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Please, Review My Profile

Hey guys,

this is my first time posting here.
I am on UpWork for a few month now, and it starts to get a little bit momentum.
This week I will breach the 1000 Dollar total earnings. 

However, I am still pretty unsatisfied, how few of my proposals come back with an interview invitation.

Could you guys give me a short review of my profile?
What do you like?
What dont you like?
What would you change?

I would appreciate any Feedback!

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This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


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Hi, Valeria! It's ok now,

I already set my profile to public on main Upwork page but here in community page, it says my profile is not set to public. Huh!?

Data entry is an incredibly saturated area.  You're competing with tens of thousands (if not more) other freelancers.


You have QuickBooks experience.  If that is verifiable, you could tweek your profile to emphasize that, rather than data entry.

My Quickbooks experience is not certified. In my overview, I only said I have knowledge with Quickbooks. Most of the  job post wanted someone who is already an expert or quickbooks certified. I've been looking up for jobs who welcome newbies like me who is not certified but knows how to navigate the software.


Community Member

I ws happy to post here for first time.plz any one chk my profile. I applied jobs up to 16 r 17.up to now none of the clients hv given me chance in any of project. Pls help me.i dont knw wt wz wrong in my profile.

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I am first time in upwork. How can I get first job.

you can get  your work according to your skills and you will get a project when your proposal representation will be awesome.


@Debranjan M wrote:



I am first time in upwork. How can I get first job.

Start writing proposals on fitting requests for proposals. It can take several months to be awarded the first job. 



Why have you highlighted your expertise in Excel?


They are available a dime a dozen.


Highlight the fact that you are an MBA with financial expertise.

"Certa bonum certamen"
Community Member

I've been searching for how many months in Odesk/Upwork but still I didn't get any interview or message me. Besides I may not good in english very well but I can understand of some languages in english. I am new here and I wan't to experience as a Data Entry Operator and how to be a freelancer. Can anyone teach me or guide me for free? I saw some blog that you will pay for them to teach you but I can't afford for it right now. I wish you could help me. And by the way i'm from Philippines. Thanks!

You mean "I made $100k one year on Elance 3 years ago so I can coach you on a platform I never use" guy? Yeah, skip it. I'm gonna make $100k this year but I've got a conscience and can't fathom charging people who will probably never make it if they are paying me to blow rainbows up their butt.

Your profile is set to Private, which makes it difficult to help you.

Sorry i was just new here and still exploring this Upwork, Hope you can help me sir. Thank You

I've been searching for how many months in Odesk/Upwork but still I didn't get any interview or message me. Besides I may not good in english very well but I can understand of some languages in english. I am new here and I wan't to experience as a Data Entry Operator and how to be a freelancer. Can anyone teach me or guide me for free? I saw some blog that you will pay for them to teach you but I can't afford for it right now. I wish you could help me how to be a freelancer. Thanks!


as someone else said, your profile is set to private

Sorry maam, I already change it into public.

No. Your profile is still "Not public".

Community Member



Can somebody help me out, as I cannot seem to land any writing jobs. I keep applying and yet, nothing. It is extremely frustrating. Can anyone please offer some advice.

Hi, Anne.

Your profile is not public 😞

Community Member


I am on upwork  for over 1 year. My profile is 100% complete. Submitting proposals bt every time i am being rejected bt i couldn't understand what is the problem? Can someone suggest me some tips to get the jobs. Or is there anything needed to change my profile? Please someone help me.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi, Sagor. Consider this. A HALF MILLION freelancers doing data entry job. Many of them are "hardworking" and "quick learner" persons. 

Community Member

I am trying really to attrack client but thing aren't going as i thought it would. I am a professional Administrator Secetary and i am trained in this feild.

I need help please, Thank You.

Christinea T, I'm quite new in here, but I'll try to answer you:

You should work on your grammar a bit, also you can try to do more tests and achieve better results in them.


From different barrel, I will take honest critique about my profile as well. How can I make it better?

Community Member

i am on upwork since last 3 years, but i hardly receive a reply from a client when i apply for a job . tell me the good method how i get job on upwork?

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Thank you so much for your honest opinion. Will be taking your advice in practice.
Community Member

Hello all,
I'm new here and jumping back into the world of freelance. I've been in various design roles over a long career and have a wide variety of skills in presentation, web, print, motion, and media.
I've had no hires over my first month and I'm wondering if my profile is too broad and is giving the impression of not necessarily being an expert in a specific area.
Thank you for any suggestions!


Hi Richard, 

I think your profile is great! You may want to check out these resources available for freelancers to help you get started on the platform. Good luck! 

~ Avery

Thanks Avery. I appreciate the feedback and links. I know there is a ton of excellent competition on Upwork and I just need to figure out how to refine the message.

Community Member

First i would like to thanks to new friend. I am member of upwork sinc 1 years but at that time i am looking gis work. i submitted some praposel but they rejectd by client. i am Gis Technician form india. Please give me some suggetion how can got first work .

Will you please elaborate what GIS Technician do? Then I will suggest you how to get the job on Upwork.

Gis means Geographical information system.i have work on raster and vector mapping,geodatabase upadation ,map creation,geotaging,


   skill use-Arcgis,Autocad map,Erdas,Google Earth etc

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   I'm a long time Upwork freelancer, I have done many projects successfully,

 But from 2015, as i was busy with many local in-house projects , I could not able to participate in upwork for finding jobs, Now I started  to biding projects , I sent many but I have not received any response, so kindly help me,

What am I doing wrong? What should I do?


Community Member

We don't know. We don't know your process. Best I can say is if you aren't getting responses, review your profile and portfolio and mess around with your proposal to find what sticks.

Community Member

Thank you Jennifer, 

Community Member

I am growing discouraged.  I cannot seem to get hired most likely due to not having any billable hours on record or any reviews (good or bad).  However, how can I get either of these if someone will not hire me.  What tips do you suggest to try and get some work under my belt.  I have read through the threads and have taken note of some great advice and have tried to use what I've read.  For example, I have taken tests to add to my profile as well as portfolio pieces.  I write a personal message to each prospective client instead of a generic message.  I submit proposals for jobs with very low pay (just to get things started).  However, I can't seem to get anyone to accept.


I appreciate any advice, tips, tricks, suggestions or even criticisms as I am really eager to get started and have every intention of working very hard at this once the ball starts rollings.


Thank you,


Good Day Lorin!

                           Starting a career on Upwork is a little difficult job at first but if don't loose your jugdement and patience of applying day and night, you will find a smooth way to have a kickstart. 

One tip I found the most helpful for a newbie is to apply for jobs as soon as they are posted. For instance, if you apply for a job posted 5 mins or 10 mins ago, you will have maximum chances of getting hired since most clients move for contacting the available freelancers and the chances are more higher if the jobs are short term fixed price contacts.
So first move for some short fixed price jobs and dedicate some good time everyday to check for new job postings.
Best of luck for your bright career ahead.

Dear Lorin,


I was going through your profile and here are certain tips for that, You have to improve your skills keywords, Secondly in  Overview  section, write about your experiance then mention in next paragraph you skills "individually". with headings..


after that you can place your rates, confirm your availability timings etc etc. I will suggest to view other competitors portfolio so you check what lack in your portfolio.



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