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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Hi New Upwork Freelancers!


Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The Community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!

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This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


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Hey Guys,

                      Can someone please have a look at my profile as well? I am new to Upwork so your professional opinions would quite matter to me.

Community Member

Hallo Mike,

I am new to upwork and would love a reveiw on my profile. Up until now I still havent gotten a job, I have submitted 5 proposals and 1 got declined.

Community Member


thank you for providing this opportunity.


I am also new to upwork and would love to get a feedback on my profile.


I am still working on it by gathering more detailed informations on how upwork works, your opinion can be helpful too. 


Thanks in advance for your time,


Not applicable

Sabrina, that's an excellent start. Consider changing the first paragraph to services you offer. Your past experiences are crucial, but they can be stated after providing clients an idea about your current offerings. Add more items to your portfolio and add more variety to it i.e. from various industries, unless you have a niche such as food industry. Lastly, you are an early stage professional. Is it possible to get some testimonials from previous employers/clients? 

Good luck, I am sure you will enjoy doing projects on this platform.  

Hi, Could you please review my profile. I'd love to get suggestions for improvements. Thank you.





Thank you very for your time and advices, Aditi. Unfortunately all my works are private, I can't share them here. For this reason I am working on doing something on my own to have a richer portfolio and prove my skills, I will need some time for it though. I will also work on the services I am offering, as you mentioned, and on getting some previous clients. Thanks again!

Please check my profile if you have time. I'm new to Upwork. Please let me know if there are any issues with my profile. I want to improve my profile. Here is my profile link:https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01cd55b65fce7f6c64


Thanks for your time

Mohammad Asaduzzaman
Community Member

Hi all! 

I am new to freelancing/ Upwork and would love to get feedback on improving my profile. Should I narrow my expertise? Is it too broad? Another set of eyes would be super helpful!

Thank you!!

Not applicable

Keshanta, great start!! Although I cannot be helpful in determining the area of expertise, I can offer a couple suggestions about your profile. Try getting some testimonials from your previous employers. Although they may not be related to the services you offer, it will give your potential clients an idea about your work ethic. Is it possible to create some portfolio items? These could be from previous jobs (or even from college assignments 🙂 )  


Good luck, I know you will find several interesting projects on this platform. 

Community Member

Hey, Mary, with all my respect. You look at my profile and suggest to me, what are my mistakes, what to do to increase JSS?. I will appreciate it!
Thank you!

Profile Link: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~015021ff7393fef079

Hey, Community and active members

please can anyone rate my profile to tell me what is unprofessional according to you.

Thanks in advance !

Hi Sumit, Your profile is not Public

can you please log in and then check because it is locked by upwork. 


Community Member

I would love any feedback on my profile.  

Not applicable

Karen, your profile is well-written. I have only two suggestions: Try to get a couple testimonials from previous employers/clients. It would help to upload a short introduction video. 

Good luck. I am sure you will soon find exciting projects here,

Community Member

Hello, I am new to Upwork and I hope I find someone in this community who can review my profiles and give some tips to get my proposals accepted. Thank you.

Community Member

That's really great to hear. I'd love it and appreciate anyone who can take some time and review my profile.

Looking forward to some great recommendattions.

I have been working around 3 years on upwork and my total experience in freelancing is about 5 years. My category is wordpress and shopify. I know code and customization both and continues learning more. Working full time.

But it seems something is very wrong with me going throght of my freelance career. I am thinking over and over but can't realize the problem of mine. Why I can't improve myself to earn more money? what is the actual problem of me. Computer is my passion and spending enough time but can't improve myself noticeble. It has been frustating career. 

Is there anyone like me? 
Can someone senior/successful can suggest me something good?



Zahidul Islam
Community Member



I would like feedback on my profile. Any recommendations on how I can make it  better, and get hired 




Community Member

I would like to get a profile feedback, thank you 

Community Member

Hello, i would like a feedback on my profile too

I am new on upwork. please Experts view my profile and tell me how can i improve my profile, I will be very thankful. if you tell me what changes should be best for my profile.


 How my profile get more views?

 How can i get more invitation?

Your profile is well built. You even have a video presentation. Something I can suggest is to add certification in case you have to earn more trust.

Can you please tell me  How can i get more invition and views?

Community Member


I have been on Upwork for a few weeks and have submitted 64 proposals, with very little success. It would be great if someone could look at my profile and give me feedback.


Hi Sarah! Set your profile to public; it’s inaccessible. That been said, I don’t think it’s a problem in your profile, but rather the proposals you are sending.

I’m not a very longtime user, but let’s say I have a decent reply percentage to client proposals. And I have experimented with a TON of proposals.

64 is a LOT of proposals to be sending in a few weeks! Are you using a proposal template and copying the same to all the potential clients? If that’s what you’re doing, maybe you should rethink that strategy and write separate proposals for each client from scratch. I know, it sounds tedious but it pays off, with a little trial and error. Helps you make a better case for yourself tailored for each individual job, and sends a signal to the client that you understand their requirements.

Your proposal is your first impression. If you make a strong case for yourself with relevant samples of your past work, the client is sure to response first and check your profile next.

If you could briefly describe your process, we could try understanding what’s wrong!


Thanks for the response, Sofi!


I just checked settings, and as far as I can tell, my profile is set to public. 64 proposals certainly seems like a lot - 16 a week. I was quite shocked when I counted them up this morning.


I really am tailoring my profiles to individual clients. I have short paragraphs describing specific services and processes that I cut and paste where appropriate, here's an example:


"I use MS Word's tracked changes so that you can easily see any amendments I've made to your text. I will also give you a 'clean' version of your edited content, with all changes made (tracking removed), so you can quickly use your new copy."


But apart from that, I write each proposal from scratch. I am putting a lot of time into it, because I am working towards building a career in this field.


Any insight you have would be great!





Not applicable

Sarah, you completed two contracts on this forum, kudos!! Few suggestions: A professional headshot on plain background might help. At present, your face does not stand out among books. Consider omitting 'new to upwork' from your title. Also, overview section has a lot of redundant information such as education. Consider using that space for providing new information relevant to the client. Lastly, you have extensive work experience. Is it possible to get a testimonial from your employers?

Good luck. With some persistence, you might find projects that you like. 

Thanks, Aditi! I am definitely planning to get a professional headshot once I've been vaccinated; I agree about the books. I see your point about the redundant information. I suspect that might be an issue with my cover letters too. I'm going to try a more client-centric streamlined approach next week.

Hi Aditi! You're doing a great job helping us starters. Mind reviewing my query down below and taking a few minutes of your time to review my profile? Thanks.

Not applicable

Sofi, your profile reads well. My best guess is: You increased hourly rates (and then reduced it) in 2021. But looks like, at present, clients are not able to support this increased rate. Due to the pandemic, budgets for projects are tighter. A good rule of thumb is ~3-5% increase in rate every year, rather than ~30-50% increase suddenly.  

I empathize with your experiences in 2019 shown in the videos (portfolio). It's a great video if potential clients are news agencies, political campaigns, NGOs, or humanitarian organizations a specific geographical region. But if your potential clients are global companies who sell products and services, these videos do not give them an idea of your ability to sell a product/services. I would encourage you to add more videos for various industries e.g. food, education, medicine etc.  

Community Member

I was looking for something like this!

Dear fellow experienced freelancers, I’ve had decent success as a relative newbie on this website, but I don’t get any invites. What do you think I’m doing wrong? Is it normal?

My client satisfaction otherwise is excellent.
Not applicable

Sofi, I have responded to your query.


Good luck. I am sure with a bit more persistence, you will continue to find work on this platform. My best wishes are with you. 

Thanks for the reply Aditi! Adding more relevant projects to my timeline does make a lot of sense! I never thought about it that way. Will definitely make those changes as soon as possible.

The thing with prices is that I was undercharging earlier to land low budget jobs to build a profile, but once I gathered enough reviews, I jacked up the price to a rate I believed was “fair”. And about those ups and downs, I sometimes find clients willing to pay more per hour.

My problem is not as much as finding jobs as is getting invites, but I think your advice is really an eye opener. I need to put more relevant projects in my portfolio section.

Again, thank you so much! This helped immensely.

Hello Aditi , Mam please look out my profile i am working here very sincerely but no job ,no proposal please help me...i want to be top freelencer i need feedback from you please it will be my honoured if you do !!

Hi Sofi can you please look out my profile ..i am not getting any job it been 10+days i am working but no response .

Community Member

hi i joined up work 2 days ago but didn't get any work here,so can you please help me with my profile please


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Please help me to review my profile.
I am new on upwork.
Thank you,
Community Member

please guid how can i get more Invitation and views on my profile!

re: "how can i get more invitation and views?"


This is the Upwork SEO process for increasing invitations and views:


1. Carefully search for jobs that are an excellent fit for your skills.

2. Send proposals to those jobs and get hired.

3. Do an excellent job for the clients who hire you.

4. Receive positive feedback when the contracts are closed.

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