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Ahmed's avatar
Ahmed M Community Member

We can't complete your request now.




Valeria's avatar
Valeria K Community Member

The issue has now been fixed! Please, let us know if you continue getting any errors when accessing the site or tracking time.


We appreciate your patience while we were getting this issue addressed.

~ Valeria

View solution in original post

Goran's avatar
Goran V Retired Team Member

Hi Ahmed,


I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you. We have a known problem and our engineering team is working to resolve it as soon as possible. For more details, you can check out our Status page on this Link. Thank you.

~ Goran
Frosina's avatar
Frosina D Community Member

I am unable to sign in to my Upwork account. I checked from my laptop and mobile and it shows the same error. Please help I need to work today. 

Vasanth's avatar
Vasanth S Community Member

Dear community.

Upwork is not currently opening now. Please look into it.


Mehvish's avatar
Mehvish A Community Member

Hi there can you please assist me with this error??? why it happened? i have been using Upwork since 3 months and have about $1100 and 5 currently active contracts too


Yousuf's avatar
Yousuf M Community Member

I am having the same issue. Can’t sign in to my upwork account, I keep getting that Error 500 (A) even when I go onto my phone and try to do anything on my account. This is very concerning to me because I have interviews and active jobs I need to attend to, please help me fix this ASAP.
Mehvish's avatar
Mehvish A Community Member

Hi there i am also facing the same error, Error 500 (FG), i don't why it happened and I am unable to open up a ticket with them it's appearing again and again whichever page I open, can you please help me out, 

Mehvish's avatar
Mehvish A Community Member

hey , did you got your problem solved already? and how long did it take to get access back to your account??

Maxim's avatar
Maxim N Community Member

I have same a problem

Mehvish's avatar
Mehvish A Community Member

Hi there, can you please tell me how long does it take by Upwork to sort this problem out? I am also facing this 502 error but when I track time it is capturing screenshots, but I am unable to check feeds  and when I click on my profile says profile not found but messages and contracts page is accessible,

can someone please please help me out??  

Neda's avatar
Neda H Community Member

Hello. I am having problem with my profile .
Niraj's avatar
Niraj C Community Member

Hi there,

getting wierd error message when i am clicking any job link from my job feeds also the same from when i am clicking the my profile link.

I have attached the screenshots.


Ali's avatar
Ali G Community Member

Ali's avatar
Ali G Community Member

Ali's avatar
Ali G Community Member

Mehvish's avatar
Mehvish A Community Member

Hey, I am facing the same error I am not sure why it happened as I was working normally and the time tracker was active, can you please let me know how long it normally takes by Upwork to resolve this issue??? this is seriously frustrating 😞 

Ricardo's avatar
Ricardo N Community Member

 [66806fae6c690fcd-ATL, 66806fae6c690fcd-ATL] I am receiving this error message and can't bid on invitations as a result.

Ming Han's avatar
Ming Han Y Community Member

I am running a single person account and almost everything I clicked on is either error or no permission. I cannot even see my own company report, its disgusting to see so many errors on a paid account and non existent support staff. Most of the issue I raised occurs to me in both desktop and mobile. Those issues have persists over a week, if it is a bug, it should have been fixed. 


Image 1: Error in accessing Upwork Support Page

Image 2: Error in Inviting freelancer 

Image 3: Error in Opening Freelancer Profile

Image 4: Error in Billing History Account 

Image 5: Cannot Complete Request 


Sheetal's avatar
Sheetal S Community Member

I am having the same issue right now. Whenever I try to click on my profile, I get "Freelancer profile not found". Please help!

Jonathan's avatar
Jonathan H Community Member

Just wondering if there is any known curent issues with the time tracker app, or if i'm on my own?


Keep getting a message stating 'connection lost' and my most recent 'current session' time has gone to zero and not added to the 'Todays time' section!


I'm sure (and hope) this will all be in the cache and sort itself out once a connection is re-established, just seems odd that messages is connected and working fine. As such wondered if anyone else was having this issue today?



Ivan's avatar
Ivan R Community Member

Same story for about a hour or two

Babar's avatar
Babar S Community Member

Was just gonna post about this. Getting the same issues for the past two hours or so.

Jonathan's avatar
Jonathan H Community Member

Great thank you - Safe to assume its nothing at my end thats gone wrong then - Sure things will be sorted soon enough 🙂


Thanks again

Jothie's avatar
Jothie M Community Member


All my submitted and active proposals have disappeared, even one that I am interviewing for, it hasn't been archived and isnt showing there. Can someone from Upwork assist?

ANUP's avatar
ANUP C Community Member

Same, i can't access billing too.

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