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Hiring a Team

So i have question that my client wants to hire my whole team on hourly basis ...!!
But Upwork I think gives the tracker for only one person..!!

and I can't make my teamMates make Upwork account seprately..!!

Please guide me according me according to it 

Community Member

What team? I know that you know that you can't be a team on a freelancer account, so I'll just pretend you didn't say that. 

If you have a client who needs more freelancers, then you can refer him to other freelancer profiles. Obviously they need to create a profile and have it approved first. 

Community Member

The original poster wouldn't do this, so this isn't about him:


But everybody (presumably) knows that Upwork has strict rules against letting anybody log into another user's account. Anybody caught doing that is likely to have their Upwork account terminated.


Setting up an agency is completely allowed.



And Upwork ALLOWS a freelancer to accept a FIXED-PRICE CONTRACT in which they work with other people to do work. As long as the client is notified about the sub-contracting going on.


Here's an example:


A client named "Peter" hired "Janet" to create a website to promote an upcoming community cooking education event. The contract was for $3000.


Janet informed Peter that she would be working with a team. Janet hired a photographer to take pictures for the site. The photographer hired models to pose as student chefs. Janet also had her associates work separately on the graphic design, front-end design, and back-end database. In total, there were 10 people who worked on the project. A whole team.


Janet is the only person who has an Upwork account. Janet is the only person who was paid by Peter (through the Upwork contract). Separately, Janet paid the photographer and models and the other people who worked on the site.

Read more here:










MANY of the projects I work on involve a larger team of freelancers, more than just myself. Typically these are Upwork freelancers who are working on hourly contracts, and they were directly hired by the client.

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