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Tips for Getting Started on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can be challenging. Here are some top tips that can help you succeed.


Complete Your Profile

First, it can be very helpful to complete your profile 100%. It’s important to understand that there are certain sections that must be completed in order to reach 100%. You can even technically exceed 100% completion. The more fields you complete on your profile, the better your chances of winning work. Also, your profile must be 100% complete in order to qualify for badges such as Rising Talent and Top Rated. Check out this help article for more information on the numerous ways you can reach 100% or more completion. I also recommend this article about why a great title and overview can make a difference.


Set Your Profile Visibility

Second, we recommend updating your profile visibility. Once you’ve crafted the perfect profile, you’ll want clients to be able to see it. When setting your profile visibility, you have three options: Public, Only Upwork Users, or Private.  If you set your profile to private, it will be excluded from the Upwork marketplace and search engines. This means clients won’t see you when they search for freelancers. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to set your profile visibility to Public or Only Upwork Users.


Submit Proposals

Third, submit proposals! This may seem like an obvious step, but it’s one that often doesn’t receive enough attention from new freelancers. By regularly submitting proposals for projects that fit your skills, you not only increase your chances of winning work, but you also prevent your profile from being automatically set to private, which can happen if you are inactive from the platform. As you submit more proposals, you will also learn what does and doesn’t get the attention of clients. Also, remember, that you may have to submit more than 5 proposals before you win your first project. Persistence is key. To help improve the quality of your proposals, I invite you to read about how to create a proposal that wins jobs and take in this proven advice from freelancers on Upwork. Also, check out this great article about How To Get More Jobs on Upwork in 2022!

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For help with your profile, check out this peer feedback thread and consider joining an Upwork Academy Coaching Cohort!


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849 REPLIES 849
Community Member

Hi Mike:

Thank you for sharing these tips. I will read articles shared you and suggestions to improve my visibility at Upwork. 

Thank you,

Wajeeha G.


Community Member

Hi Mike, i would like to get my profile reviewed. any tips and suggestions? Thanks!





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Community Manager

Hi Joselina,


I took a look at your profile and here are my suggestions:

  • Your portfolio gives you the opportunity to impress potential clients with real-life examples of your skills and expertise. To help you look your best, consider showcasing 4+ examples of your best work. Learn more about building a great portfolio here.
  • Consider adding details about how you can help clients achieve their goals. For example, expand on who you are, the services you offer, and what you’re most passionate about.
  • Be clear on your expertise and mention specialized software or tools. 
  • Other examples of information you can include are past accomplishments and projects, preferred working style, and your business’ values (e.g. I believe in strong communications or thorough upfront planning), industries or lines of businesses you have worked in before, and the types of clients you have worked with before (start-ups, solo entrepreneurs, large businesses, etc.). 

I hope this helps!

Community Member

I have been a member for quite a while and have bought tokens, submitted proposals, and I still get nothing. There are not even any confirmations that my proposals are received. I know my profile is not the best but after doing this for a year you would think I would get at least one response. I have been working with WordPress since 2003 and it seems my proposals are not getting through. Tired of spending money with no ROI.

Hi Arthur,


I'm sorry to hear you've had trouble finding work. Upwork is quite competitive, but I took a look at your profile and have some suggestions. 


Your profile overview is difficult to quickly scan and understand what your primary services and experiences are. It might help to organize it with paragraphs: for example, have your introduction paragraph, a separate paragraph for skills, and one for experience. In this way, you might emphasize certain areas, but use caution with adding lists of skills with few to no related work examples because clients may question the sincerity of your skills list. Another idea is to use bullets and other delineators to break up your profile.


Your portfolio gives you the opportunity to impress potential clients with real-life examples of your skills and expertise. To help you look your best, consider showcasing 4+ examples of your best work. Learn more about building a great portfolio here.


I also noticed some of your proposals were quite brief. You might find these articles helpful:

I hope this helps!


Thank you for the suggestions I will take a look maybe I should just hire someone to do this for me lol. I don't see an option to use bullet points with the editor that they give you to work with and I tried to use markup but it isn't allowed.

Hi Arthur,


This is the referenced link when I mentioned bullets: https://community.upwork.com/t5/Freelancers/Bullet-points-in-profile/m-p/361448/highlight/true#M2201...

Community Member

Hi Mike,


I would love to invite you to review my profile. I am looking forward to your feedback and suggestions.



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Community Manager

Hi Zain Ul,


I took a look at your profile and suggest you consider revisions to the first couple of sentences. The beginning of your profile overview displays in prospective client search results and it’s your first 200-character pitch. So, your first sentence should include clear, relevant information about your primary skill sets and expertise. To give a clear impression you’re the person the client wants to talk to, here are some additional tips for writing a great Overview.


I hope this helps! 


Thank you, Mike

Hi Community! 


I am new to Upwork and I'd like to know if my profile is good to go. 

Would you kindly take a look at my profile and suggest some improvements?


Thank You. 

Community Member

Hello mike, i am a rookie here on upwprk, and my profile is 90%.. Is there anyway you can help me get to a 100%?


   I am a rooky on upwork, any advice on how to get jobs as soon as possible?

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Community Manager

Hi Imoniche,


I see your profile is now 100% complete. One suggestion I have is to review your spelling/grammar and use of capitalization. You have some sentences that are completely capitalized. You also have a number of sentences where the first word is not capitalized or there is no ending punctuations (such as a period).  If you'd like to add extra polish, you might want to consider using Grammarly. I use this myself and really like it because it's free and it offers a Chrome add-on so it works in webmail, messages, proposals, and more.

You may also find these articles helpful:

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Community Manager

Hi Imoniche,


You can review this article for guidance on how to create a 100% complete profile. 

Community Member

Thank you mike for your good support how can I set my profile visibility I'm new freelancer

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Hi Khaalid,


Please review this help article for information on how to set your profile visibility.

Community Member

Hey Mike,


Thanks a lot; I´m a new member of the community, and I think your post it´s very helpful.


Greetings, Shahidul

Community Member

Hello can you see my profile and give me some tips?

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Community Manager

Hi Nikolas,


I looked at your profile and have some suggestions. 

  • The beginning of your profile overview displays in prospective client search results and it’s your first 200-character pitch. So, your first sentence should include clear, relevant information about your primary skill sets and expertise.
  • Your profile overview is short compared to the average. Upwork’s research shows clients see it as a positive signal if the profile is well written and comprehensive. Therefore, consider crafting your overview as a pitch to prospective clients. 

    • Help clients understand your abilities better by listing information about your skills and experience in an original and creative way. 
    • Focus on how you can help clients achieve their goals. For example, expand on who you are, the services you offer, and what you’re most passionate about. 
    • Be clear on your expertise and mention specialized software or tools. 
    • If appropriate, let your personality shine through (include some excitement), and show your qualities and praise the work you do, instead of focusing on yourself.
    • Other examples of information you can include are past accomplishments and projects, preferred working style, and your business’ values (e.g. I believe in strong communications or thorough upfront planning), industries or lines of businesses you have worked in before, and the types of clients you have worked with before (start-ups, solo entrepreneurs, large businesses, etc.). 

To give a clear impression you’re the person the client wants to talk to, here are some additional tips for writing a great Overview.

Community Member

Hi Mike

Please review my profile please and tell me where to improve


Hi Caroline,


Thanks for your message. I looked at your profile and have some suggestions.

  • Your profile is only 80% complete. Review this article for guidance on how to create a 100% complete profile. Your profile must be 100% complete in order to qualify for programs such as Rising Talent and Top Rated.

  • Your profile overview is short compared to the average. Upwork’s research shows clients see it as a positive signal if the profile is well written and comprehensive. Therefore, consider crafting your overview as a pitch to prospective clients. 

    • Help clients understand your abilities better by listing information about your skills and experience in an original and creative way. 
    • Focus on how you can help clients achieve their goals. For example, expand on who you are, the services you offer, and what you’re most passionate about. 
    • Be clear on your expertise and mention specialized software or tools. 
    • If appropriate, let your personality shine through (include some excitement), and show your qualities and praise the work you do, instead of focusing on yourself.

To give a clear impression you’re the person the client wants to talk to, here are some additional tips for writing a great Overview.

Community Member

Thanks for your opinion Learned a lot of things from your article.

Community Member

Thank you very much for share usefull tips.

Community Member

Mike, thank you so much for answering these questions! I have completed my profile 100%, bought a subscription and am already sending offers. So far I have nothing. Can you help me with advice and see my profile? I will be very grateful to you.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Dmitriy,


I reviewed your profile and have some observations. Your profile overview is short compared to the average. Upwork’s research shows clients see it as a positive signal if the profile is well written and comprehensive. Therefore, consider crafting your overview as a pitch to prospective clients. 

  • Help clients understand your abilities better by listing information about your skills and experience in an original and creative way. 
  • Focus on how you can help clients achieve their goals. For example, expand on who you are, the services you offer, and what you’re most passionate about. 
  • Be clear on your expertise and mention specialized software or tools. 
  • If appropriate, let your personality shine through (include some excitement), and show your qualities and praise the work you do, instead of focusing on yourself.


Mike, thank you very much for your prompt response. I listened to your comments and corrected. Can you watch again, is everything okay? I really need this job. Thanks Mike!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Dmitriy,


On your specialized Video Editor profile you say, "I am an experienced video and sound editor" but on your main profile you say, "I've been shooting and editing videos for less than a year." These two seem to contradict each other.


You can also consider removing "Hello! I am Dmitry." as this is unnecessary and will take up precious space in search results (where the first couple of lines from your profile display).


I'd also suggest using a tool like Grammarly (this is what I use) to help with some errors that I saw.


Mike, hi. Thanks, I have done all these steps. it seems it already looks better) can you look again, is everything okay? And I also liked Grammarly, thank you very much!

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I like it!


Mike, thank you for your attention to me! Nice to meet such a good manager! Then I have to make my way to the first order, I hope I will find my customer)

Community Member

Hello Mike J

I'm a graphic designer, I specialize in logo designs... I've been submitting my proposals, but still no gig.. I've used all my connects to send proposals, but still no result, can you help me check my profile if there's something I'm doing wrong?



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Community Manager

Hi Osieh,


I looked at your profile and made some observations:

  • The beginning of your profile overview displays in prospective client search results and it’s your first 200-character pitch. So, your first sentence should include clear, relevant information about your primary skill sets and expertise. To give a clear impression you’re the person the client wants to talk to, here are some additional tips for writing a great Overview.
  • Your portfolio gives you the opportunity to impress potential clients with real-life examples of your skills and expertise. To help you look your best, consider showcasing 4+ examples of your best work. Learn more about building a great portfolio here.

You may also find these articles helpful:

You might also find the Upwork Academy course "Crafting Your Profile Title & Overview" to be helpful.

Community Member

great to have this helpful article... I am facing trouble for a long time, not less than 7 months , which is that I dont get any invitations to my account even though my account success score is 100% and all my reviews are 5 stars.... is there any way to find how often my account appears to the client? Is there any way to see where the problem is?

Community Member


Thank alot, this might have helped.

I am a new member and have been struggling in getting my proposal approved.


Community Member

Thank you so much


hey Experts! I am new here on upwork platform۔ It's been three months but I haven't got a job yet۔Can someone please tell me the errors in my profile? Here is my profile: my profile

Community Member

Hi Mike, 

Could you please do a review of my profile? As I'm new to this platform I don't know much but I am trying.

I have sent around 18 proposals but got no replies and views on my profile. Please review and help me out. 

Thanks in advance 


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Community Manager

Hi Vanshika,


Thank you for your message. I reviewed your profile and have some suggestions:

  • Consider removing "Hi this is Vanshika". Your name is clearly visible on your profile and in search results. The beginning of your profile overview displays in prospective client search results and it’s your first 200-character pitch. So, your first sentence should include clear, relevant information about your primary skill sets and expertise.
  • Your portfolio gives you the opportunity to impress potential clients with real-life examples of your skills and expertise. To help you look your best, consider showcasing 4+ examples of your best work. Learn more about building a great portfolio here.

To give a clear impression you’re the person the client wants to talk to, here are some additional tips for writing a great Overview

Community Member

Hey Mike,

I'm a student & completely new for this experience.Please help me out by going through my profile & suggesting me improvements to build a stronger one.

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