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Uploading Images. Format? Size?

Uploading my portfolio images is soooo frustrating! What file size and format do you recommend? I've tried jpg's & pdf's. downsizing my images. I've changed names. I can upload some but not all. HELP! 

Community Member

Hi Dave,


I am sorry you are having issues with uploading your portfolio items. Images can be in .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png format and the maximum size is 5 mb.

~ Valeria

What do you suggest as an ideal image size for both a small picture to start that can be clicked and after clicking is 2-3 times larger than the original?


360x360, or 600x600?


Thanks in advance for your info.



Hi George,


We don't have any specific recommendations regarding the ideal image size. Since you will use the cropping tool to select the part of the image you want to display, you don't need to upload images of a specific dimension. The cropping tool will determine what shows up as the thumbnail image but once you click on the portfolio item, you will be able to see the full image.

~ Vladimir

Why does this keep happening no matter what size I use?

Hi Erik, 


The minimum dimensions for images are 400px width x 300px height , however 1000px width x 750px height is recommended. The maximum size is 5 MB for the thumbnail and 25 MB for attachments. Also, I'd also like to note that you should be able to resize the image on the thumbnail when you edit the portfolio item (Pencil icon > Add details > Pencil icon). 

~ Avery
Community Member

I just uploaded an image at 4:3 resolution with a width of 1000 PX and a height of 750 PX - just as advised.  No dice. See my screen shots below to prove the information on this forum is completely misleading.  One of you says don't worry, you can crop it - see the screenshots to see exactly how useless your crop tool is - if you want a 4:3 ratio, GIVE ME A 4:3 CROP TOOL.  YOUR CROP TOOL FORCES ME TO DESTROY MY IMAGES.  The website says "under 4000 PX in W or H", which is far too vague to mean anything.  WHY are you making this so difficult?  WHY can't I show off my 16:9 images, or my 1:1 images?  4:3 gets extremely boring, and we shooters like to mix it up so we can show a portfolio of varied skills.  WHY can't you people figure this out - this is the only forum I have ever used that is so problematic with image sizing, and I can't get a single straight answer.  Go work for SquareSpace and learn how they do it.  Never had a single issue.  You need to provide the correct tools as well as the correct information if you want my business.  Your entire system is far too cumbersome.

690 PX WIDE/4:3 is the correct size


Thanks for letting me know..

What is the correct height david?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi David, 

I looked into this further, and based on the "B.jpg" file, it is a vertical file with 750px in width and 1000px in height. The thumbnails on the portfolio in your profile are horizontal, and the recommended dimension is 1000px width x 750px height (the minimum dimension being 400px width x 300px height). This is working as designed, and I would recommend that you adjust your file accordingly so that the width is 1000px in width and the height is 750px in height. 

I will also take note of your post and share it with the team as feedback so that we can consider other dimensions for portfolio items.

~ Avery
Community Member

The first image to upload for portfolio is recommended to be 1000x750 but when you have to add 'details' that same file is too large even when adjusting the slider to the max, which means I have to create a different one for the second image. Not a deal breaker but an unnecessary hoop to jump through in my opinion. Also the dimension format is not really ideal for a print graphic designer, as most all things are oriented the other way. 

Community Member

**Edited for Community Guidelines**



This is file i want to upload on upwork . it size is 367 KB . but i am not able to upload it gives following error message.upwork.PNG 

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Abdullah,


Weโ€™ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to assist.

~ AJ

Erik, the aspect ratio for your images is not suitable here and that's why they get cropped and the text cannot fit. When you prepare an image for the project featured image you should use an artboard of 340x253px.

Many thanks Dorian. I was struggling with that too. The other answers about "size" are referring to file size, not dimensions. You got it exactly right. I could figure out what the issue was, but was having to trial-and-error the aspect ratio and max width. UPWORK' s note on the upload page says 690 pixels wide. Not. Kudos. And thanks!

Try another form of this screen shot! It is a problem of png I think.




hi. it would be great tortellinos people that they are able to double click and see the whole file then.
maybe i missed out on it, then my comment was wrong.but it took me 3 days to finally see that in your comment haha.



no this is not correct even with the image adjust tool you need to resize 

EXCUSE ME? My offers for Voiceovers are CONSTANTLY denied because something has to be in 4:3 ratio? I'm sending a wav or an Mp3! WHAT would have to be in 4:3 ratio? Here's the denial I keep getting from UPwork!

The cover image is not properly cropped

For the best results, consider images with a 4:3 aspect ratio that are less than 10 MB and under 4000 px in width or height. This allows you to showcase your project in the most professional way.


Attached is my demo that I always TRY to send with audition.

Patrick Dubord

Hi , Georg!

When I click on the image, the image remains cropped. And this is the same for any size I tried, it allows me to see only a part of the image.

how big in pixel dimensions size. My images get cut off around the edges.

What is file size length and wide?

Hi Liton,


The minimum dimensions for images are 400px width x 300px height , however 1000px width x 750px height is recommended. Thank you.

~ Goran

I tried to add the picture with 640px x 360px but I got the same old blad error "The image you selected does not fit the allowed dimensions. Use an image between 1000px (width) by 750px (height) and 4000px by 4000px."
Now this is annoying me that Upwork don't even finds the image size from property not even checks it for verification.


 This is โ€ƒthe image I tried and error pops up. So I recommend the Upwork team either fix it or remove the limitation


Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Sachin,


Weโ€™ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to assist.

~ AJ
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