» Forums » New to Upwork » Re: LOST MY CONNECTS
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Hi 😊


When I was able to change my profile name to my single name because of an annulment, I noticed that I lost all my connects. I was able to match my bank acct name with my single profile name after I filled up the W8BEN form.


How can I get my connects back . They were more than 50 I think. I hope there's a way for you to check my records.


thank you


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi May Elizabeth,


The Connects were not lost because of your name change. There was an update to the Connects policy around a year ago so you may want to consider checking out this Community thread for the official announcement.


You need to purchase Connects in order to submit proposals. This can vary based on your location, but all Upwork users will be able to purchase Connects with a credit card or prepaid card. If you aren’t able to use a credit card or prepaid card or you don’t have an Upwork balance, in many cases you’ll be able to use PayPal. Check the options available to you and learn more about acceptable billing methods.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
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