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How do I open a support ticket?


How do I open a support ticket? I found  only the  help bot,but I want to reach Upwork support team. Could anybody help me,please?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Irby,


It looks like you have initiated a ticket that has been escalated to our support team. The team that is handling your case will update your ticket as soon as possible. 


Thank you for your patience.

~ Bojan

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Community Member

I was able to open a ticket through this page




Scroll down and click on get help button

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Anna,


Could you please share with us your concern so that we can assist you accordingly or have the correct support team assist you?


Thank you.

~ Bojan

Could you please explain why did you decided to hide/close/remove/exclude live chat support help with human?? There are a lot of questions which require ASAP and not a genereal answers. I can say I am very dissapointed... 

Hi Kristine,


I understand your frustration with this and would like to clarify that our live chat is not available to everyone at all times. But you can always post your questions here or submit a support ticket to our Customer Support. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Goran,


Can you please tell me how to open a support ticket with customer support. I have been going round from page to page with no luck. I have a major concern on one of my hires.




Hi Tahsin,


Our team will reach out to you via ticket and email as soon as possible and will assist you further. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Goran,

I need to talk with the support team. I've been created a project but upwork didn't approve my project yet. I want to know exactly what kind of changes I've to do.
Looking forwsard to your reply.

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Dipok,


Please refer to the suggestions shared with you on the email notification you have received. Once you're ready feel free to resubmit your project or create a new one. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi - I have an issue with my account and I need to ask support team. How do I submit a ticket to the help/support team? Thanks. 

Hi there,


Could you please share more information here about the issue you are experiencing and we will be happy to help? 


Additionally, you can click the question mark icon that shows at the bottom right corner of this page. You may be asked what type of account you need help you, go ahead and select the best option. If you don't receive the information you're looking for, you can click "Get Support" for more options, including contacting our support team.


~ Nikola
Community Member

I'm hoping you can help me. I was trying to add my Visa card to my account when trying to hire a freelancer but it was unsuccessful. As a result my account was suspended and financial transaction limited. I received an email saying the suspension will be lifted once I add a new payment method. I've added a new payment method but the suspension is still there. I'm still unable to hire the freelancer. Can you please check and lift the suspension. Thanks

Community Member

I started an hourly contract with a client 4 weeks back. All this time, I have been working on the job. I have delivered the work to the client and now the client is showing that she's not satisfied with the job and need a full refund. I already provided a free test job before the client awarded me the job. I also emailed the client to review the work for first week, but there was no response. I continued working on the job and the client has showed up today, after 4 weeks, and asking for a full refund. I understand that if shes not atisfied wih the quality of work, I can co-operate and we can mutually agree on a partial refund. But I have invested much of time and effort on the job and hence can not refund full amount. The client is not at all ready to understand.

Since it was an hourly job, I have maintained the timesheet and have already been paid for 3 weeks. The 4th week payment is in review currently. 


Looking forward to Upwork Support to help me resolve this dispute.


Thank you!

Community Member

None of the options appear for me. 

Get Support reloads the exact same page, there is no question mark anywhere. 

Hi Renae,


I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble contacting support. We'd be happy to assist you here in the community, too! Please share more information about the issue; I'll gladly help you. If private information is involved, please send me a PM by clicking on my name. 

~ Joanne

HI Andrea - I have the same question as above and just tried to submit a ticket to Upwork suopport team but after i clicked on it it says "the webpage was moved"


How are you?

I am Asahi from Japan.

I have an issue regarding getting paid.

I just withdraw money from upwork. but money is not arrived on my payoneer.

Could you please help me?




Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Asahi,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Please know that transfers from Upwork to Payoneer typically take two days to clear. If your funds are not available in your account after 48 hours let us know and we will assist you further. 


You can find more information about Payoneer Fees and Timing here

~ AJ

Hi I need help too could you send me an email too

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi There,


Could you please tell us more about your concern so that we can assist you more efficiently? Rest assured that we'll look into that and assist you accordingly. Looking forward to your message.


~ Arjay

I don't know how to open a support ticket, but i just have one question that my profile earnings are not upgrading and on My stats the earnings are going backwards. Please help me out.

Hi Ibrahim, I am sorry you're experiencing issues contacting support. A quick way to contact support is by clicking the question mark icon that shows at the bottom right corner of this page. You may be asked what type of account you need help with, please select the best option for your situation. If you don't receive the information you're looking for, you can click "Get Support" for more options, including contacting our support team.

We'll also be happy to assist you with your issues here, please keep in mind that the earnings on your My Stats page are your 12-month earnings. This means that earnings that are over a year old will not be included here and will fall off as time passes. Regarding the earnings on your profile, please know that once you get to figures like +10K, the number will change only when you reach the next milestone, like 20K.

Community Member

I have to file a ticket but I am unable to do so. Please help!

Hi, Goran,
And how to do this?
Your support cannot be contacted. Impossible.
I've been trying to contact support for 6 hours now. And the maximum that happened was to read the stub message from the bot 100 times and advice to contact a specialist. What is this, a joke?
This is very bad.

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Ruslan,


I'm sorry to hear that this has negatively affected your experience. We, moderators here in the Community, can offer support. May I know what you need assistance with? We'll be more than happy to help. We look forward to your response so we can assist you further.

~ AJ

Hi Annie,

No, you can't help me. My question concerns form W-8BEN.
The form containts the following statement:

"Affidavit of unchanged status
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined and signed the Form W-8BEN, Form W-8BEN-E, etc and the information and certifications contained therein have remained the same and have remained unchanged throughout calendar year January 1, 2022 through the date on this form and were true, correct and complete for this year.

If these facts and certifications do not apply to you, or if you have general questions about this unchanged status affidavit, please reach out to customer support."

It's not my case. I need to contact support.

Hi Ruslan,


Could you please elaborate further on your concern so that I can assist you in a better way? 


- Pradeep


Hi Pradeep,

I can't tell about it in common forum.
I was instructed to contact support when completing Form W-8BEN. But I can't contact with support.

Customer service is hiding from customers 🙂
Just tell me how to contact support.

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Ruslan,


I'm sorry if you're having difficulty getting assistance from our Support Team. I've checked your Tax Information and the only section that's not been completed is your Tax Identification Number (TIN). 


Could you please tell us the challenges you're experiencing with completing this part of your Tax Information? We'll look into that and assist you accordingly. Looking forward to your response.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Hi Arjay,
If you are authorized to resolve these issues, please write to me by email. Problem with Affidavit of Unchanged Status. We communicate on a common forum, and these questions are confidential.

The upwork instructions say to contact support.
These are their instructions and their rules. I just need to find out how to do it.
What's happening? Why can't I contact support for 3 days? Why is there no exact answer on the forum in the “Solved: How do I open a support ticket?” thread on how to open a support ticket?

Hi Ruslan,


I've escalated your concern to the team. One of our agents will reach out and assist you directly via a support ticket.

~ Joanne
Community Member

Thank you so much, Joanne 🙂

Hi Bojan,


I am also looking for open a ticket but no luck. I had my client paid $50 around 8 hours ago, but I can see only $25 in my account and their status is still pending. I don't see the rest of $25 while I got a message in my Upwork messages that I have been paid $50. Please help.





Hi Noor UI,


Thanks for reaching out. I checked your transaction history, and I can see two pending payments for $25 each for the contract you are referring to. You can check the pending transactions to confirm. 

~ Joanne

I got a notice today somewhere that said I could be a level one seller but that my profile is not completed. But I’ve filled out as much of my profile as humanly possible. I would really like the benefits of being a level one seller. Can you take a look at my profile and tell me what’s missing? I never finished universities so I couldn’t put that there. But I did try to just put several years of my university on there and no matter what I did or how many thousand ways I tried it it would never let me press save.

Hi Matthew,


I'm not quite sure what you mean. Could you please clarify? Where did you get the notification?

Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

I’ve been on Upwork for about six months and I think I’m going pretty well.
I was wondering why one of my friends got top level buyer or whatever it’s
called where you get less money taken out of your paychecks. I thought
what’s the matter with me LOL? Anyway today I got something somewhere,
either on my iPhone application or in my mail or on the website it said
that I could be A level one seller or whatever it’s called except for one
thing: It thinks my profile isn’t complete for some reason. I filled out
just about as much as I possibly could. Is there anything else I can do?
What can I do to complete my profile more completely?--

**Edited for community guidelines**

Thank you for following up, Matthew. 


There are many ways to get to a 100% completed profile. You can check this help article for more information which profile section contributes to profile completeness.


Once you meet all of the requirements for becoming Top Rated, it will be awarded on your profile in up to 48 hours.


Happy working! 

~ Bojan

I'm hoping you can help me. I was trying to add my Visa card to my account when trying to hire a freelancer but it was unsuccessful. As a result my account was suspended and financial transaction limited. I received an email saying the suspension will be lifted once I add a new payment method. I've added a new payment method but the suspension is still there. I'm still unable to hire the freelancer. Can you please check and lift the suspension. Thanks

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