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Ehtisham's avatar
Ehtisham M Community Member

Unresponsive Client

If a client has already hired a freelancer for a job or project than why dont he just remove or deleted the job so no new offers are made by other freelancer as they lose their connects.

I am new on upwork and placed few bids by there was no response from clients for week
So just made me wonder that he might have hired someone already

So Dont you think projects should be closed so no new offers are made

An if this does happen than i think i am stuck with unresponsive clients

Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi Ehtisham,


Some clients may keep the job posting open if they plan to hire more than one freelancer on it. If they have already hired somebody through the job posting, that'll be reflected in the Activity on this job section like this. 


Thank you!



~ Bojan

View solution in original post

Rushaine's avatar
Rushaine S Community Member

i agree with you, it makes no sense, im new to upwork and cannot land a full time job i keep having to buy connects so i stopped buying,  they should have atleast reply to say the application is declined and delete the job post so people dont have to waste their connects. 

Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi Ehtisham,


Some clients may keep the job posting open if they plan to hire more than one freelancer on it. If they have already hired somebody through the job posting, that'll be reflected in the Activity on this job section like this. 


Thank you!



~ Bojan
Jason's avatar
Jason B Community Member

You can view how many people have been hired for a job before you submit a proposal.  Always check if "Hired: 1" displays on the job description before applying.  If it sounds like they only need to hire a single freelancer, and it shows 1 person hired, pass it.

Anand's avatar
Anand A Community Member

Yes I agree  , upwork should change the rules on this ,if a propsal with more the 4 connects goes after 5 days they may give choice to get back connects ,, hope they will do needful in this chaotic days

Susan's avatar
Susan G Community Member

I agree, I am new to Upwork myself and have bid on several projects. I have been ghosted on all but 1. If a client does not respond within 7 days Upwork should return our "connects" to us. 

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