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New here? Please introduce yourself!

Hey all!


Welcome to the Upwork Community! Check out this list of Upwork Community offerings and explore how you can participate, attend events, learn best practices, and become even more successful with Upwork.


To kick start your community journey, we recommend introducing yourself to your fellow. Using the questions we’ve provided (or a style all your own), reply to this post and tell us a little about yourself!


  1. What field do you work in, and where are you located?
  2. What are you hoping to learn from other members? 
  3. What (or who) inspires you?


1,086 REPLIES 1,086
Community Member

To maximize productivity, we should prioritize reviewing the abundant posts from freelancers and clients flooding this community, rather than insisting on introductions. Community members rightfully expect a standard of customer service, and the emphasis on introductions seems misdirected and counterproductive.


Hoping some freelancer gives you a quick course on why customer service is important.


Best regards,


im new to all this hopefully i can learn something from reading posts

you will irma, just hang in there.

Hi everyone! My name is Elle, and I'm new to freelancing. I'm an Event Marketing & Project Management specialist in Rhode Island. Cheers all! 😎

As a senior copywriter/scriptwriter with four years of experience at a leading marketing agency, I'm facing a challenging situation on Upwork. Despite my expertise and proven track record of delivering high-quality content for clients worldwide, I'm struggling to secure projects. Despite dedicating significant time and effort, I've yet to find success on the platform, resulting in the loss of numerous connects. While my work is valued by my employer, the lack of traction on Upwork is disheartening. I'm reaching out for guidance on how to improve my chances of success on Upwork. As a freelancer, it can be frustrating when you put in the time and effort into perfecting your craft, but still struggle to secure projects. Please professionals look at my profile and portfolio to give some feedback and suggestions for improvement. Your help is much appreciated.

What's wrong? Did someone steal your sweet roll? EAT THE CHEESE! EAT ALL THE CHEESE! In my honest opinion (I am only good at judging other people's profiles because I know mine sucks. I hate talking about myself.) I think you are funny, creative, and passionate about your craft, but people can't see that until they read your review on games. Your intro doesn't show off your abilities or personality, and that's what would get me to hire you. I thought the piece on the PS5 (I think?) was a little long-winded and could be cut down quite a bit. Try to stay away from cliches. What I loved about your copy on games was the fact 1) your sense of humor and personality manifested, 2) you gave more specific than generalized decriptions (that sentence with GTA about the leather was fire), and 3) you connected with your readers with little gems that only a person passionate in the same subject/game would know. That is what I look for in good copy. I'm a science writer, and my audience is different, but I do hire copywriters because I suck at it. 


I'm sworn to carry your burdens...Lydia currently wants to marry me and it is very annoying. I like her better when she is snotty. And good job! You see what you did there? You introduced yourself to the community, you asked for help, you received some feedback, and you now made a friend who is willing to help in any way I can. 

Wow, that's great achievement you have , continue positive outlook in your lifestyle and then you'll have successful projects ahead Sir.

Hey, I am Ana

I am a highly skilled video editor with 10 years of experience.

I edit Youtube videos, Short-films and Documentaries. With my cinema experience I can bring you new vision of art, by creating creatives and engaging videos that can captivate the audience.Troughout my career, I have worked with diverse range of clients as influencers, independent creatives and small businesses. I also work with English, French, Spanish and Portuguese speakers


I am proficient in using the best of industry-standard software, as Adobe Premiere Pro and Da Vinci Resolve, and I am higly experialized in Sound Mixing,Sound Design and Color grading. I am always available to discuss your needs on Upwork Messenger  

Wow that's nice

That's an amazing  work , you have multi- tasking contribute to the  specific clients  and you are creative organizer.

Hello everyone, Emmanuella Buakro is my name and I am new here. I'm a virtual Assistant specialist from Ghana and also new to freelancing, kindly go through my profile and please assist on making it better so i can get clients. Thank you.

Profile link: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~0157a63d338a58dc9f?viewMode=1.


I'm Lubna, thrilled to be stepping into this community. As a newcomer, I'm eager to embark on my journey here. I'm seeking guidance on how to kickstart my Upwork career and secure my inaugural project. Any insights, tips, or steps you can share would be immensely appreciated. Looking forward to connecting and discovering the pathways to success!



"Community" is defined as "a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common," or "a feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals." You have given your opinion on what all the rest of us should think, want, and feel, and, ironically, have succeeded in introducing yourself as one who gives misdirected and counterproductive advice, and personally I would avoid.


There are several kinds of customers that expect differing standards of service. The nice thing about freelancing is that you can pick the ones that appeal to you once you find your niche. Never assume anything and communicate professionally and often. Don't put your expectations on other people. Mirror how they wish to be treated, not how you feel like treating them. 

You right sis

Hello guys. I'm new here. Looking forward to getting to know you better. And I hope I can get help by putting me through. Best regards. 

Hello Everyone,


New here! Ready to learn from everyone.




Hello, this is Mary.  I am new here in upwork, I want to apply to the job postings, but I cannot see any button to click inorder to apply. 

I am a freelancer.  I used to work in a hospital as a medical clerk and my previous job was domestic worker/nanny in Hongkong & Macau.

With the transition of my previous jobs from office worker to domestic worker overseas, I strongly believe that I can be an efficient virtual assistant by providing clerical work, customer service and administrative assistance online.

I hope you can help me apply a job in upwork without buying any connects.


Thank you 

Community Member

Hello my name is Karen and I'm a Event Specialist and I'm located in Cincinnati, Ohio and what inspired me was how I can interact with people all around the world. 

Community Member

Hello All! I'm Michael, a voice-over artist, podcast producer & host, and content creator. I've had an Upwork profile for some time but am just now turning my attention to ways of maximizing it! Interested in learning from Upwork pros on how best to secure work and land clients! Thanks!

Cool! Welcome to the community, Michael 🙂

Hello, Michael. I am interested in hearing what you do as a voice-over artist. 

Community Member

I am working in printing of pictures. I am from Ethiopia.

I have a big dreams to success my life 

My God inspire me always 

Community Member

1. I will work in the field of  Data entry, typing, translation, transcription in very precise manner. I am from india

2. seek diverse perspectives, knowledge, and experiences to broaden my understanding, refine my responses, and enhance       my ability to assist users effectively.

3. My Passion Inspire myself


I am from Pakistan and it is my very first experience on upwork. 

I am passionate to do this work but till today have not received any work.

I joing this community only one week back.


Hello Naeem, never give up. You can do anything. God bless you. First of all, ensure your profile is 100% complete. Write an effective proposal. It's important to include your portfolio.

Community Member

My name is Faith and am a writer and am located at Nigeria, Kaduna and what inspired me is how I can write a copyright emails

Community Member

My name is amine from algeria, im a 3D generalist seeking newchallenges and opportunities

Community Member


>> I am a graphic designer specializing in social media post design, branding, and canva design. I'm based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

>> As someone relatively new to Upwork, I'm hoping to learn best practices from experienced freelancers on how to create an appealing profile, craft winning proposals, and build a successful book of business on the platform. I'm also interested in tips for time management, client communication, and pricing my services competitively.

>> I find inspiration in brands and designers that blend creativity with clear communication. Companies like Apple and Airbnb have such iconic and recognizable branding. Designers like Paula Scher and Aaron Draplin have such a gift for transforming client needs into unforgettable visuals. I strive to create designs that are both visually striking and effectively convey a client's message.

My Portfolio is attached to this message. And my Upwork profile linkhttps://www.upwork.com/freelancers/mdsabbirh68

Sabbir Hossain

Community Member

Hello, I am Miheret Teka. I am translator and creative writer. I am from Ethiopia.  I hope to get exprience to acheive their success. Charles Dickens inspires me.

Community Member

Hello there, my name is Franco. I am a professional Graphic, Web, and Motion Designer in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK with over 20 years of experience. Since 2011, I have been working as an independent freelancer and began building my
personal website and online portfolio which represents one of my biggest projects so far, and to showcase and display the best selection of my published works on different media applications (print, web, and video).


There will always be something new to learn in life, especially in the design career where there is no limit towards the advancement of new technologies when it comes to creativity, it is an ever-lasting and infinite mystery that lies within the boundaries of our minds; time is precious and the best outcome for the learning process relies on the sharing of the knowledge. I hope to re-connect through this channel and start working on different projects, helping others solve their needs as well as learning how to become a top-rated talent and member.


I often seek inspiration through channels like Behance and YouTube, especially for tutorials and methodologies, always listening to good music!

Community Member

Community Member

Hello Upwork community,


I'm excited to join this forum as an experienced medical biller looking to connect with professionals in need of my expertise. With 5 years of hands-on experience in medical billing, I have a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in accurately processing claims, managing denials, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations.


Throughout my career, I've demonstrated a knack for optimizing revenue cycles and reducing claim rejections, ultimately enhancing the financial health of healthcare practices. I'm proficient in utilizing various billing software and staying up-to-date with the latest coding guidelines and reimbursement policies.


Whether you're a healthcare provider seeking assistance with billing tasks or a fellow freelancer looking to collaborate on projects, I'm eager to explore opportunities and contribute to the success of your endeavors.


Looking forward to engaging with this vibrant community and forging meaningful professional relationships. Feel free to reach out if you have any inquiries or project proposals.


Best regards,  

Muhammad Umer

Hello I'm Abdisalan from Somalia and civil society activist

Community Member

This is the part where I introduce myself. Greetings to you: I'm a proofreader. I like to proofread. I'd like to do that full-time. I am not doing that full-time yet. I'm from Mississippi. I graduated from college. My diploma rests in a closet somewhere. I love my country. And my state. Eh, my dog, too. Did I leave anything out?

Oh, apparently this is where we ask a question. Good, because I do have one: I'm so close to applying for some jobs here, but the rules and the how-to's (after clicking 'Apply') are not that clear for me. Does anyone reading this have some pointers, so that I can get the ball rolling?

Congrats on becoming part of Upwork! Click the above Academy link for success pointers.

Looked above; sorry, but could not locate the academy link.

Community Member


Congrats on joining Upwork! Click the above Academy link for success tips on finding jobs.

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