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Clear visible bug

Hii everyone!


isn't it bug 15 to 20 proposal visible on post when I go inside job post it's 20 to 50 at same time. It's misrepresentations of proposal.


Mediator any thoughts on it? 

Thank you.

Best regards,



isn't it bug IMG_9007.jpegIMG_9008.jpeg


Hi Khushbu,


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I understand how inconsistencies in the number of proposals displayed can be concerning and may affect your decision-making process when considering job postings.


I would like to clarify that the proposals count seen on the job posts is just an estimated number range and there is a chance that it can fluctuate based on the proposals submitted and withdrawn by the applicant. I would still like to personally investigate this concern for you. Could you please click on my name above this post and share the link for the job post you are referring to? 


- Pradeep


Yeah sure

And it's means clients withdraw a lots of proposals?

Sorry for the confusion, Khushbu. I meant the proposals withdrawn by the freelancers. Also, if the client is already reviewing the proposals, they have the option to decline or archive proposals which can also affect the proposal count seen on the job post.


- Pradeep


Oh ohkay

Community Member

This time different locations In front it's showing different country when I open it's totally different country still isn't it bug nothing related to withdrawal of proposal and other factor it's bug with showing different data 😮



Hi Khushbu,


Thank you for sharing this. We’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to investigate this further. 

~ Luiggi
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