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Please, Review My Profile

Hey guys,

this is my first time posting here.
I am on UpWork for a few month now, and it starts to get a little bit momentum.
This week I will breach the 1000 Dollar total earnings. 

However, I am still pretty unsatisfied, how few of my proposals come back with an interview invitation.

Could you guys give me a short review of my profile?
What do you like?
What dont you like?
What would you change?

I would appreciate any Feedback!

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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


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Community Member

Please give me a solution about my profile picture. Is my profile picture looks like professional?

You already posted this before. Your pic is fine. If you're not getting work, you need to analyze your profile and proposals.

Community Member



I have proposals made to 12 jobs and another one in this morning. The previously applied 12 jobs are not getting responded by the Employers. I only had one response from an employer since I joined UpWork. It was a decline since that employer had chosen another freelancer. But still there are 12 jobs in my Proposals tab that had not been responded. Is there something wrong with my Profile or Portfolio or in my proposals? I still haven't done a single job on UpWork. I would highly appreciate it if someone could take a look into my Profile, Portfolio and my job proposals and advice me whether there are more improvements to be made to any of them.


Thanks in advance.


Community Member

 Hi there



So my probleme is that I was doing well on upwork ( well for a newbie who doesn't apply for that many jobs lol ) but after a misunderstanding with a client he left me a bad feedback and since that , I'm not getting any job here on upwork.


Even though I don't write canned cover letters, I show examples of my works ....etc 


I'm really struggling, so do you have any suggestions that can help me overcome my obstacle.


If there are any people here who can help me with their experience please leave a message.


thank you.

I think you can overcome bad feedback by providing amazing examples that make the lead want to give you a chance just because he/she loves your work. At least, if I was a client and I saw 1 bad feedback among other great ones and the provider had amazing work, I'd give them a chance. 

Thank you jennifer, could you review my profile and tell what I have to work on ? if it doesn't bother you of course 

Community Member

Good day!



I'm new here and until now, I haven't found job. Please help! Thanks!

@Hanna Monica R wrote:

Good day!



I'm new here and until now, I haven't found job. Please help! Thanks!

Hi, Hanna Monika. 

I see you wrote about your profession in your profile.

At least you should explain what particular problems of client you can resolve.

You should to hide bad test results.

The rest is described in this community discussion.

Community Member



I have submitted 24 proposals in a month but not getting any reply.

Anyone having good experience please check where I am doing wrong (http://www.upwork.com/fl/minalc) .

I have good knowledge of technologies and I mentioned properly in my profile and I do mention in my cover letter.


Thank You


Hi. I'm here since February and got only one job. Something going wrong and I need a help too.


Let me share my experience on Upwork. 


I’m architectural and product 3d visualizer and here since February and got only one job.


I understand I did mistakes during my “freelance carrier” on Upwork, such as generic proposals, poor description of advantages of my services, etc.  Now I try to build my work differently and here is what I do:


-I changed my photo to more optimistic instead of passport photo.


-Overview section in profile has been rewritten. I explained there what can I do for clients instead who am I. I wrote about advantages of my services (I mean postproduction technique which allow me to create attractive images and in my opinion – stand out many of my colleagues).  


-I try to bid as a soon as possible. Therefore I check the job feed once per 1-2 hours. Also I search jobs by keyword,  and in category 3D Modeling & CAD.  Moreover I noticed there are jobs related to my profession in other categories, such as Architecture, Interior Design, Product Design, etc. and I check them every one-two hours as well. Exception is a time frame when I cannot be online because of some circumstances (especially when I sleep :)).


-I write proposals related to job description instead of generic proposals.  Moreover I check client’s review to know client’s name and I use it in cover letter.  


- I saw one of the Upwork training video two days ago and I decided to get a few links to the sample works in cover letter (according to client’s whishes) instead of getting a link to the whole portfolio.


- One of the top rated freelancers from my country suggested me to give  time and cost frames in cover letter even though not enough information in job description. I asked him, how can I do this? He answered: you have to guess it. In my opinion this is similar to a lottery and I decided to write the following in cover letter: “Usually in this kind of work cost USD__ and takes __ days, but send me please full information to provide you cost and duration exactly”.   

Meanwhile profile views dropped to zero last weeks.


Please review the information described above and my profile as well and let me know what I’m doing right and what I’m doing wrong.


I will be very appreciated.





Thanks Ievgen for detailed response. Will look into all your suggestions and try to update my profile as much as possible.

You're welcome A N, but I need a help too.


I've described in my previous message what I did during several month of my "freelance carreer" and something going wrong.  Can anyone to review my profile and what I described in my previous message?


I assume I something doing wrong, therefore have poor job history.





I looked at your profile. Though I am not that good in judging profiles or passing comments, but still wish to say that the first 3 paras are simply generic and dont seem to suggest anything related to your services or offerings. Only following the 3rd para you are talking about what you can do for your clients, which I believe should be somewhere on the top as the client may not spend so much time finding out about your services.

I would suggest starting your profile with the section 'Here is what my clients say:'


Good luck.

Yhanks for your oppinion, A N 

Community Member

Hi All,


I have been here on Upwork since the downfall of Elance. But still unable to make anything significant out here. From time to time, I have tried to change my profile for betterment, but still unable to get any good results. June again went in vain without any success in finding some job/work. I believe with frequent changes in profile, I may perhaps have made a mess out it. Can someone check my profile and suggest ways to improve it so I may also succeed in attracting clients, getting interview calls and finding some jobs. I desperately need to find jobs and get a decent earning.

Thank you all for your time.





My suggestion is to change your profile pic. Choose something with better lighting that shows your face.

Ok Maria, Thank you, will do that too.

Done with the pic. Need further reviews and advices please.

I actually think proposals are more important than profiles. I always thought my profile was meh.

Hi Jennifer,

Proposals definitely play an important role, no doubt. But honestly, at the moment I believe, both my profile and proposals are going down the drain since last month or so. I regularly keep applying to job postings, matching my skills, and eventually run out of connects almost before the month ends. But still find no success in gaining any interview call. Thats why I thought of modifying my profile so perhaps I may be able to get some automatic recommended interview invites and save some connects.

If you may be interested I can also share an outline of my profile for any further advice.




Am I kind of high on too much Fourth of July strawberry pie? Or didn't the previous profile pic for freelancer "A.N." show a female? Current photo is clearly of a heavily bearded male.


You are correct. That was my own pic. I am not very photogenic and usually avoid placing my photos openly. That was the main reason my pic was in the dark.

This is my husband's (who is not an upwork member). I thought of using his photo for the time being to see if there is any improvement in the traffic.

Rest assured, I have already passed through the ID verification process of upwork.


Thank you.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi A N, 

It is a violation of the Upwork ToS to be using a photo other than yourself. Please change your photo to a picture of you to adhere to the rules of the platform. 

I can see that you have 2 ongoing jobs in progress, and an 88% job success score, which I think is great. You can update your overview to specifically reflect your skills, and your experience on the field - how many years of experience do you have in your chosen job category, etc. 


I'm happy to share with you some of our educational videos and blog posts, and best practices shared by other users, to help you:


I hope this will help. Good luck! 



~ Avery

Your pic is supposed to be of you not your husband. 😕


Pic has been reverted to original.


Thank you.

A N,


If you are not satisfied with your current photo, there are still things you can do to change it, yet still adhere to Upwork's guidelines.


I went downtown to various parks and museums. I posed in various ways, various angles, in various places. Had over 100 different photos taken. Then, back home, I spent hours choosing the best photo for my Upwork profile, and choosing the optimal cropping for that photo.

Thanks Preston for this valuable advise. Will definitely try to follow.

Community Member

Hello , 

I am just bidding in jobs but still i am not getting any response from client end . Its been a month now and i just bidding but not getting any response , Can any body please check if there is any issue with my profile ?



@Megha -- I read your profile. It's fine, although you might want to be even more specific about what you can do for the client. (It's hard for me to judge that, because computer "stuff" is outside my area of expertise.) You need to change your level of English fluency from "Native" to either "Fluent" or "Conversational," whichever applies. If you are applying for jobs that require/request a Native English Speaker, your proposals will likely be rejected out of hand. Your English is quite understandable, but your mastery is definitely not at Native level.

Community Member

I have opened account during last 3-4 yearas. Till now I could not get any job.


Maximum client want 90% job success score but I have not done any work till now so what can I do ..bid or not bid?


I close this account for create new account? Help me....


I am in frustration.

Hi Shamim,


Please note that users are allowed to create and use only one account on Upwork as per our ToS.

~ Vladimir
Community Member


Can anyone do me a favor?Have a look at my profile and let me know if it looks professional. I have three years experience working in Finance, Business Writing and Accounting, and I believe I can do it much better than others, still not getting a very good response, as expected. Please check the screenshot of my stats.


Community Member

Hello! I'm new here on Upwork. I created my account last March or April and I have submitted a number of proposals on data entry tasks, but I have receive no invitation for a job. Can you give me insights as to how I can have my first client? I'm willing to have a money back guarantee service just to prove that I'm reliable and a hardworking one. 

@ James D.  I respect the fact that you are thinking of ways to inspire confidence in your work ethic and in the likely quality of your work product. I think that in some instances, in some real-world ("brick-and-mortar") situations, a money-back guarantee could work well.  However, in the Upwork world, the following is my succinct suggestion (although, as my father used to say: "Free advice is often worth just about what you pay for it.") :




Do not offer a money-back guarantee.


In the first place, the fact that payment funds are in escrow until a client has seen and approved your work makes such an offer essentially moot. The client does not need to finalize payment until he or she is satisfied.


Much more to the point:  A guarantee such as you suggest might work very well between an honest, hard-working, competent freelancer and an honest, ethical client.  (This is clearly the work universe you are assuming when you propose your offer.)


Now, let's imagine how such a "money back" guarantee would work when the relationship happens to be between an unlucky, although still honest, hard-working, and competent freelancer, and a sleazy, scamming, dishonest client who preys on freelancers and is already skilled at getting free work, even out of seasoned freelancers who are on their guard...


Nope. Don't do it. I respect your gumption, but I think that the idea of the guarantee is sure to to be irresistible chum to all the crazy client sharks in the Upwork waters.


Good luck to you, though.

@James D wrote:

Hello! I'm new here on Upwork. I created my account last March or April and I have submitted a number of proposals on data entry tasks, but I have receive no invitation for a job. Can you give me insights as to how I can have my first client? I'm willing to have a money back guarantee service just to prove that I'm reliable and a hardworking one. 

 Please change your profile pic.


Community Member



I have over 6+ years of experience working on Elance and Upwork. I used to work for company and was part of business development team. But I have set up my own development studio now and work on my own.


Since, Elance & Odesk have been merged we are facing difficulty getting a reply from each job that we applied for. If I talk about past 250 jobs that I have applied for - "I have hardly get 5 replies from all 250". On the other hand, when I worked for the company I earned over $500,000 in just 2 years. I used to apply for 10-15 jobs per day and was getting at least 5 replies every day.


At this moment, I have only past clients from Elance who have worked with me. But apart from this now new clients or work on Upwork. I love working on Upwork and really want to win more and more projects.


I write new cover letter each time when applying on jobs and always keep it short with all relevant examples & experience. Moreover, I am a software developer and skilled business development professional. I know technology very well and I have excellent communication skills.


I need help from someone who can review my profile and other stuff on my profile.

Community Member

Hi freelancers!

This topic looks alive 🙂

If there is anyone to check out my profile and give some advice I would be very greatful!

I have been freelancing for about two years and now able to write cover letters clearly and professionally but always want improvements! That's why I have found this topic 🙂

Thanks in advanced!

Anton L.


Overall you have a strong profile page, but the language should be tightened up and improved.


Your first line is: "Got a Bachelor degree in Marketing."


The language here is awkward. The sentence contains mistakes and right of the bat the overview text does not represent your level of excellence. It's not clear to me that this sentence is necessary at all, as the information can be found in your Educational Experience section.


In the second line of your overview text, "broshures" is spelled wrong.


That's okay if you were a graphic artist, but you're a translator, so that's not okay.


Are you a marketing consultant or are you a translator? Mostly your profile presents you as a translator. You should sharpent that message.


Remove this from the bottom:

"Kind regards, Anton Liakhovskii"


Your name is at the top of the page. I don't need to see this.


Remove this:

"PAYMENT METHODS SUPPORTED: Payoneer card, PayPal, Web Money"


Unless you are actively seeking to get paid off of the platform, and courting suspension, I'm not sure what this is.

Anton, I second what Preston said, especially about paying methods. You only accept to be paid through Upwork. Never accept any direct payment off-platform, not only you may be scammed but you would break Upwork rules and may be banned.


Get rid of all your bad test scores. For instance, you don't have to display this poor Russian To English Translation Skills Test, since you translate to Russian, not from it (that is, if you're native Russian speaker).


On your profile I can also see:




Are you sure? Are you really fully native in both Russian and Ukrainian? A translator doesn't translate into a language which is not his or her native language, which he uses every day.



"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless

Hi, Rene.

There are no difficulties for Ukrainians to speak both Russian and Ukrainian languages well.  

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