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I need to report a client

I've got a hire from a client,  it's a quick task, so I've tried to completed that task as soon as possible, but when I completed client want me many things after that ( please take my attachments for more detail).

Then he want to create meeting for me, but when I online at that time, he don't online and replied he busy because his father issue after that.

Then I create a meeting at Friday night but he don't online and replied in Saturday.

He don't want to release that milestone (althought I work 3 weeks for only 15$), I don't need 15$ but I think you need check that client

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Community Member

George, it looks to me as if the client does not want to pay you as he has asked for so many revisions. I think all you can do now is to dispute, but it takes a little time and you must do exactly what Upwork's customer service asks you to do.  This is how you should do it: https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/211068528-Dispute-Non-Release-of-a-Milestone-Payment

Scroll down to "dispute on an active contract". 

This does take time, and it can be quite stressful, so I would suggest that you write one last time to your client and say that unless you get paid for the work you have done, you are going to take it further. 


Going forward. Your profile says your hourly rate is $15,00m so stick to that. Three weeks work for $15.00 is not sustainable, and it is not good business. Your client is a bottom feeder and saw you coming. So whether on Upwork or anywhere else in the freelancing world, you really must make a personal business plan and stick to it. You are not an employee, you are self-employed, and with that comes self-respect. 

Hi Nichola,


Thanks for give me advise and document, I've tried to dispute the request but I don't see it on my side (Find the contract and select See Request), because it not much so I will cancel it,


Thank you so much again.

Community Member


Do NOT rely on Upwork to check clients or manage clients.


You need to do this yourself.


In the future, if you have a fixed-price contract for $15, that is fine. You do the work, and you submit it. And that's it. No additional work. No revisions. Nothing else.


Make it clear to the client that they are hiring you to do a simple task and when it is done, it's done. You aren't offering "revisions."


If they want revisions, they need to hire you with an hourly contract.

For $15, the client doesn't get to say when the task is done.


You decide when the task is done. And the client pays.


If a client hires me for a $15 fixed-price task, then I do the work, and I submit, and the client pays. Period.


If the client asks for anything else, then I will just close the contract myself, refunding the escrow money, and keep the work for myself.

Community Member

Hey George, I agree with Preston to do Fixed-Fee projects that have specifc deliverables. 99% of my 300+ clients have been Fixed-Fee and it can greatly reduce in my experience potential client issues because everything is clearly defined. Have a great day!

The difference between William, who focuses on fixed-price contracts, and the original poster is that William absolutely understands how fixed-price contracts work. William has mastered the art of defining deliverables and holding clients to written agreements.


Fixed-price is not for beginners. It is for people who have studied the concept and thought about how they will handle clients' inappropriate requests. Upwork will NOT manage this for you. Until a freelancer is really ready to do fixed-price, he needs to stick with hourly.

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