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Query on a paid test refund

Hello, a client offered a paid test but has requested a refund after submitting the work on claims that the job didn't meet their standards. What happens in such a case considering the offer didn't state that I was supposed to refund the client in case the work was not appealing to them?


Hi Wilfred,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I checked and it seems that you already created a support ticket for the issue you are experiencing. Please allow more time for our team to review your case and respond accordingly to your ticket. You will be notified of their response.

~ Nikola
Community Member

Wilfred N wrote:  What happens in such a case considering the offer didn't state that I was supposed to refund the client in case the work was not appealing to them?

You're free to dispute the return of the escrow funds. How much money are we talking about? Is it worth the hassle and time of a dispute and having one on your record?

Community Member

re: "Hello, a client offered a paid test but has requested a refund after submitting the work on claims that the job didn't meet their standards. What happens in such a case considering the offer didn't state that I was supposed to refund the client in case the work was not appealing to them?"


Of course the freelancer is not supposed to refund money back to the client after a paid test. This client is acting in an unprofessional, unethical and immoral manner.


Nevertheless... as Petra alludes to, there are times when it is not worth a freelancer's time to fight an immoral client's request. I advise the freelancer to do what makes the most sense for the freelancer. If the dollar amount is small and the freelancer just doesn't want to waste time with this and if the freelancer is concerned with impact on JSS, there are times when it may make more sense for the freelancer to refund.

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