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Review is not showing

Hi Upworkers, I have recently completed a job, and the client gave me feedback, but that review did not show to my profile. It has only shown that there is no feedback given, but the client has already shared feedback. Here is my profile link:


Please do let me know, when will the review be visible to my profile?

Community Member

These don't automatically show up immediately. This is part of a cached content block that is regenerated on a regular schedule. After both you and the client have left feedback, it is normal to take a few days before the review shows up on your public profile page.

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Community Member

These don't automatically show up immediately. This is part of a cached content block that is regenerated on a regular schedule. After both you and the client have left feedback, it is normal to take a few days before the review shows up on your public profile page.

Community Member

Hey Upworkers,

I recently completed a job and the client gave me 5 stars and a good review but it is not showing on my profile since Friday.


What could be the reason?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Taiwo, 

Are you referring to Contract ID# 29745874? Once the payment for this contract is already processed according to the Weekly Billing Cycle, the contract and corresponding feedback will be listed on your profile. 

Congratulations on the success of this contract!

~ Avery
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