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Hi Everyone,


This is my first time to send a proposal to a client. Do I need to build a project or just directly message the client?

I need guidance on this one. Samples would be appreciated.


Community Member

Since your profile is set to Private, I can't tell whether you've ever freelanced before. If you haven't, then you'll want to spend some time learning about the fundamentals of working as an independent contractor. (One of which is that proposals are highly proprietary and it's unlikely people in a public marketplace like this will be inclined to share samples of theirs, especially when they cannot even see which category you work in. You might be a direct competitor.) If you have freelanced before, then use what you already know about crafting proposals and adapt it to this particular platform.


A few useful tips... The client only sees the first couple of lines of your "cover letter" unless they click it open, so make the most of that valuable real estate. Convince them you're a viable match for their needs so they will open your proposal and then click over to your profile. (Don't regurgitate what's already in your profile.)


It's worth your time to browse this forum, there's a wealth of insight and advice in old threads. And of course, be sure you're thoroughly familiar with the ToS and the mechanics of setting up contracts, submitting work, getting paid, etc. Do this before you start submitting proposals.


Good luck!

Community Member

First of all best of luck with your bidding. You can not a send message directly to a client. The Upwork doesn't allow that. You will have to send him a proposal for the job he posted. After that, if he likes your proposal he shall definitely message you for an interview. Remember you have to write a professional proposal to impress your client. So, HAPPY BIDDING! 😄

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