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Rising Talent?

Hello! I received an email from Upwork inviting me to take the Upwork Readiness Test to become a Rising Talent. I clicked on the link, took the test, and passed. However, there is not a badge on my profile and I have yet to receive 30 free connects. Any idea?

Thank you in advance,
Brea Miller 


**Edited for Community Guidelines**




Community Member

Hey, Brea.


If your profile is 100% complete, your Rising Talent Badge and 30 extra connects will appear within 48-72 hours, maybe a little sooner. It's not instantantaneous.



Yes mam, my profile is 100% complete. I have only been a member on Upwork for 12 days now and I read somewhere that you have to be a member for at least 30 days before being considered. However, I received the invitation via email saying all I had to do was pass that test.

Hi Brea,


If you received a notification about receiving a Rising Talent badge and meet all the requirements for the program, the badge should appear on your profile within 48 hours.

~ Valeria
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