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meeting room

I have been trying to get out of the chat room for days now but i can't seem to be able to go back to messages. please help!Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 11-36-46 Messages.png







Hi Kevin,


Thank you for your message. The room shared in the screenshot is already archived. That said, you have already exited the said chat room.


Thank you,



so how do I see my messages?

Hi Kevin,


Thank you for your message. Apologies for the delay in responding to your follow up inquiry. I checked with our team and they have confirmed that we will be unable to unarchive the archived messages.


Thank you,


Community Member

I am facing a problem from several days, i changed the browser too, cleared the cashy, restart my laptop did my best but unable to see me messages except the one I am sharing here the screenshot, I want to exit the open message from upwork but I cant there is option on three dots to leave a room I even did not join any room but after clicking it shows unable to leave the room.



Hi Saima,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Just to clarify, did you receive a message from a client prior to the one that you received today? Because I can see this one showing on your account and you have replied to the client. If you have other messages prior to the screenshot you shared and the message from your client today, please let us know so we can check on them. Thank you.

~ AJ
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