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Profie Advice Needed

Morning Folks,


I would greatly appreciate any advice as to how I could improve my profile. I have a wealth of experience and willing to initially work for extremely low rates. Having been in Corporate IT I only require a few hours of sleep a night, so time zone is also not an issue.


However, I am not receiving even an interview.


Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.


Community Member

Hello Linda,


You may read these articles to help you boost your chances on landing jobs here in Upwork:


 Enhance your profile

Tips to boost your success

Submitting a winning proposal


Thank you and good luck!


Many thanks for the feedback. I have been through all of the documentation on the site.

I need to understand why I am no getting any responses.

It appearsto be extremely difficult to break into Upwork as a new service provider.

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