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I'm getting this "we can't complete your request now" message for almost everything

I can't able to send proposals or contact support in anyways, It's giving me these errors/indications! Need solution for this ASAP!

Community Member

Hi Aleksandar, 


I am not able to view my own profile. I was updating my profile and suddenly lost access. I can access everything else on Upwork besides my profile. This is the URL I get when trying to view my profile: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/01047c64e521248e9a. See photo attached. 


Thank you in advance for your help. 


Community Member

Hello, I am having same problem. No one mentioned here, if their problem was solved, and if the problem was solved, what was the solution?

I have deleted cache, didn't solve the problem. 



Ok, this was temporary issue, solved on it's own. So anyone having this problem, can wait for a while. Maybe server temporary issue. For me it was solved on its own. 



It was fixed automatically. Just wait for 24 hours!
Community Member


Community Member

Hi Team,


I am hoping to get assistance as I see a 'Freelancer profile not found.' error when I try to view my profile.


I am unable to get a live agent to help.


Thank you!


Community Member

Hi team,

There seem to be an issue with my account - I am unable to view my profile (error message : profile not found) nor I can see or apply to jobs.
Please help !

Many thanks,
Community Member

Please help! I keep getting the Forbidden 403 A error when trying to access my profile. I'm able to chat with my clients, see my stats, earned money, and look at jobs but that's it. I need access to my profile to update it. 

Hi All, 


I would like to inform you that we had one more issue. Our team was able to resolve it quickly and the site should be back up and fully functional now.


Please check if everything is working now and if you need further assistance feel free to follow up and we will be happy to assist you further. 


Thank you,

~ Nikola
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