» Forums » New to Upwork » Re: I want to change my payoneer account.
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I want to change my payoneer account.

The Payoneer account it's showing in my upwork profile is wrong and i don't want my funds to go in a wrong or unverified account. Is there a way to change it.

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Saleem, 

You will need to contact Payoneer customer support to disconnect your current account from Upwrork, and then contact our customer support to finish the process. After this you will be add your new account on Upwork.

~ Goran

But i don't even know the login details of the payoneer account it is showing in my profile. The account which i am using got a different username not the one it is showing in my profile.

Hi Saleem,

Please refer all of your questions for your bank account to Payoneer customer support, or send a PM to Sivan, thank you!


~ Goran
Community Member

Hi Saleem,

As advised- the best thing to do would be to contact our customer care team for help, and they will be able to assist you.

If you still encounter any issues, feel free to PM me 🙂



Sivan- Community Manager at Payoneer

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