titles and descriptions to match you with relevant jobs.


Also, you may want to add one or two Specialized Profiles that focus on more specific services or completely unrelated services. Having a specialized profile can help increase a freelancer's searchability.


Good luck!

Community Member

I joined Upwork in 2021, completed 4 projects, and left freelancing after a month or so, now I am trying to get a job but after spending 100+ connects I still couldn't land a job, I got leads but was not successful, the main drawback is every client wants previous work experience, can you please provide me feedback what changes I need to do for my profile to be optimized and where I could be lacking.

Community Member

Hello Rasheed,


Experience can be Upwork work experience or outside experience. Work experience outside of Upwork is valuable too and goes a long way to help clients understand your capabilities. Unfortunately, there are many clients who will only hire experienced writers who have completed many projects over several years. Without an extensive writing background, many clients might ignore you.


I think your profile overview/summary has good information, but your background as a Marine Engineer is probably irrelevant to clients looking for an SEO writer. Other than that, your summary sounds fine and the rest of your profile looks good.


Competition among writing niches is really high on Upwork. If you have the Connects to spend, I encourage you to continue to try and hopefully you will win more jobs soon.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hello, Andrea,


New to freelance writing and new to Upwork. Feedback re my profile would be great.


Thank you,




One thing I advise freelancers to do is try to sound as professional as possible. Now, there are all kinds of professionals, but part of what I think a professional should do is to be very real with their clients. Don't try to promise the moon and the sun and the stars. For example, your write-up's first sentence is that you will help people "achieve your dreams."  That just seems way out of the basepaths. Can you really do that? You can make dreams come true?


Maybe I'm a stickler, but why don't you say you can help people reach a wider audience with solid writing that people can understand? Keep it simple. Be direct. Helping someone with their dreams ... that seems a bit over the top.


I'm also just not very convinced by your write-up. Can you add some details about previous writing you've done? Have you written for glossies or trades? Have you any books to point to? If you say you can help people write books, you have to be prepared to do that, because one bad review can set you back on Upwork very quickly.


Anyway, good luck.

Community Member

Ooh good
Please my niche is GOHIGHLEVEL and I'm not getting traffic, profile views, and invites. Can  you review my profile and update me with feedback on what is happening exactly?

Community Member



Competition is high on Upwork, so getting traffic, profile views and invites is a problems for millions of freelancers. That is likely what is happening.


Your profile looks good. I have only two small suggestions:


1) There are a few grammatical corrections needed in the first paragraph of your overview/summary. Also keep in mind that clients can see the first two sentences (approximately 200-250 characters) of your summary.


Ready to supercharge your business with GoHighLevel? Let's make it happen together!  I'm a funnel and website designer who can ensure you meet your expected GoHighLevel goals. As a GoHighLevel expert with experience in GoHighLevel automations, salesfunnel design, and GoHighLevel website design, I can transform your business journey into a captivating success story.


The information about your journey is nice, but most clients don't care. Clients come to Upwork with specific needs and they look for freelancers who can meet those needs and get results. If you need to shorten your profile summary, this information (journey, passion, etc.) is what I would recommend removing.


2) Add short job descriptions to each job in your employment history. A job description is especially important when the job is highly relevant to the services you provide on Upwork. Upwork uses keywords in job titles and descriptions to match you with relevant jobs.


Everything else looks good.


Good luck!

Community Member

Looking for some feedback! Would anyone mind taking a peek at my profile and letting me know if there's room for improvement?



Your profile summary and skills list look good. But here are a few updates I would make to improve other areas:


1) Add a portfolio to show samples of previous work or to demonstrate your skills. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


2)  You may want to add one or two Specialized Profiles that focus on more specific services or completely unrelated services. Having a specialized profile can help increase a freelancer's searchability.


3) Add short job descriptions to each job in your employment history. A job description is especially important when the job is highly relevant to the services you provide on Upwork. Upwork uses keywords in job titles and descriptions to match you with relevant jobs.


Good luck!

Community Member



Community Member



Using your profile to tell clients you are a student and a freelancer provides no value to them. Clients want to know which services you provide and your experience providing those services.


It is great to have diverse skills, but it is best to focus on a specific skill area. If you provide graphic design services, focus on your graphic design experience and the graphic design services you offer.


Make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. The best way to complete your profile is to go through the following Academy Courses and other resources:


Community Member

Good morning Experts in the community.

My friend is having issues with getting his profile reviewed.

Kindly look into it .

This is his profile link.

Thank you 




Community Member

Hi Odom,


Ronald's profile was reviewed on 23 April 2024. He can see the review here.

Community Member

Dear All,

I am looking forward to the new opportunities UpWork may bring.
Since I have just set up an account, it would be of great help if some of you would review my profile and advise me on the steps towards landing my first job.

Of course, we can always connect and share ideas and experiences.

Thank you all in advance!

Community Member

Hello Gray,


Welcome to Upwork.


Very nice start to your profile. Here are a few areas you can improve to help you land your first job:


1) Your overview/summary has really good experience and background information, but I think it needs to go further to convince clients to hire you. There are thousands of software engineers and developers with the same skill set, so clients need more than just skills to choose you. I would add the following to provide more value to the client:


  • Tell clients how you communicate and gather feedback during a project to ensure the final product meets their needs.
  • Do you provide unlimited revisions when developing apps? Do you offer follow-up support after a web project or application is completed?
  • Highlight any web/mobile app development projects you have worked on and your accomplishments.
  • Talk about your ability to meet business challenges and adapt to changing or new requirements if necessary.


Clients are looking for reasons to choose you and the information you provide can help them better understand why they should hire you and how it will benefit them.


2) Add skill tags to each item in your portfolio. Upwork uses these skill categories to match you with relevant jobs, and to help your profile appear in search results when clients search for those skills.

3) You may want to add one or two Specialized Profiles that focus on more specific software engineering services or completely unrelated services. Having a specialized profile can help increase a freelancer's searchability.


After making these updates, you can focus on writing great cover letters. The cover letter is usually a freelancer's first interaction with a client. I recommend writing a custom cover letter based on the client's job:


a) Acknowledge the job you are applying for and why you are the best fit.

b) Highlight your qualifications.

c) Address specific points in the job by briefly explaining how you can meet their needs or solve their problem.

d) Request the client reach out to discuss their project or request an Upwork Zoom call.


For more tips on cover letters, read through Upwork's best practices on How To Write a Cover Letter.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hello everyone, wish you're all doing great as always.

kindly please check my profile I would love to hear from you the feedback.


Best regards.

Mahmoud Salem 



Community Member

Hi everyone


Am completely new to this. Could someone give me some insights ?

Also want to say thank you for all the help you are providing.


I just started but it's really good knowing there are people out there wiling to help.



Yes, your profile is off the track. Freelancing is about performing a service for others. Typically, you would say "I am a graphic designer who can help you with your marketing campaign." Or you would say, "I am a writer who can produce convincing, engaging stories for your website."


Saying you can help  people rejoice just doesn't come close to what freelancers do. Find a service. Then, if you must, look up other profiles and get some ideas on how to write a profile page.

The unfortunate caveat here is that freelancers are expected to be experts in their fields. If you are just guessing at what you can do, you won't fit in. If you think a two-week course on graphic design makes you an expert, think again. It  takes years of dilligent work to become an expert at something. 


I review a ton of profiles and it certainly looks often like the concept of being an expert has gone by the wayside. It's not illegal to post a profile that overstates your skills. Most often, I have to believe, that will come back to haunt you, but that doesn't mean you are banned from trying. 

Community Member

Hi Annie,
I am a top rated plus freelancer on upwork but I am not getting any views or invites ...since last week there are no views at all..Can you check my profile if there is any issue with it.




Ask around, but I've been here for a while and I have never put any stock in views or invites. This isn't a popularity contest.


I have (especially in years gone by) been invited to a few jobs along the way, but 99.9 percent of them were completely random, asking for skills I am not even interested in. I developed the theory that  invites were largely random to begin with. I have no evidence that they are a viable option for finding work.


That said, proposals are 100 percernt how I've stirred up any interest in my services on Upwork. When I hear someone say, "I didn't get any views or invites," I always wonder if they understand how to find work here. For my money -- and I'm not right about everything by any stretch -- if you're  not writing proposals, you will be virtually dead in the  water on Upwork.

Community Member

Hii everyone,

I'm new to upwork can any of you talented peoples who is a graphic designer review my profile and give me your views and ideas to improve it, https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/sanjayt17

Much appreciated

Community Member

Hi Sanjay,


Here are some updates I recommend for your profile:


1) Capitalize the first letter of each word in your title; this will help it stand out: Graphic Designer | Brand Identity | Digital and Print Design


2) Remove the first sentence from your overview/summary:


"I'm sanjay.I'm a designer from kathmandu,Nepal with 4 years+ of experience on barnding."


The services provided under "What I offer" should not be in ALL CAPS. Also, use an introductory sentence to start your summary. For example:


Highly skilled Graphic Designer with 4 years of experience in graphic design and branding. I can design logos, posters, product labels, packaging, business cards, flyers, brand identity, book covers, stickers, AI image generation, and anything related to creative design to grab the attention of your audiences.


The list of keywords at the end of your summary will not help improve your profile position in search results. I recommend removing them.


3) In your employment history, reverse the job title and the employer: Brotherhood esports | Mid level graphic designer. Also, add short job descriptions to each job in your employment history. A job description is especially important when the job is highly relevant to the services you provide on Upwork. Upwork uses keywords in job titles and descriptions to match you with relevant jobs.

Your other profile sections look fine.

Community Member

Hi there! 


It seems a fantastic idea, I'll be grateful if you can review my profile and give me some feedback. 


I really appreciate any help you can provide. 
Best regards, 


Community Member

Hi Eduarda,


I see good information in your profile. Here are a few tips that might help improve it:


Title: Correct the spelling in your title: Market Reseach --> Market Research


Overview/Summary: I recommend rephrasing the first sentence of your summary: "Are you seeking someone with a creative and analytical profile?" Clients are not looking for a creative and analytical profile. Clients come to Upwork with specific needs and they look for freelancers who can meet those needs and get results. Instead, try something like this:


Are you seeking a marketing expert who can get results? I specialize in market research and the creative aspects of marketing. I understand the dynamics of customers, competitors, and the effectiveness of a great marketing campaign. With 4 years of hands-on experience managing local and global accounts, I excel in data analysis and providing valuable insights.


You can revise this to fit your style, but keep in mind that clients can see the first two sentences (approximately 200-250 characters) of your summary. You want clients to see their goals (your services) in this small space.


Next, add more substance to your summary to help clients understand the value in hiring you. Mentioning the Canadian Media Production program is great, and you can add more valuable content like:


  • Tell clients how you will communicate and gather feedback during a marketing project to ensure the final deliverables meet their needs.
  • Mention your time management and organizational skills since marketing campaigns are projects.
  • Which software applications and tools are you familiar with or use?
  • Talk about your ability to meet business challenges and adapt to changing or new requirements if necessary.


Clients are looking for reasons to choose you and the information you provide can help them better understand why they should hire you and how it will benefit them.


Project Catalog: You should consider adding a project catalog. The project catalog allows you to setup a pre-packaged service that clients can buy without you sending a proposal. Due to higher than usual requests for project catalogs, reviews and approvals are taking a minimum of 10 business days. Read Get Started With Project Catalog for more information.


Also, you may want to add one or two Specialized Profiles that focus on more specific marketing services or graphic design or completely unrelated services. Having a specialized profile can help increase a freelancer's searchability.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hi everyone. This is Tanveer an Account executive. I have more than 6 years of experience in the field of Accounts and audit.

I am currently shifting from corporate jobs to full time freelancing. Currently i haven't found any luck here. Need your valuable feedbacks. Thanking in advance

Community Member

Hi Tanveer,


The shift from full-time corporate work to freelancing can be challenging, but very rewarding once you get your footing.


I looked through your profile and I see good information. One thing to remember about your overview/summary is how clients see it in search results. Clients will only see the first 200-250 characters, so you must make those characters valuable. I recommend removing unnecessary words and ensuring your services appear within the first 200-250 characters. For example:


I am an experienced accounting professional with over 6 years of practical experience in corporate sector, SMEs management, and accounting. I can help you with bookkeeping, virtual accounting, and business support. I provide excellent problem solving skills, leadership skills, and business support to my clients.


(Add a blank line here)


Having a degree in ACCA along with MBA...


Add a portfolio to show samples of previous work or to demonstrate your skills. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


You should also consider adding a project catalog. The project catalog allows you to setup a pre-packaged service that clients can buy without you sending a proposal. Due to higher than usual requests for project catalogs, reviews and approvals are taking a minimum of 10 business days. Read Get Started With Project Catalog for more information.


Finally, you may want to add one or two Specialized Profiles that focus on more specific services or completely unrelated services. Having a specialized profile can help increase a freelancer's searchability.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hi Community Team, new here, just sent a short profile, can someone view it and send me a feedback on way forward. Thanks.

Community Member

Hi Victoria,


Welcome to Upwork.


The information in your overview/summary sounds good, but you should add more details about your services, your experience providing those services, and why clients should hire you. For example:


  • Describe your strengths and why it should matter to the client.
  • Talk about your  accuracy, attention to detail, and how you maintain quality standards.
  • Also talk about your time management and organizational skills.
  • Which software applications and tools are you familiar with and use?
  • Talk about your ability to solve administrative problems and adapt to changing or new requirements if necessary.


Also, change your hourly rate to a rate clients are willing to pay.


Add more relevant skill categories to your skills list. Upwork uses these skill categories to match you with relevant jobs, and to help your profile appear in search results when clients search for those skills.


Add a portfolio to show samples of previous work or to demonstrate your skills. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


Since you are new to Upwork, make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. The best way to complete your profile is to go through the following Academy Courses and other resources:


Good luck!


First, Clark always gets it right, so pay attention to all that. Second, your job title is "Administration Management / Service Provider ..." (I know I didn't get that exactly right) is very, very vague. That could mean so many things. So, I think you would do better if you could be more specific. "Shipping Expert"? Would that work? It also helps if you can find a way to use the word "expert" somewhere near the top of your profile. People on Upwork are looking for experts. 


Good luck.

Community Member

Thanks for the update its great ways help newbies 



Your write-up needs some quick editing. Go with this:



I'm very transparent in my services and highly value trust , commitment and cooperation. For me to be able to establish these values with you, like I do with other clients, I guarantee a finished the project within the appropriate times, never missing a deadline. I believe we can maintain a long term business relationship. Thanks for your understanding!



I think that's more what you were trying to say. 

Otherwise, I think your profile is succinct, but nicely done.

Good luck.

Community Member

Hi All, Can you please review my profile give suggestion to improve so that i can attract client more professionally. I have recently joined upwork and i have great skills with good experience as well. 

Here is my profile




I agree that you need to come across more professionally. That crossed my mind even before I noticed that was the type of advise you requested.


First, if you want to come across professionally, I would not start your write-up saying, "Hey." That is very casual sounding. It's how you might greet a friend, not a client.


I also don't recommend saying you were looking for a part time job to supplement your lifestyle. This already sounds like you are first interested in your own plight and you'll think about your clients after that. It should be the other way around, but you really shouldn't tell people why you are doing this, anyway, beyond saying, "I am doing this to help you."


Let's  go back to the concept of "professionally." If you were truly to sound professional, you would have a specific service you are offering and you would know the end-point of what the client will gain from your services. To do that, you would simply say, "I am an food development expert who can _______________________________."


You don't really say what service you are selling or what results clients can expect, you just say, pretty much, that you are good at a few things. You have to say, "This is what I am an expert at doing. This are the problems I can solve for you. This is how you will gain from hiring me, be it make more money, concentrate on other parts of the business, go on vacation, establish a popular restaurant ... whatever those gains might be."


You say you are excellent at food development and then say you excellent skills at MS Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. But you should not come across as though you were fishing around for something to do. A professional doesn't say, "I am excellent at food development and, by the way, I also know how to park cars." If you want to come across as a professional, choose the service you are going to offer, then drive it like you own it.

I also tell folks, pretend you've been doing this for 10 years. Professionals know every angle, every possible glitch, every problem that may arise. If you're an amateur, you might say, "Boy, I didn't see that problem coming." If you're a professional you have to sound like, "I have seen all the problems that come around and I'm prepared for them."


That's how to sound more professional. 


That said, if you develop receipes, for example, you can already anticipate one huge problem that, as a professional, you would have address ahead of time. That is .. how are you going to work your trade remotely? Do you have access to ingredients? Do you have a kitchen or a laboratory at your disposal? A professional anticipates problems. You know those problems are staring you in the face. So your profile should say, "I have an industrial kitchen to work from ..." Or "I already have arrangements made for use of a laboratory ..." Again, simple enough, professionals anticpate problems. They never, ever answer a question like this, "Gee, I guess I didn't think of that."

Good luck.


Community Member

Hi new here🤗

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Community Manager

Great news, everyone! 👏  Due to the overwhelming success of this thread, we've created an entire board dedicated to profile feedback. This allows each freelancer to start a dedicated thread requesting feedback which makes it easier to manage for all involved parties. Check out the new Get Profile Feedback board!

Due to the new board, we've blocked new replies on this post. If you're still waiting for feedback, please post a thread in the new board. 😁

Community Member

Need someone to critically analyse and evaluate my profile. I cant get jobs

Hi, I would advice to make sure that you have a 100% complete profile,send lots of proposals to increase your chance of getting an offer,Try boosting your profile and proposals ,Try an availability badge to boost your status.

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